While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 574: Count's guards

Chapter 574: Count's guards

"What the heck"

The first one to react to my sudden and smooth getting into my bullshiting role, was Celleria. Even more exasperated than the men surrounding us, she looked at me as if she was watching someone with a rare case of mental health problem.

"Who are you?!"

Ignoring this stupid girl, I raised my eyes with a deadly grin in my pupils. Considering how I could take them all up by myself, I didn't need to worry about the girls behind me. Not with all the new tricks that I recently found in my sleeve!

But I guess twisting the situation so much, was more than those local people could handle. Not only did they react in just a fraction of a second, surrounding a potential threat before it could start its rampage, not only did they manage to hold a group of three strange people in nearly a perfect control, but despite all of that the single man in that group was actually daring enough to call them out? With my face still twisted in the expression required to make my bullshit believable, I was barely capable of holding myself from giggling at their confused reaction!

"Hey, we asked first!"

Breaking the line and stepping forward, one of the weaker and younger participants of this group of locals clearly couldn't handle the situation. Pouting as if my words deprived him of the joy of playing a tough guy, he continued to shake his long spear right at my face.

So I broke its blade away.

One would be mistaken if he took those words for me actually moving. With how little effort was required to turn this subpar weapon into nothing more than a pile of dust, rather than wasting all the energy required to actually lift my hand, grab the wood of the spear and then break it in two, I extracted a bit of the entropy from the free magic around the spear, instantly releasing it to wreck havoc.

Obviously, with how little entropy I brought up with that action, eradicating a thin layer of the wood was entirely within its means, but it dissipated into the thin air right after, leaving no traces of my small trick.

"I will ask once again."

Suddenly straightening myself up, I raised my sight and looked over the group before my eyes rested on the face of the clear leader of this group. 

"You. Who are you guys? I would advice against making me ask this question for the third time."

Rather than infusing my voice with any form of threat or killing intent, I asked this question in a carefree voice, as if just thought of someone disobeying me was harder to imagine than the idea of killing a god while being mortal oneself.

"We are the guards of his lordship, Count Makay. Now that we made our introductions, I think its the time for you guys to reveal your own allegation!"

For some reason, the man that stood in front of me didn't even budge when my extreme casualness was enough to put his entire unit on the edge. But rather than lamenting over this fact, I simply smiled and reached forth with my hand, placing it on top of the leader's shoulder before he could even think about dodging it.

"You don't need to mind us. I'm Bart, this is my Fiancee Eve, and her sister Celleria. We were inside the royal chambers of Heptanian Dynasty when somehow we appeared there. Would you mind telling us how to get back to the Kirelian Empire?"

Spewing the random names, I could watch with glee how the entire group, along with both Eve and Celleria, entered into an even deeper pit of confusion. Yet, surprisingly enough, the man in front of me somehow managed to remain composed, even when I uttered obviously fake names right in his face, disregarding any form of respect that he expected me to treat him with!

"I'm sorry, but all the names you brough up sir, are unfamiliar to me. I'm worried that the part of the world you came from Is really far from this place."

This time, it was this young man's turn to surprise me. With a wave of his hand, he made his entire unit lower their weapons as if assuming that my words were true. Maybe he was just that stupid, or maybe he realised that I had enough power to kill him with just a single thought of mine? either way, no matter whether this man believed my words or not, the initial trouble was already solved. 

"So that's the case I guess we will have ample time to prepare to get back at those bastards"

Once again clouding my face with the bout of fury, I allowed it to linger on my expression for a bit long enough for the others to notice it, before washing it away with a simple smile.

"Respectable warrior, would you be please as kind as to introduce us to this lord you mentioned to serve under a moment ago? It would be lovely if we could assess our situation from the person best oriented in local affairs. Who knows, maybe that count figure you mentioned might have at least an idea how could we get back to our homeland?"

Rather than easing the entire situation up and opting to push those guards aside, I decided that it would be simply easier to start our journey on this continent in a more official way. By squeezing all the information necessary from the local lord, I could use some of my knowledge to win his sympathy, opening a way for the three of us to comfortably settle in this place!

"Excuse me sir But I don't think meeting with the lord would be a good idea"

With his eyes wandering over on the two girls behind me for a moment, the head of the guards quickly escaped with his gaze away, as if something troublesome was going through his mind.

"I will take your group as just some stray travellers. It would be advised if you left those lands as soon and as quickly as you can!"

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