What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book

Chapter 29: Ability Users

Chapter 29: Ability Users

The sudden robbery by Qiu Wuji caused Chu Ge’s plan to report to the police to be shelved.

Nowadays, no one carries cash when they go out, but these thieves are a bit different. Perhaps they do transactions in a manner that leaves no trace, and this one actually had cash on him. Brand new thousand yuan bills, thickly stuffed in the pocket, looked like just received commission… there was also a gold chain and a Rolex on his body.

Qiu Wuji also knew that there is another way of exchanging money nowadays, so she wanted to threaten the other party to transfer money to her WeChat account. However, Chu Ge strongly stopped her, sweating all over his head:  “Even if you delete his memory and destroy his phone, he will eventually find out that the money is missing. He could easily track the transaction history or if he ends up in the hands of the police, they would investigate all his transactions. That’s just asking for trouble.”

“Oh.” Qiu Wuji reluctantly gave up and thought about it. She decided not to take the gold chain and watch that needed to be sold and only took the cash. Then she decisively erased the thief’s memory.

Qiu Wuji looked at the thick stack of cash in her hand, “These are your currency notes?”

Chu Ge was expressionless, “Hmm…”

“The denomination corresponds to the numbers in your WeChat account? It’s like your whole monthly income!”


“Well then, this is great. I can return your money now. I told you I could make money,” Qiu Wuji said happily.

Chu Ge said, “…Yes.”

Qiu Wuji carried the unconscious thief out, “I thought about it, and it’s not good for his memory to stay at the point where he just entered. It’s better for it to be further back, suddenly fainting without knowing who attacked him, not even remembering the things in our community. You don’t have to report to the authorities. Just wait until he wakes up. If you insist on reporting him to the authorities, you can report it as discovering an unconscious person outside. Anyway, it has nothing to do with us…”

Chu Ge followed her with his arms crossed, looking at the white light covering her hand, and cautiously leaving no trace of contact with the thief. He couldn’t say anything for a while.

Why are you so skilled at doing this kind of thing… well, it’s my, your creator god’s fault for not writing you well.

But there was no way around it. These days, the cultivation world was fiercely competitive. Without doing things like this, it was impossible to survive… sigh…

The road was deserted at noon, so Qiu Wuji used invisibility techniques and swaggered to throw the thief into the green belt on the street two blocks away.

Chu Ge followed from afar, thinking that he probably didn’t need to report to the police himself. Although this place was far from the city center, there were still commercial areas nearby, and there were quite a few people. A person lying in the open was very eye-catching and would be discovered by passers-by in a few minutes, and someone would naturally report it to the police.

By the way, if this kind of thief entered the room of an ordinary person instead of Qiu Wuji’s demon cave, then the other person would be in trouble… these scumbags cannot be left to fend for themselves. They must be handed over to the police.

He stood at a distance and watched for a while, and sure enough, someone soon discovered the man and ran to find the security guard at the entrance of the nearby residential area. The security guard inspected the situation and quickly called the police. Chu Ge let out a sigh of relief.

Qiu Wuji stood beside him looking at his relieved expression and suddenly asked, “What’s wrong, feeling uneasy?”


“Is it because of me robbing someone?”

“That’s part of it. Anyway, don’t do this in our world in the future. It will eventually cause trouble unless you really go to a warzone and become a boss – but I don’t want that either.”

“Then why didn’t you stop me firmly? Is it because you also want money?”

Chu Ge thought for a moment, looked up, and shook his head. “No. I need money, but I don’t want to get it this way. Well… maybe for you, there’s no harm in taking unjustified money. In the world of cultivating, stealing treasures from each other is common, but it’s not appropriate according to my education.”

Qiu Wuji looked a little surprised.

Chu Ge laughed again. “But you have that idea because of the world setting I created, maybe it’s even my own idea, so I don’t know how to stop you. As I said, I’m worried that you’ll get addicted to making money too quickly and get into trouble, not because of this particular incident. Actually, I quite enjoyed teaching this thief a lesson haha…”

Qiu Wuji nodded slightly, “Okay, I understand, I will be careful… You said this is only a part of the reason, what is the main reason? Is it because you touched the supernatural world?”

“Right.” Chu Ge looked at the distant sky and said in a low voice, “Maybe everyone has a dream of a supernatural world or martial arts and immortal heroes deep in their hearts, fantasizing about leaving these ordinary days and wielding their swords to become invincible in the world… But when such things really happen, I don’t know how many people will be cowardly. Anyway, I am a bit like that. The feeling of having a good and peaceful life disrupted naturally makes me feel uneasy.”

He paused and self-mockingly laughed, “I am just an ordinary person who has lived a plain life for more than 20 years.”

Qiu Wuji tilted her head and looked at him for a while before suddenly saying, “But you have a desire in your heart, so there is a contradiction.”

“Yes. It’s a contradiction to say that there is an eager expectation, but it is true. ”

“Heh… a man who can create a world, a man who can create a person to cook for him at home, saying that he is just an ordinary person. If my, Qiu Wuji’s, ‘creator god’ is just an ordinary person, then aren’t all the living beings mere pigs and dogs?”

Chu Ge said, “I don’t even know how you managed to get out of there, it’s not like I have the ability.”

“So what? Are other people’s awakened supernatural powers really their own ability? Aren’t they all bestowed from heaven? Some use it to do petty things, some use it to display their talents, and some are content with a peaceful and happy life. What kind of life you have lived, it all depends on your own choices.” Qiu Wuji said lightly, “The reason for uneasiness is nothing but weakness. If you are strong enough, who can control your life?”

Chu Ge looked into her eyes. Just like you, Qiu Wuji, who is strong enough to even nearly cut down your ‘creator god’ and force him to change your destiny, right?

Qiu Wuji seemed to guess what he was thinking and they both smiled.

The sound of sirens came from afar, and the police arrived.

The two of them stopped talking and watched the police take away the thief, interrogate the security guard, and retrieve surveillance footage from the neighborhood in an orderly manner.

What surprised Chu Ge was that he saw an acquaintance.

Lin Wuyang.

Chu Ge didn’t know much about the police system and was a little puzzled- this guy wasn’t from the police academy, they were both Chinese language and literature classmates, and he should have taken the civil service exam for administrative positions. He should have been an officer in a different department. How could he be involved in this kind of police operation?

And he seemed to be a leader, standing with his hands behind his back, circling around the area, observing the scene. There were also two policemen behind him.

Lin Wuyang circled around and saw Chu Ge standing in the crowd watching from afar, and he was stunned, “You live here?”

“No, a few streets away. Just passing by to watch the excitement.” Before Lin Wuyang came over, Qiu Wuji had already silently retreated. There were still quite a few people watching. Chu Ge greeted Lin Wuyang openly, “You transferred to the criminal investigation department?”

“Uh…more or less,” Lin Wuyang didn’t go into details. He had long discarded his frivolous attitude online and now appeared solemn and serious. “Have you seen anything strange or unfamiliar around here these days?”

“I don’t even know the people in my own building, let alone two streets away. Who knows what counts as strange these days?” Chu Ge said impatiently. “Asking others won’t get you any further. That’s just how it is these days.”

Lin Wuyang nodded in agreement. Indeed, this area was not like the old neighborhoods where people knew each other across the street. These days, who knows who anyone is or who counts as an unfamiliar face… Moreover, the person was thrown on the main road outside, and may not even be related to any nearby residential areas. Checking the surveillance cameras would be more reliable.

As they spoke, a policeman hurried over, looking stern. “Chief Lin, we’ve reviewed the surveillance footage.”

Lin Wuyang glanced at Chu Ge and said, “We can chat later. I have important business now.”

Chu Ge waved his hand, “No problem. I didn’t expect it was ‘Chief Lin’…next time you’re treating me to a meal.”

Lin Wuyang smiled and left with the policeman.

It wasn’t about being ostentatious; police investigations naturally couldn’t be eavesdropped on by outsiders, whether it was an extraordinary or ordinary case. This was a matter of discipline. Hopefully, Chu Ge didn’t think he was showing off. After being in contact with society for a long time, he had come to cherish friendships with classmates, which were more pure than others.

The policeman next to Lin Wuyan reported in a low voice, “That person suddenly appeared in the green belt. There was no sign of him before or after. He just appeared suddenly.”

“I understand,” Lin Wuyang breathed a sigh of relief. “Let’s wrap up. We’ve been secretly investigating the Wallwalker for so long without any clues, but we didn’t expect to stumble upon this by accident. Following this lead, the materials we have on President Gu’s side should be enough to conclude the case.”

“What about the person who left him here…”

“We’ll interrogate him when we get back. It’s best if dogs bite dogs… If there are other unknown ability users, this operation seems to be selling favors to the police. Based on principles, if someone wants to live their life in peace, we are not allowed to interfere randomly. We must protect the privacy and legitimate rights and interests of citizens. More inquiry is not helpful.”

Chu Ge also turned and squeezed out of the crowd to find Qiu Wuji. Just as he emerged, he saw a black-clad girl standing under a distant power pole, quietly watching the commotion here.

When she saw him looking, the girl turned and left, disappearing in an instant.

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