While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 571: To the great continent we go!

Chapter 571: To the great continent we go!

"Ahhh That's what I was missing"

Seeing how Eve was relaxing and tensing up again and again to the point where even saying that single sentence posed quite a bit challenge to her, made me feel fulfilled. After all, outside of all the bodily factors that came into intercourse, there was still both the emotional and the pride aspects of laying down with someone!

But rather than thinking about those useless things, I slid my hands down on her waist, locking her abdomen in my embrace before pulling the two of us together to the back. Rather than seeing her enjoying the climax with her face pushed into the dirt, I preferred to have her rest against my chest, adding the cuddly pleasure on top of the fulfilled lust of ours.

"Are you done now?"

Only at this point was I capable of diverting my attention away from my dearest fiance to this nagging step-sister of hers. Yet, just a single look at her furious face filled with embarrassment at the same time, was enough to drain me out of the little motivation I had to actually bother with her.

"What do you want? Not only you couldn't leave us alone when we were busy, but you also seemed to enjoy the show, so at least stop acting as if you were wronged here!"

Rather than allowing her to set the mood of our talk, I finally unleashed my own anger. With how she was the one responsible from breaking our private time the last time we could get at it, my entire soul cried when I heard her appearing a few moments ago, worried that she would repeat her actions of cockblocking me once again. If not for Eve insisting with all her actions and soul to continue, I could very well be a very angry man right now!

And considering what kind of power I recently acquired, it was better if I kept my mood positive!

"This world was about to come to an end for a moment just recently, and you didn't even notice it! How could I not be angry? Don't you realise that I no longer trust in your ability to keep me safe on the great continent, not to speak about getting there in the first place?!"

Hearing how she couldn't stop her nagging and even dared to start doubting my capabilities, I felt my blood riling up. Still keeping Eve on top of my lap and allowing her to ignore the commotion so that she could enjoy her pleasure for a little while longer, I simply swiped my hand, quickly creating a new portal. With all the times I did it previously, all the steps required to do so safely were already deeply ingrained in my soul, allowing me to do it nearly without thinking. And let's not forget how my increased energy affinity seemed to make the magic control as many times easier as many times it increased the strength I was capable of creating from the said amount of energy!

"Here, a portal that will take you somewhere on the great continent. Are you happy now?"

Despite how she was initially supposed to be our guide in that place, with how she was constantly nagging and bothering us, and with how I was capable of casing doom-class spells now, I didn't think that we would be in such a bad spot without her. 

After all, if someone discovered that we were not supposed to be in that continent in the first place, then all I had to do was to blast the entire area where said person was into smithereens!

"Are you serious? If it leads to some random place, you could just kill me on the spot and it would have the same effect!"

Seeing how Celleria almost instantly backed out from the black gate of the portal, I realised that her words made sense. Just like on the first continent I appeared when I transmigrated, if I were unlucky enough to start my life in this world in some kind of forbidden area, just like Pengu's lair, then this reincarnated life of mine would come to a swift end!

"Okay, fair enough. Now, can you give us some time to clean ourselves up? You already nagged us enough."

To my surprise, it was Eve who responded to her step-sister this time. But considering how annoying she was to the two of us, it only made sense that she wanted to get clear from this one bothering element of our life as soon as possible.

"As for that apocalyptic thing you noticed, its something I did. So no, it's not like I didn't notice it, but rather I already managed to make sure it's safe before allowing myself some leisure. So for now, please be so kind as to get off my head, and just wait while we will get ready."

With how Celleria pressed us to finally move to the great continent and with how all the matters that we had to deal with were already done, there was no reason to stay in this island anymore. After all, the teleportation seed was still safely stored in the dirt beside the road, so if at any time I would like to go back here, either to test something out or just to visit my overly cute pengu, I could do it without any real problem!

And just like I said, we didn't waste any more time. Storing the mix of our fluids in a condensed sphere of magic, I surrounded the two of us with another layer of my energy, before condensing it to the point where it was both tangible and visible to the naked eye, making it impossible for anyone to accuse the two of us of indecency. 

With another swipe of my hand, I created yet another portal, this time, reaching far shorter than where I expected the shores of this grand continent to be. After all, with how quick I was able to create them, if we were to appear above the sea, we could just use our eyes to check whether the land is already visible, before doing another jump!

"Okay everyone, this ride might be a little thought, so let's hope it will go without any real problem. See you on the other side!"

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