While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 358: Laying out the foundations

Chapter 358: Laying out the foundations

Taking how fast this dimension was expanding with each newcomer, I decided to start the village at the very edge of this small world. Even if it was only the song of the future, I hoped that with time, more and more people would start living here, turning it from a tribal community into a thriving and developed society. With that in mind, starting to develop this land from its very centre might be the easiest way, but it would severely limit any future expansion of this core place!

Contrary to the buildings, farming fields could be located anywhere, without any harm if it came to relocating them later on. That's why I brought everyone with me. To make sure they would understand this point, even if I refrained from explaining my reasons for this decision.

"Listen up. I know that some of you might be wondering why I want all the houses to look exactly the same, but I'm not gonna bother to explain it too much. In short words, instead of making this place look nice, I want it to be as usefull as it can be. Since we are starting from scratch, let's make sure to not handicap ourselves later on!"

Focusing for a moment, I extracted a long strand of entropy from my body, only to coat it with a thin layer of pure mana. To be honest, even with such approach, grabbing it was pointless, as it exists on an entirely different plane, but for the sake of the spectators looking at the show, I pretend to catch it with my right hand, before dipping the tip of this stick-like bout of mana into the ground.


At first, the earth bent under the pressure, but as soon as I retracted the coating from the tip, it started sizzling as the soil instantly evaporated under the onslaught of the entropy. Looking at this process, I couldn't help but wonder once again what happened to the matter that encountered my element of chaos. From the basic laws of thermodynamics that I could remember only because how often it was used in various novels, I knew that neither matter nor energy could stop existing, it could only transform. If that was the case, what was happening to the earth?

Shaking my head lightly, I pushed those thoughts aside and focused back on the pseudodrawing I was making on the ground. Taking the tower in the distance as the reference, I drew an imaginary circle with it in the middle, extending all the way to my current position. Taking the radius between me and the tower into account, I carved a perpendicular line, about five meters long, before adding the longer side of the rectangle, twice the length of the side facing the tower. 

With how most of the people that I brought to my world used to live in the huts and wooden sheds, forcing all the housing to be uniformly created buildings was a must. Not only I had to take the efficient use of the space in mind, with a single layout of the housing for everyone, but I could also hinder the inevitable creation of social classes and divides later on. 

As soon as the rectangle was clearly drawn on the ground, I added another one, five on two meters big, that for now, would serve as the small terrace, and in the future could be replaced with a more modern approach to the problem of sanitization. 

Comming from modern society, I couldn't make any excuses when it came to the problem of creating sewers and providing running water for everyone. While the problem of foundations and walls could be solved by one of the appliances I remember existing in my stronghold creating tool, I had no idea where, to begin with, any more elaborate projects. 

Since I knew that I was simply incapable of either creating a proper project for the sewers or any other necessary aspect of city services, I had to simply use the methods that people used in the older types of the towns, all across the globe!

I can't provide the running water? Then I create small neighbourhoods with a well in the middle of every single one of them! There is no way to create proper toilets for everyone? Then we will have to make with the outhouses and a designated group of the people going around the city and regularly emptying the buried barrels before scattering this primitive fertilizer on the fields.

Most of the things I would love to improve were simply too complicated and required all sorts of services to be put in place beforehand!

So instead of racking my brains over how could I solve all those problems, it would be better to simply outline the basic structure of the house, before going through the endless list of the tools offered by the system that could be used as alternatives!

Taking the magical water pool as an example, as long as I would place it in some kind of barrel high above the ground before connecting it to all the houses with some sort of small pipes, I could create a basic mechanism for running water!

But all of that was something that could be solved in the future. For now, I had to start with drawing out the outline for the entire village, before telling all the men to dig it out! 

"Listen up guys. I need you to dig up everything inside the lines I created. I want it to be at least one meter deep. I will go check out how the preparations for the dinner are going, and be back with you in a jiffy. Ah, you can drop all the soil to the side, just make sure it won't fall back into the pit!"

With this done, I could finally free myself from this mundane task. While I could see that the female group were almost finished with the task I gave to them, I choose to immerse myself into the stronghold creation tool instead. As long as I could find this one specific thing I saw there a few days ago, construction of the village would speed up to an insane degree!

As my vision faded once again only to be replaced with the familiar sight of countless windows with all sorts of data, options and products, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by it.

Why are all those tools looking like some a program made by first-year IT student? Is categorising all the possible tools into neatly arranged lists too much to ask for?

"What else do you want? Should I arrange for some female phantom to cheer you one whenever you find something interesting?"

For some reason, whenever I was inside the system tool interface, Bonger's voice felt natural, as if speaking with him while in my normal state of mind was breaking some sort of basic law of the universe.

Female phantom? No, thanks. But if you could sort out all those items into their respective categories, I would be more than indebted to you!

With no hands or any form of body to speak off existing in the world of the tool's interface, I could only look at the specific window in order to point it out to Bonger what I had in mind. Thinking about it, with how he could freely read my mind - which he stressed out repeatedly during our adventures together - even this sort of action was more for my own comfort rather than helping him to understand what I meant!

"Eh Okay then, but don't blame me for what will happen next!"

With this warning, my entire vision blurred once again, only for most of the windows to disappear as soon as it came back, replaced by a list of words that made me understand the real meaning behind Bonger's earlier words.


"I told you! Don't you dare to put the blame on me now! It's not my fault you keep forgetting that I'm I can only be reactive, not proactive!"

I know it! But just as you already know it, you damned mind-reading parasite, I have this compelling urge to get back to the normal world and bang my head against the tower for as long as it would take it for some bugs to appear in your stupid sourcecode!

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