While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 363: Setting out

Chapter 363: Setting out

"That's actually quite intriguing"

In fact, more than the whole matter of princess and the hero, I was alarmed by the whole process. Even if the hero would always die after finishing his tasks, it wouldn't matter at all for me But if I wanted to subjugate all those people for the sake of bringing them under my leash, I had to prevent the appearance of their hero at all costs!

Even if I was reluctant to acknowledge myths or legends as a reliable source of information, with had to accept the fact that there was always a seed of truth somewhere in them. I could clearly remember how the visitor from the other island gave off clearly more powerful vibes than the Overlord himself did. If I took it as a point of reference for the potential strength of the invaders, that would mean that this so-called hero of the people was even stronger than them! 

If I allowed this hero to solve all their problems in my place, I would have no leverage over those people! That meant that not only I had to hurry up to round up and bring back all the remaining slaves to my own island, but I also had to prevent the appearance of the hero if I wanted to bring back all those people who managed to escape from Overlord's clutches!

"But there is something I don't really understand. If you could rely on the hero to save you from the invaders, how come did your tribe end up losing to the Overlord? How come there are other tribes on your former island if you always managed to repel their aggression?"

Those two aspects didn't add up. Even if I took the lack of precision in legends as the lead, this still wouldn't allow me to explain how the heck those foreign tribes managed to end up as the number one force on the island! 

"It's our own fault. We simply showed too much mercy for the survivors. The same happened with Overlord. When he first showed up, he only wanted to trade. Then as the time went by, his influence grew, he settled on the island, and before we managed to notice what was happening, he was already way stronger than anything we could cope with. In the end, those damn invaders took us not frontally, but by the surprise!"

Gabriel was about to smash his fist into the small stool between us, only to stop it barely a few centimetres away from the wooden top of the desk as only now did the realisation of where he was managed to replace the anger at the past events.

"So that's how it is Okay then. Before we leave, I want you to tell me how to find these ancestral grounds that everyone claimed to be the place where the refugees escaped to. I really don't like the idea of roaming the entire island only to find a place I could get to just by asking."

Standing up, I kinda forced the Gabriel to do the same. Even if I didn't mind such details, I couldn't say the same about the opposite party. In the end, it worked for me, because as soon as he would tell me how to get to the ceremonial grounds, I would've to ask him to leave. After all, since I didn't want others to learn how I allowed him to enter the tower, leaving him here as I would travel to the island would be sensible either!

"That's the knowledge that only the tribal leaders are supposed to possess But in reality, Your lordship only needs to head for the perfect centre of the island. From what I heard, those who had ever spilt the blood of our tribe, won't be able to enter that place, but I don't think this will apply to your Lordship!"

That was quite an interesting remark! Thinking about this, since I deflowered Heila, did this count as spilling her blood? After all, in the heat of that moment, I didn't bother to check whether she painted the blanket red back then! But there was no point thinking about it. As always, legends had to be infinitely vague in order for the leaders folk to interpret them in any way that suited their needs, so I doubted that there was really such a countermeasure in place. Most likely, that place was just hardly accessible for anyone who didn't know the exact route Or at least, for anyone whose physical capabilities were on par with the people from those primitive tribes!

"Okay then. Since I will be leaving right now, I want you to pass the news to everyone else. By the time I will be back, you need to pick your leader, and get him to decide how will the houses divided between everyone. Just keep in mind that most of their applicancies are not in place yet, so try to not to break anything. Also, if I see someone covered in mud sleeping in the bed"

I didn't need to finish the sentence. Just the sheer fright that appeared on suddenly blanked face of Gabriel was enough to serve as confirmation that he understood the hidden meaning of my words.

Leading him back to the subdimension, I peeked at the state of my warehouse back in the real world, only to be left disappointed. I still didn't have enough to build the house on the second level! With the order to pick the local leader, I wanted to accent his position by giving him the house not only located closer to the tower but also way better than any other present in the normal neighbourhoods.

Seeing how insane amounts of mana I would've to invest in order to ignore the material's costs, I decided that in the current situation, I had no other choice than to push this matter to when I would be back. I already scared the Gabriel a bit, so I had to make sure to not forget about the proper incentives bound with working hard for my sake!

As soon as we stepped back to the small world, I couldn't help but feel that something wasn't right. The time we spent in the tower could amount up to half an hour, so even with the difference of the flow in time amounting to two times, there should still be some time before the dawn, yet the first rays of the sun - or whatever was lighting this place - were already visible in the distance!

Shrugging my arms, I pushed this matter to the back of my head. No matter what, I had to make the most of the time that I had left. If Heila or Jessie would wake up and notice my actions before I would manage to escape this dimension with one of the canopies, I would have to waste even more time on talking things out with them!

Luckily, the late hour at which the feast finally concluded, made everyone deeply asleep as early as at the very begging of the dawn. Using the opportunity, I snatched one of the canopies and pulled it all the way to the gate leading to the real world. 

Going back to the desert of my island, once again greeted me with the unyielding noise of the entire factory worth of machines working hard to produce more and more resources for my future use. Looking at this brick-like building with barely any decorations for a moment, I couldn't help but smile. 

If my plan to bring even more people would be successful, I couldn't help but want to see their reactions when they would see this monstrosity! But for now, I had to get to the shore, push the boat strongly enough to not bother with oaring my way to where the sea current was, and pick the place where I would want to angle out of it in order to land on the other island.

With how I was going to visit the ancestral site of Gabriel's folk, I couldn't just land in the same place I used all those previous times. Even if I took  Overlord for a stupid piece of an arrogant prick, I couldn't just assume that he left that part of the shore unattended, with how I claimed I would come back for the remaining slaves in the near future!

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