White Dragon Lord

Chapter 133: Shocking Explosion

Chapter 133: Shocking Explosion

Overseas islands.

Duke Silver Dragon sat on the floating tower and was responsible for dispatching and commanding. The legendary realm powerhouses performed their duties. The murloc team infiltrated everywhere. The search was proceeding in an orderly manner. In just one week, they had searched most of the huge overseas archipelago.

As each location was eliminated, the remaining locations were also on the agenda. Everyone thought that the work would continue in this way until the enemy's hiding place was found.

However, the smallest of the three main islands, Glamorgan, suddenly burst out of terrifying energy fluctuations, completely disrupting the layout of the Silver Dragon Grand Duke.

The legendary powerhouses who were awakened quickly returned to the floating tower. Then, the floating tower started to teleport and disappeared from the sight of the White Dragon Lord.

Non-staff personnel---Lord White Dragon flew in the sky, looking solemnly at the distant skies. The clouds above Gramorgan Island were rendered blood red by the terrifying energy like a volcanic eruption. Although Lord White Dragon was far away, he could still feel the aura of the abyss that was overbearing and domineering.

It was by no means ordinary demons who were arriving.

Realising that the next battle was definitely not small-scale, Amos ordered all the murlocs to return to the White Fort. Although he didn't know what was about to happen, it was always right to be far from the centre of the battlefield.

After flying for a long time, Lord White Dragon suddenly heard a terrifying roar, with endless anger and killing intent in the voice. He was shocked in his heart and looked back in the direction of Glamorgan.

He saw a burst of strong light on the island, illuminating the entire sky, like a super light bulb of 10,000 watts. Then, a terrifying black cloud rose, straight into the sky, creating a terrifying shock wave that spread in all directions.

The first beings who felt the disaster were the ordinary animals on the earth, and the fish and shrimps in the sea. The animals ran out of their hidden dwellings madly, came to the ground, and appeared restless and anxious. The fish and shrimps also came out of the sea regardless of their race and size.

Predators and prey ran wildly around. Even if they collided with each other, they would immediately get up and run away.

The first thing that was transmitted was the wild trembling of the ground. Under the power of the terrifying explosion, the earth shook violently, debris flew down, and the sea churned.

Immediately after the shock wave of the explosion came, even though Amos was thousands of miles away, he was almost out of balance by the terrifying wind. The trees on the ground were pushed to one side by the wind and rocked from side to side like a tumbler.

Lord White Dragon was horrified in his heart. After he stabilized his body, he flapped his wings and gained some altitude, looking in the direction of Glamorgan with a dazed expression on his face.

Although Glamorgan was the smallest of the three main islands, its area was much larger than any other large island.

Now, in the eyes of Lord White Dragon high in the sky, a huge crater appeared in Glamorgan, directly turning the originally irregular circular island into a long and narrow crescent shape, and sea water was constantly pouring into the newly-emerged cavity.

The area of Glamorgan had been reduced by nearly two-thirds!

The original lush green forest turned into a piece of scorched earth, and further away, trees fell to the ground in a radial pattern. The impact of the explosion covered a quarter of the overseas islands.

Lord White Dragon couldn't help worrying about the people who rushed there. He didn't know if Duke Silver Dragon and others could survive this catastrophe.

After the explosion, in the cloudless sky, a black hole appeared, revealing a dozen or so floating towers, clustered around a huge floating city.

This is Nordhill's top strength, right?


Two days later, Lord White Dragon received the news from the Nine Eyes Alliance.

The 607th level lord of the bottomless abyss, the Lord of Darkness---Aleister tried to use the half dimension as a springboard to forcefully descend to Nordhill, and was intercepted by the Duke Silver Dragon who arrived in the nick of time, and used the superb attack power of the floating tower.

Supported by the strongest mage in the mainland, the leader of the Emerald Tower---Merlin Tanley's reinforcements, the Lord of Darkness was seriously injured and was defeated. The angry demon lord struck a final blow, detonating a thousand holes in the sub-dimensional plane, causing this world-shaking explosion.

The battle ended with the Demon Lord severely injured, while the floating tower was completely destroyed.The legendary squad was eradicated, and the Great Duke Silver Dragon was severely injured and was unconscious ever since.

After reading the information in his hand, Lord White Dragon felt complicated. Although he didn't communicate much with the members of the legendary squad, they were good ones. When he finally met an acquaintance who could say a few words, they suddenly disappeared.

He only now understands why the strong in Nordhill would set up the Guardian Council to block the Dimensional Wall to supervise the newly born Legends on the entire plane, and absorb all power to deal with the demons.

Because in the face of the catastrophe, the struggle within the plane, was not something to be joked about.

The White Dragon Lord lay on the throne, his dragon fingers lifted up and lightly tapped the throne under him.

Now that the overseas archipelago was cleaned, many of the top predators on the islands had been killed by the legendary powerhouses. It was the best time for the White Castle to expand.

"Bucky Darkscale!"

"What orders does the master have for me?"

"You are responsible for arranging manpower to occupy the islands cleaned up these days."

"I will follow your will!"


"I'm going to the south of the mainland. You take care of things here!"


The Duke Silver Dragon was seriously injured, and in the past, the Silver Dragon had given help to the White Dragon before, and they searched for demon traces together, plus he wanted to visit the Nine Eyes Alliance, so he intended to go to the south of the continent.

In the White Castle, Ghoul-Garu and Willy, who was entering his youth, were in charge, so the White Dragon Lord was also relieved.

The Great Duke Silver Dragon was also a dragon lord. His territory was located in the most prosperous zone in the south of the mainland. It was separated from the overseas islands in the east of the mainland within the Boton Dynasty, the strongest empire of the mainland.

Therefore, the White Dragon Lord planned to go to the city of Sabel, the capital of Kingdom of Lowe, and directly teleport to the south of the mainland through the teleportation magic circle of the royal capital.

In the sky of this other world, clear and without pollution, under the brilliant starry sky, the Lord White dragon leisurely flapped his wings, which was different from the wariness he felt during his young dragon phase. Now, he had the ability to protect himself.

He could travel through the fields and cities with confidence, without worrying about attracting the attention of dragon hunters, because the average dragon hunter was not an opponent of the white dragon, and a legendary dragon hunter would not come to look for trouble with the famous white dragon.

It took the White Dragon Lord nearly a day to arrive at the royal capital of the Lowe Kingdom at dawn.

Even at dawn, the guards on the tall walls of the city of Sabel were still full of energy and concentrated on their task.

They immediately noticed the white dragon flying close to the horizon, blew the horn in their hands, pulled the bowstring of their crossbow, and mounted a five-meter-long, special crossbow arrow.

Amos kept a safe distance and waited quietly. After a while, a legendary warrior flew out of the capital.

It was the legendary warrior who had a fateful encounter with him---Jayce Hebron.

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