What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 317 Pay Up With Your Equipment Drop

Even though we were prepared to kill them, we ended up capturing all of them anyway…

We went ahead to tie them all up and placed them in a group so that we could interrogate them.

I decided to first wake the leader up so I used the [Aqua Ball] spell to conjure up a ball of water that I dropped on top of him.

He sputtered and coughed at the rude awakening. He tried to lift his hands to reach up to his face to wipe off the water when he realised he could not move them.

He then shook himself awake as he looked around to make sense of his current situation before he turned to glare at me who was standing in front of him the entire time.

"Hello, easy request, wasn't it?" I asked sarcastically.

The leader glared at me, "Tsk… Are you just doing this to gloat or something?"

"Oh, not at all, I'm doing this to find more information from you guys, of course. I don't suppose you'll tell me who sent you?"

He laughed, "Ha ha ha! Did you really just capture us just to ask this question? I'm sure you know who it is, right? We weren't even instructed to keep it a secret!"

"It's that Danio Wess guy, isn't it?"

"Ha! So you really do know! You've pissed off someone important, you know?"

I tilted my head at him, "Eh? I'm pretty sure he isn't really that important, is he?"

"What? He may not be the heir of his family but you realise he's still a noble, right? He is able to use some of his family's influence to make you suffer if he wished to."

"Huh… I see…" I mused before turning to Katsuki, "Who exactly are the Wess?"

"The Head of the Family is an Earl and the family focuses on martial achievements as their ancestor was a renowned general in the past. They base the worth of their descendents on their martial skills and the achievements they gain through them, Mistress," She informed me helpfully.

Oh~ That's interesting. But seriously? A D rank Dungeoneer is seen as a 'failure' to them? Just how strong are the others in his family? It also feels like I have severely underestimated the power levels of this World too.

This is weird though… I've already seen people with incredibly high stats and also people with really low stats. I can understand that the people with low stats may be due to the fact that they do not specialise in combat and thus wouldn't have that high stats as compared to those that do… But I've also seen Mercenaries and Dungeoneers who I thought should be strong having low stats as well so I thought that stats like mine were outliers…

Maybe I should ask Mother about how this works? Or maybe I can ask Mary too since she has the highest stats out of any person I've seen so far.

I'm not counting monsters in that number of course.

Turning my attention back to that leader guy, I asked, "Do you know that I'm a noble too?"

His eyes widened slightly, "E… Eh? What? We were told that you were just a nobody!"

I gestured to Katsuki, "Would a nobody have such a cute and capable maid like this with them? You're a real special kind of stupid, aren't you?"

Hehe, I noticed Katsuki's tail wag a little faster after hearing that~ She definitely liked the praise even if her face remained impassive~

The leader's mouth hung open as he realised how badly he had been tricked into accepting this quest to assassinate me.

I shook my head at him, "Seems like your client didn't tell you the truth huh? Well, how about you tell me if there are any more Mercenary parties he sent after me or whether you still have more party members or traps you were planning to use on me?"

I thought that he may be more cooperative after knowing his client basically made use of him but surprisingly, the leader turned his head away and scowled, "I have nothing to tell you."

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Really? Do you not realise your position right now?"

"Hmph! Do you think that would scare me? You obviously still need something from me which is why you kept me around right? This isn't my first time getting captured, you know?"

I tapped a finger on my cheek, "You're right in a way, but it's not a 'need' but more of a 'want', you see."

Especially since I'm confident that we could deal with any more Mercenaries sent after us and I only wanted confirmation that Danio was the guy behind this.

He rolled his eyes, "Yes, yes. Whatever you say. I already know what you want so let's just get on with it."

Huh? What does he mean by 'get on with it'? What is he expecting me to do?

Ah, I remember… Back at the Guild they made that Danio guy pay a fine so I guess this guy is also expecting me to demand some payment for troubling me.

Just in case, I decided to ask, "You're not going to try and kill me again, are you?"

"Hmph… Even if I did, would I tell you? Are you stupid? Now hurry up and untie me. I'll just give you a good fuck so that we can go our separate ways."


Wait, wait… Did I just hear what he said correctly? He said he would give me a 'good fuck' didn't he?

I was so surprised by him that I just stared at him for a while which made him raise his eyebrow at me, "What are you waiting for? I can see that your entire party is made up of females so you were looking to get fucked aren't you? I'm willing to do that so let's just get on with it."

What? Huh? Why is… Ahhh…

God damnit… I really should remember how this World treats sex.

In this World, it's a real casual thing so it's also normal for the females to be the aggressive one in a relationship and their libido is also higher than my old World's.

The 'brothel' district back at Edart Trade city also had a rather equal mix of male and female workers and I'm quite sure the female Mahuns I saw getting fucked over there were not workers but clients.

There is just one problem with his proposition though…

I'm quite adamant on this, but I will be the one doing the fucking and not the one getting fucked so there's absolutely no way I am accepting his proposal at all.

Also, I'm not into males so definitely no thanks. If you had been a futa with very feminine proportions like Lisa, I would have considered it.

"Sorry, but I'm afraid you're quite mistaken. First of all, I'm a futa, second of all, I'm not interested in males. So no thanks," I told him.

He narrowed his eyes at me, "In that case, why else would you even capture me for?"

"I already told you, didn't I? I wanted those information which you told me you weren't willing to give."

"Then we're done here right? Just release me and my party and we'll leave."

I held up my hand, "Not so fast, you think you can just come here and try to kill me and then just leave without any consequences? Hand over all your money and your equipment aside from your clothes before I let you go."

I'm actually more interested in their equipment than their money since I want to see what kind of enchanted gear they might have. Especially those that could resist the paralysis spell.

I think that's a fair exchange for their lives right?

Surprisingly, he did not seem to agree with me as he roared at me, "What?! Ha! Do you think we'll agree to something like that?! You must be new!"

I turned to Katsuki, silently asking what he meant by that.

"Mistress, to people like them, their equipment is basically their lives. Without it, they wouldn't even be able to earn their living anymore so taking that away would be akin to taking away their livelihood for those unprepared for such a thing. However, if Mistress would allow me to express my opinion, I believe this is proper compensation for what they have done."

I had to ask, "Is that because it's the norm here or is it because of who I am?"

"The latter, Mistress."

Ah, that's what I thought.

I turned back to him and leaned closer towards his ear, "So… I'm just going to go ahead and suggest you take my offer ok? Otherwise you might die, you know?"

He stared at me defiantly, "Fine then! Kill us!"

I shrugged, "If you say so~"

I reached for my waist and pulled out my new light sab-- I mean my new sword. Yeah, you know, the one that can use light to cut through stuff.

He continued to glare at me defiantly even as I raised my sword over my head.

  Just in case, I turned to look at Katsuki, "There won't be any problems with killing him and his party, right?"

She shook her head, "Not at all, Mistress."

He seemed to finally realise that we were serious about killing him.

"Wa… Wait--"

He did not get to finish his words as my sword descended on him, cutting through his neck and decapitating him in a single motion.

He maintained a surprised expression on his face as his head dropped on the ground, bouncing once before rolling to a stop at my feet.

Welp, since we've already done one, no reason for us to stop now~

Time to chop off the rest too!

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