While Others Are Practicing Leveling, I Am Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 49: Fu-Refining Realm!

Chapter 49: Fu-Refining Realm!

Chapter 49 Refining Fu Realm!

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

He once offered spiritual rice once before, but was tortured to death by an old man's guardian.

Others spoke softly during that simulation, and the Dharma protector seemed to be a radical member of the fanatic sect, so this was the result.

This shadow guardian law is slightly more normal. As long as he acts carefully and keeps the alchemy technique firmly in his own hands, there will be no problem.

Su Xing thought so and continued the simulation.

The Shadow Protector was overjoyed about this. He asked his men to fetch more than a hundred medicinal plants and asked you to refine the healing elixir.

You spent three days refining one hundred healing pills, secretly withheld fifty pills and ninety medicinal plants, and only offered fifty healing pills.

After the Shadow Protector heard that you had successfully refined it, he came to learn from it himself. He asked his subordinates to try your healing pill and found that it had a good healing effect on master-level professionals.

The Shadow Protector is very satisfied with your performance. He tells you that as long as you work hard, you will be able to become a new generation of elders within three years.

You pretended to be flattered and became more respectful to the Shadow Protector. The Shadow Protector became more satisfied with your attitude and gave you more elixirs and asked you to provide elixirs.

Su Xing saw a strange look on his face.

Good guy, one hundred medicinal plants are enough to refine a thousand healing pills, but he only handed over 50 healing pills, which is equivalent to embezzling 95% of the medicinal materials.

Damn it, I seem to have a dark heart in the simulator...

Su Xing touched his chin and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

But it happened that no one in the Advent Cult knew how to make alchemy except him. As long as he could hand in the elixir on time, he would not be discovered.

Another month later, you provided 100 healing pills to the Advent Cult, and showed that you could refine a pill called Fu Refining Pill, which can improve the strength of professionals.

The Shadow Protector was very happy after hearing this, and immediately asked his men to get a hundred yellow fairy essences, and asked you to provide them with a hundred internal organs refining pills.

[One hundred Huangxian essences are enough to refine thousands of Fu-refining pills. You spent a month refining a thousand Fu-refining pills and handed over the defective ones. Then you started Retreat.

In Lingtian Blessed Land, you have selected a few Fu-Refining Pills that are not very effective but of excellent quality. You want to break through the Fu-Refining realm.

[Your body training has reached the perfection of the Bone Forging Realm a year ago. Over the past year, you feel that your body has become more perfect and stronger than ever before. You have a hunch that this will Once you can successfully break through the Fu-Refining Realm.

You spent three days adjusting your body to the most perfect state. In the morning when you were most energetic, you took a Fu-Refining Pill.

The Huangxianjing, the main medicine of this Fu-Refining Pill, has been made for less than three years. You were originally more than 70% sure that you will be able to break through this time.

But after taking the Fu Refining Pill into your stomach, you realize that you still underestimated the efficacy of the Fu Refining Pill.

A warm current surges into your body. You feel the temperature of your whole body begin to rise, your skin gradually turns red, your breathing begins to quicken, and there is a vague feeling of pain in your body.

This kind of pain becomes more and more intense, and you feel like your internal organs are about to be torn apart, and there is a feeling of tearing from the depths of your soul.

Endless pain keeps rising in your body, and big beads of sweat appear on your forehead. This pain will not dissipate in a short time, but is continuous. ] [On the first day after taking the Fu Refining Pill, the pain in your internal organs was indescribable, but you managed to hold on with perseverance.

The second day after taking the Fu-Refining Pill, the pain in your body slowly eased, and you felt that your physique was gradually getting stronger, and your strength seemed to be three points stronger than before.

But you sit cross-legged and don't dare to move at all. As long as you move your body, endless pain will come from your internal organs.

You gritted your teeth and persisted, and another three days passed like this.

[On the sixth day, you are able to move freely. You look inside your body and find that your internal organs are covered with a faint golden light. You feel that your internal organs are much tougher than before, but there still seems to be no breakthrough. To the realm of refining the internal organs.

On the seventh day, you are out of seclusion. Although you have not broken through to the Fu-Refining Realm, you feel that your physical fitness, especially the toughness of your internal organs, is much stronger than before.

You returned to Adventism and spent a few days refining the elixirs needed for next month in advance. Then you returned to the Holy Land and chose to continue retreat.

You have spent a week re-adjusting your physical condition to its peak. Based on your last experience, you believe that you can digest a Fu Refining Pill.

You swallowed a Fu Refining Pill, and the Fu Refining Pill turned into a warm current, nourishing your internal organs.

The pain comes as expected, but maybe because your physique is stronger, or maybe because you are more tolerant of pain, you feel that the pain this time is only the same as the last time.

You sit cross-legged and keep breathing calmly to resist the pain in your internal organs.

Another week has passed, and you are surprised to find that the light in your internal organs is shining brighter and brighter. It seems that it has almost reached a critical value. Once you break through, you will reach the realm of refining the internal organs!

The side effects of swallowing the Fu-Refining Pill this time are far less than last time, so you only took three days of conditioning and your body function returned to its peak.

You have swallowed the Fu Refining Pill for the third time, and you have a hunch that the Fu Refining Realm is within reach.

The pain you imagined did not happen. You only feel that your body becomes lighter and lighter when you breathe. And this comfortable feeling, compared with the previous pain, makes you feel so good that you almost float to the sky.

You close your eyes and sit cross-legged, keep your mind in the body, and constantly look inward to observe the changes in the internal organs.

Your heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, and the flesh and blood organs in your body all seem to have a life of their own. You can feel them breathing freely, and you can feel them exuding joy.

The golden light of the internal organs becomes stronger and stronger, until reaching a certain critical value, the golden light returns to its original nature and returns to plainness.

But when you open your eyes again, you feel that everything has changed!

Your heart has stronger vitality, allowing you to fight longer, your lungs are stronger, allowing you to breathe freely underwater, and your liver is so strong that it can even be immune to some toxins...

You feel that your body is more energetic than ever before, and you feel that your body's strength has doubled several times in an instant!

You have successfully broken through to the realm of refining the internal organs!

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