What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 284 Suitor Proposals

A few days have passed since then and there weren't any other attempts on my life, at least none that I could see.

For all I know there might have been but Katsuki and the other maids took care of it before it could reach me.

I managed to avoid having my classmates ask about Katsuki following me around by spending almost everyday in the library instead of going to class.

Unfortunately, her presence confirmed me as a noble family's child where before this everyone had only been speculating me of being one. This led to me hearing a variety of comments being directed at me.

There were some students who claimed that it was something expected of me since I had the aura of one, others wondered aloud what my family actually was since it was obvious I was hiding it.

A few of them even speculated that the reason why I was able to be that strong was all due to my family.

Honestly, they weren't wrong to say that since without Mother's resources, I may not be able to spend as much time practising as I might have in a normal family. That's why they're actually not wrong in saying so.

On the other hand… There was another group of people who seemed to have gained an interest in me. Specifically, people who wish to marry me to get into nobility or to strengthen their own family's influence.

"Good day Lady Aster, I am Zanko of House Starkap. May I interest you to accompany me for some tea in the gardens?"

"House Starkap is a Viscount House based in Asttol City. They are primarily a merchant family and made their fortune in the slave trade," Katsuki whispered to me helpfully.

Well… The only thing that would change after hearing his house is how I would reject him.

"I'm sorry Sir Zanko, but I will have to decline as I am still in the midst of my studies."

"Ah, that's too bad. Good luck with your studies, Lady Aster," He nodded at me before leaving.

One good thing is that no one knows what my actual House was so they do not know how important I was within the nobility, causing most of these types of people to be cautious when talking to me in the event that I actually outrank them.

Of course, there's also a few people who thought that they were undoubtedly better than I could be and had the attitude to go with it.

"Student Aster! You have the honour of accompanying me on a date after school!"

"Err… I'm sorry but I'm busy."

"What?! Do you even know who I am?!"

"Seeing that you neglected to introduce yourself… There's no way I would know, right?"

The boy who I presume to be a senior student smirked, "Ha! I knew it! All the important nobles know who I am! You're just someone from a Baron House or a new noble house aren't you? Don't you know it's common courtesy for a lower noble to introduce themselves first?"

"Mmm… Hello, I'm Aster and I would like to say that I decline your invitation."

"Wha… What? Don't you want to know who I am?"

"Not really. Also, this is the library, could you keep it down? If you're not here to use the library, could you leave? You're disturbing everyone else here…"

He stared at me like I just told him to do something incomprehensible.

"My family is a Dukedom! Do you know what kind of benefits you can get just by having me as a friend?!"

"Err… Not really? What kind of benefits are there?" I asked innocently.

"What? Hmph! I see it's pointless since you're definitely part of a new noble house! For you to not know something so simple, don't you know how important I am as a son of a Duke?"

Actually… I know how 'important' he is. Or rather, I know just how much potential power he might be able to hold within the noble society.

The thing is that he most likely wouldn't be able to bring me any benefits that my family was already able to provide, assuming that I'm looking for some help in that context of course.

Of course I know the importance of having political friends around, but I was already intending on staying away from politics in the first place.

He put his hands on his hips haughtily, "Hmph! I'm not someone who beats around the bush so I'llbe straight with you! Become my vassal and I'll make sure you don't have to worry for money again!"

Oh, he wants me as his vassal? I thought for sure he was going to ask to marry me or something.

He continued, "And once we get older, you can become my wife and I'll buy you all the dresses and jewellery you want! That's a good deal right?"

There it is.

You're what? Fifteen? Sixteen? And you're already going around asking such questions without shame?

Oh wait, I guess this might be something normal within the noble society since their families have to secure alliances and power through marriage as well. I wouldn't be surprised if he was told to say such things without understanding the meaning of it.

Well, I have a perfect counter for a thing like this though!

I raised my hand, "I'm sorry, but my ideal partner is someone who is stronger than I am."

Hell yeah! Take that! I know for a fact that your highest stat is your magic which is only at twenty! There's nothing that you have that you can use to claim that you are stronger than me!

Take my impenetrable defence that I've been using on everyone else!

"Oh? Well then you should be glad because I am indeed stronger than you are!" He declared unashamedly.

I had to use all my willpower to stop myself from facepalming at his words.

Even if he can't see my stats, he should at least know about my challenge right? Does he still think that he was stronger than me despite not even being able to do what I can?

Wait… Maybe he has some secret skill that I don't know about that he can use to beat me?

His smirk widened, "You may be stronger in terms of magic, but as a man, I'm definitely stronger than you physically!"

I take back what I said, this guy really is an idiot…


I turned back to see Katsuki handing me what appears to be a metal bar.

Er… What am I supposed to do with this?

She then did a motion of squeezing something in her hands.


I handed the metal bar over to the boy who I still don't know the name of, "Are you able to bend this?"

He looked at the metal bar that was at least about three centimetres thick, "What? How would I be able to do something like that? Are you crazy?"

"Well, why don't you try it since you said that you're stronger than me? Someone stronger than I should be able to do this much, right?"

He growled and snatched the bar away before trying to bend the metal between his two hands.

Naturally, the steel bar remained straight despite how much effort he was putting in to bend the metal. He even tried to use his knee as a pivot too but all it did was give him a sore knee.

I sat there watching him as he tried the challenge for a few minutes before finally giving up.

"This is impossible! There's no way you can bend this metal!"

I stretched out my hand and he begrudgingly handed the metal bar over to me.

Holding the bar by its two ends, I pulled my hands together and the metal was easily bent into a 'u' shape, the boy gaping at me as he tried to comprehend what he just saw.

I handed the bent metal bar back to him, "Sorry, it seems like you're not really stronger than I am, so you might need to find someone else to marry instead~ Good luck with your search~"

He looked down at the metal bar and then at Katsuki before finally leaving as though he was running away.

I believe he was only willing to leave after I gave him the bar which embarrassed him so he escaped before it could get worse for him.

"That was splendid, Mistress," Katsuki praised after that guy disappeared out of the library.

"Sigh… How many does that make today?"

"He was the sixth person to try and court you today, Mistress."

I leaned my head on my palm, "Ugh… Why do they suddenly start coming now that they know I'm a noble? Before this they all kept their distance…"

"I believe it's precisely because they know Mistress is a noble now which gave them a reason to approach Mistress. If you were a commoner, most of them might feel that the difference in status is too much for them to accept. Thus, for their family, there is no downside for them to court Mistress right now. Even if they are unable to get your hand, being acquainted with you in some way would bring them benefits too, especially if they are able to find out about Mistress's family"

Ughh… This is basically all just politics isn't it? This is so annoying… Can't they just get the hint and leave me alone?

This is all that stupid assassin's fault! I'll definitely find him and kill him myself!

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