While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 563: Finding a comfortable spot for the visions

Chapter 563: Finding a comfortable spot for the visions

"This place will suffice. Can I count on you to make sure nothing and nobody will hinder me for the foreseeable future?"

With my legs crossed, I was already sitting in the middle of a small clearing that I found while diving through the clouds with my flight spell. Considering how I couldn't guess what kind of changes would those visions of mine induce in my body or in my cultivation, I preferred to stay as far away from others. After all, it would be a pity to turn the entire heavenly city into nothing more than a pile of dust if my cultivation were to reach higher levels thanks to the greater understanding of the crux of the world that I would gain during my visions!

"Sure, love. But are you certain we will be okay with just the two of us? Do you really think that leaving Celleria back in that destroyed village was a good idea?"

Stealing a glance, I could see a look of concern on the face of my beloved. But rather than calmly accepting her slight protests or hesitations as the godsent divination, this time, I had to stay strong with my decisions.

"I'm sorry dear, but everything that includes Bonger, outside of his avatar itself, needs to be kept as secretive as possible. If she were to learn that I can see through the crux of everything that I learned on several occasions, do you really think she wouldn't betray us for someone, who could use this knowledge for himself?"

As much as I hated it, that was the general rule of this world. Being special was not a blessing, but a curse. Unless I could reach an absolute pinnacle of both parts of the worlds, there would always be this lingering doubt, whether I and my family would be safe from any sneak attacks. 

While there was a way to circumvent this problem by creating some kind of powerful family that would rule over the continents with a domineering hand, doing so would create its own repercussions. After all, wasn't that the main theme of most of the stupid cultivation novels? A stupid young master from all-powerful family slapping the future main character of someone's own story, only to see the same man, killing every man in the clan and enslaving every woman of the family into his harem?

No matter what kind of action I would try to take, it would always have its own flaws and shortcomings, making standing at the very top of the both words the only feasible way to live the rest of my life in a peaceful manner were I to be open about how special I was thanks to Bonger's help. 

"I get it, I get it. I will make sure no one will try to intrude while you will be immersed in that training of yours. So, here is a good luck charm from me" 

Leaning over my face, Eve exposed her delicious cleavage, only to block my eyes with her beautiful face, as her lips reached for mine. With the momentary feeling of her wet, soft mouth tightly pressing against mine, all the spare thoughts about the future problems and challenges disappeared from my head. With the huge turmoil in front of me, I was daring enough to hold Eve's chin in place, while opening my eyes and staring directly into her pupils. But just before our blood would boil beyond the point that we could still rationally control, I forced myself to pushed her lightly aside. 

"Dear As much as I would love to continue, I have the feeling that doing so would lead to the two of us just going at it For long enough to make others worried to the point where they would start searching for us! How about we put it off for now, and get right back at it the moment I will be done with those visions?"

As much as I knew that being able to understand everything that I know, to sort and comprehend all the information that so far, made very little if any sense to me, was a great gift, the longer it took for me to actually get into those visions, the more I treated it as nothing more than a burden. 

This was the main reason why I was capable of holding myself back at this moment, despite how I knew that neither one of us had enough of our closeness after just that single time we had sex after Eve woke up!

"Okay, okay, I know we shouldn't do so. Just promise me, that before we will go to that great continent where people will be once again strong enough to pose a threat to our safety, we will have all the time in the world to finally enjoy our reunion!"

Despite being as far away from me as her arm could reach, when hearing Eve's sweet voice, I felt as if she was right beside me. But rather than enjoying her company, I had to kill all the feelings of longing in me, finally finding the strength in myself to focus on the library tool that still held a vast sea of information that I have yet to even look through.

"I promise. I'm the one responsible for awakening those urges of yours, so I will fulfil any wish that you might have as soon as I'm done. But now, I really need to focus. So, thank you for your encouragement, and see you when I'm done!"

Seeing how hard it was on me to keep my attention away from her, Eve only giggled before patting me on the head and finally standing up properly, before moving away to the line of the trees. With her speed, even if some beast dared to jump on me, she would still be easily capable of catching up to it.

"Now Let's begin the boring part"

Speaking to myself, I finally immersed my consciousness in the insane wealth of knowledge that this database tool of mine has gathered, slowly going through all the parts of information that I found crucial for the real understanding of the entire world. 

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