While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 578: Moving in

Chapter 578: Moving in

"Otto will take you to that place. There is a small forest beside that place, so if you think you can handle the monsters, taking down some of the trees and turning them into a simple hut should pose any problem for you. Now, get lost."

With this simple sentence, the lord swing his hand away from his body, as if he was swatting a fly away. Seeing that his attention already returned to the papers placed on his table, I realised that there was no point in lingering in the chamber anymore. Even though I have yet to closely inspect the place that would most likely be my home for the foreseeable future, I could already feel the pioneering drive erupting in my soul.

Back on earth, someone wise once claimed that all those who were born to be pioneers were born in the worst age possible. Too late to explore and colonise the planet, too early to do the same with the universe. As such, I was only capable of fulfilling my dreams of building something from scratch by playing some stupid and simplified sandbox games. But now, the situation changed.

With all the events that occupied my attention up to this point, I never really had any time to focus on living a fulfilling life. At first, I had to grow up as a human and heavily invest in my intelligence to get rid of my former idiocy. Then, I had to acquire enough strength to not let others destroy my life on a whim. Then, the entire mess with Eve's injury came to be, pushing me to the limits of my endurance, both mental and physical.

Looking back, today was my first chance to finally start doing something that I always vibed with, yet as if the greater will that controlled all the events in this universe was keen on keeping me occupied, I already had a lot of stuff to sort out stockpiled on my to-do list!

Starting with opening the gifts that I received from achieving doomsday class magic, through all the doubts, hesitations and ideas I got from my wisdom visions, all the way at the peculiar behaviour of the local lord ending It would take me a long time before I could finally rest easy and just enjoy a simple notion of chopping up a firewood just for the sake of creating a nice and cosy atmosphere in the wooden hut that I would soon create!

"How did it go? Are you okay?"

As soon as we left the premises of the castle, the same young man, apparently called Otto, instantly approached us with a worried look on his face. But rather than enjoying how he was worried about us, I couldn't help but ignore his question with how busy I currently was with sorting all the ideas for what should I do first once we would arrive in the designated spot.

"Yeah, it went all surprisingly smooth. I think the lord just didn't want to make more enemies than he already has."

Replying to Otto's question in my stead, Eve forced herself to speed up a bit, reaching for my arm as soon as it entered her hands range.

"That is good."

Clearly surprised by this unexpected outcome, Otto shook his head to get rid of the idle thoughts that most likely appeared where his predicted course of action turned out to be nothing more but a failed premonition.

"Anyway, Lord Makay told us that you could lead us to a certain place But to be honest, I already know how to get there, so I won't force you to waste any more of your time. Thanks for the help so far. May we meet again!"

With how I was about to settle in this place, it was obvious that I would stumble upon this young man on a daily basis unless the rest of the housing under the Lord was a lot further away than what I deduced from the map in the Lord's chamber. Thankfully, Otto only nodded in response with gratitude clearly written on his face.

"Let's go!"

Rather than bothering myself with walking all the way to the designated spot, I calculated the direct path between the point we were in and the point I wanted to reach before opening a direct portal that would save us walking several kilometres on foot. And to be quite frank, I hoped that I would get to once again see the details of the world created within the void once again!

Sadly, this time nothing of importance happened. Maybe due to the continuous expelling of my energy, the part of my body or soul that resulted in the destruction of the void earlier was no longer in place, limiting me to watching the events in that world as if I could only access a single satellite hidden behind an enormous gas cloud and only capable of occasionally catching a glimpse at the part of the universe where the galaxy holding that strangely earthlike world was.


As soon as we stepped out on the other end of the portal, all three of us unanimously stood up, frozen in place, with a simple shout of astonishment coming out from our mouths. 

Even with all the strength that we could output today, even after seeing all sorts of places in our lives, even with the past me occasionally staring into the wonders of my home galaxy, the sight that was in front of us was simply awe-inspiring. 

A small clearing, surrounded by three sides by a thick line of lush greenery, that slowly gave way to the army of the trees the further away from the clearing one would go. The only exposed side of the location gave one a perfect view at the nearby stream, but as long as one would bother to raise his eyes a bit up, they would get to stare at an enormous chain of the mountains, seemingly reaching all the way to the open space!

"So this place will be our home from now on."

Only capable of softly whispering, Eve was just as moved as I was. Just this sight alone was enough to remind all three of us that in the face of the true forces of nature, no kind of human creativity could ever dare to lift its head and act proudly!

The crevasses sculpted out from the otherwise solid walls of the mountains resembled some kind of ancient, runic writing, allowing one to achieve a state of great focus and immersion with just a quick moment of staring at it. At the same time, the gentle flow of the moderately sized stream continued to calm one's senses, making all the problems that would otherwise occupy one's head seem so distant that they didn't matter at all anymore!

"Yeah. But for now, we still need to make a home for ourselves!"

Saying those words, I extracted the tiniest bit of energy from my body, before turning it into a simple shockwave and sending it towards the nearest gathering of the trees. Just like the Lord himself mentioned, if I was capable of facing demonic beasts, then cutting some trees without tools wouldn't classify into any other category but a hindrance!

"Tell me, how many rooms do you want me to make?"

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