What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 302 Dungeon Class

Things were pretty much back to normal after that, ignoring the fact that a few of the students have been rendered homeless because of the fire my family caused.

Oh well, I'm sure they'd be fine…

Anyway, it's not like I'm responsible for the bad decisions of their families so it's not like it concerns me.

I'm just glad that I didn't need to deal with those boys coming up to me constantly in school anymore because the girls were the ones crowding around me wherever I went.

Who knew that there would be such a change just by changing how I smell?

One bad thing is that the marriage proposals started being sent via letters to the manor and I received a ton of gifts alongside them as well.

The good thing is that none of them seem to have realised my love of sweets yet so it was easy for me to reject all the gifts sent to me so far.

I just hope no one finds out about that anytime soon… I just want to go through school peacefully…

Today was another combat class so we were gathered out in the training area with Instructor Henry again.

It seemed like there was something special planned since he did not start the lesson like usual and instead, gathered us near the main building of the school.

I figured that we must be leaving the school on another excursion once again since this was what we did the last time we went out to the forest.

Instructor Henry stepped to the front of the class before addressing us, "Alright! Today we shall be doing something different! Some of you might have already guessed we are heading out for today's class and you'd be right! We're all going to a Dungeon today so be ready! Separate yourselves into groups of four first! Hop to it!"

Naturally, Odeta immediately came to my side with a big smile on her face, "Sister Aster! Let's team up and I'll be your vanguard!"

"Ehehe~ I'll be relying on you in that case~"

We still need two more people to join our group though.

I looked around and I found Andrew, that Off-Worlder who tried to use his [Dating Sim] bane on me, had already formed a group with three other girls who seemed to be hanging off his arm. I don't need to ask to guess that he's probably screwing all three of them.

I was just wondering who we should ask to fill in the last two slots when two boys approached us hesitantly.

"Umm… Hello Aster… Is it alright for us to join you?" The one on the left asked.

Oh! It's Henri and Jules, the two brothers from the Heres Family and our classmates in the Special class! I thought they specialise in Geomancy? Since when did they join this class?

I smiled at them, "Of course! I don't believe I've seen the both of you in this class before though?"

Henri scratched his cheek, "Ah… Well… Our parents told us that it might be a good idea to take up some close combat classes for our own protection in the future… Especially since Jules here would be taking over the family business which means he would do quite a bit of travelling around and... And I want to be with my brother so I came as well… This would be our first lesson actually…"

Jules nodded beside his brother to show that what he said was true.

Odeta looked at them up and down, "Do you two have experience with Dungeons?"

The two brothers looked at each other for a moment before turning back together, "No we don't, Odeta."

Odeta turned to me, as though asking if it was alright even with this.

I shrugged, "I'm pretty sure most of our classmates here wouldn't have gone into a Dungeon before this, Odeta, which is why we're having a lesson about it in the first place."

"Ah! That's right! Sister Aster is so smart!"

I think that should be quite obvious considering we're in a relatively basic combat class right? Not to mention the fact that most of us are basically still children so it would already be weird to find someone who has experience in Dungeon diving.

Yes, I am including both myself and Odeta in that list as well and I know full well how abnormal we were compared to everyone else.

I turned back to the brothers, "So what kind of weapons are you using and how experienced are you with them?"

They showed off their hips to reveal a shortsword strapped to their sides.

"We've had some practice with it, but we… Umm… We've never used it to kill something before," Henri admitted.

How ironic that our instructor for this class was called Henry and this Henri was a literal newbie with the sword.

Our position as Special Class students allowed us to join any class at any time we wanted to but now I feel that this might be a bad time for these two brothers to utilise that privilege.

We're going to a Dungeon, you know? A place full of monsters and traps that might kill you if you aren't careful?

The fact that you two were also inexperienced with the sword makes this even worse… You might have your magic but the point of this class was to train our close combat skills so you would make this class pointless if you just relied on your magic.

Oh well, at least they are genuine in wanting to learn so I can at least applaud them for that.

"Alright! I see all of you have your groups! Gather here now!" Instructor Henry called out.

I suppose we'll just have to leave this for later and see how things go from there.

Instructor Henry waited until everyone was gathered in front of him before addressing us again, "Alright! For most of you, this would be the first time you are going to a Dungeon! The one we are going today is an F rank Dungeon located underneath the school! Dungeon diving is very different from the last time we went to the forest so pay attention!"

He looked to the side and nodded, prompting several older looking students to step into the training ground and take their place beside him while arranged in a single line.

"These are your seniors who have gone through everything you have and more! Each group will have one of them guiding you and they will act as your leader. You will follow their lead while you are in the Dungeon, is that clear?!"

All of us answered in the affirmative.

As though they had rehearsed it, the seniors split themselves up to move towards each of the group in front of them.

I believe they had either drawn lots beforehand or decided ahead of the grouping since they went directly to a group without fighting over which ones they were in charge of.

The senior student we got was a Mahun with her long auburn hair tied up in a ponytail and a longsword strapped to her waist. She was wearing a simple leather vest that emphasised quite a bit of her chest that was around the same size as mine.

Hers was made much more pronounced since the leather vest was form fitting which made them bounce with every step she took.

"Hello! I'm Tika and I'll be your leader for today! Pleased to meet you all!"

The boys had their sight glued to her chest while Odeta was looking at the sword on her waist.

I could only look at her face since she was staring right at me for some reason… Plus her gaze was too intense for it to just be a casual look.

Was there something on my face?

She stopped right in front of me and I realised she was just a little bit taller than I was.

"You are Lady Aster, yes?" She asked.

"Umm… Yes I am, Miss Tika."

"Oh, there's no need to call me Miss, just Tika will do! After all, we are a team right now, aren't we?"

"Ah, then you can call me Aster too."

"Oh, I'll do that!" She giggled before turning to the brothers who quickly shifted their gaze upwards to look at her face instead of her chest.

"Hello there! The Heres brothers, yes? You picked a rather interesting time to join this class but no worries! I'll make sure you two also pass this lesson safely!"

The two nodded at her dumbly, both of them probably too occupied with thinking about the two big mounds on her chest to form coherent thoughts in their heads.

Tika then finally turned to Odeta, "And of course, you must be Odeta! It's nice to finally meet you!"

Odeta tilted her head at her, "Hmm? Do I know you?"

"Well, of course not, this is our first meeting after all. But everyone who aspires to be a knight, Dungeoneer or Mercenary knows about you! We've all heard about how you managed to slay a dragon!"

Oh yeah… I keep forgetting that Odeta did indeed slay a dragon… That's supposed to be a big deal isn't it?

I mean… It's hard for me to say since I've been killing those young dragons inside the Dungeon for a really long time so it's not really that big of a deal to me anymore…

Maybe I should keep that fact a secret for now…

Hopefully there aren't any dragons in that Dungeon.

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