What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 280 You've Got Mail

I had to walk home alone today since Odeta had club activities after school and Delmare decided to join the same club as well.

Unfortunately, I do not know what kind of club it was and I didn't think I needed to know either.

Just a note, I do not hate the fact that I had to return home alone at all, in fact I was really happy that Delmare managed to fit in so quickly.

And since Odeta was with her, I don't need to worry about anyone trying to pick on her since I know Odeta would take care of her.

"Welcome back Mistress," Katsuki greeted me at the door, as though already knowing that I would be home at this exact time.

"Hello Katsuki~ I'm home~"

"Would Mistress like a bath first, dinner, or a cookie?"

"Cookie!!" I decided immediately.

She reached into her apron and pulled out a cookie to pass it to me.

I immediately started munching on it and I realised the cookie was still hot, which meant she really did predict the exact time I would return and baked this cookie just in time for me to eat it.

Mmmm~ This one is white chocolate~  So good~

I licked my fingers after I inhaled the cookie, enjoying the taste of the last bits of chocolate present on my fingers.

Katsuki waited until I was done before asking, "Mistress. Should we expect Miss Delmare and Odeta to be late?"

"Ah, they have club activities so they should come back together later."

She paused for a moment before nodding, "Understood, Mistress. The Madam is waiting for you in the dining room."

"Oh, Mother is? I'll be right there!"

The both of us headed towards the dining room and I found Mother already seated at the head of the table.

"Ara, ara? Welcome back my child~ Did you have a good day at school today?" She asked when she spotted me coming through the door.

"I'm back, Mommy. It was ok~ The first week is used for reviewing last semester's stuff so I just did some self study in the library."

"Ufufu~ And what about little Odeta and Delmare?"

"I didn't see Odeta but they're both participating in club activities now so they'll be back later."

"Ara? I see~ In that case, Katsuki?"

My Inugami maid bowed her head, "I will inform the kitchens to keep some food for them, Madam."

"Fufufu~ How reliable. Come and join me, my little one~"

I went to sit beside Mother just as food was being brought out for us.

"Ara~ Speaking of which, your birthday is coming soon, my little one. Is there anything you would like to do?"

"Hmm~ Wouldn't the usual be fine? I don't need anything as long as everyone is here~"

"Ufufufu~ My child certainly is the cutest~ In that case, shall we have a party? It will be your thirteenth birthday after all~ We can invite your school mates too~"

"Oh can we, Mommy? Ah… But wouldn't they realise that I'm from the Nilm family in that case?"

"My child does not need to worry about that~ Mama has a small estate outside of the city that no one knows belongs to our family. We can use that one to host your birthday party instead~"

I didn't even know that, but I guess it makes sense for a family like Mother's to own multiple pieces of land and estates. After all, that cottage back at Dragon Sanctuary also belonged to her.

I wouldn't be surprised if Mother also owned several other businesses all around the Kingdom as well, though I don't think Mother would tell me if I asked.

Mother dabbed at her lips delicately with a napkin before setting it down.

"Ara? Mama almost forgot. My little one received a few letters today~"

She raised her hand and Mary appeared out of thin air to pass two envelopes to Mother.

The Trasif then bowed to us before disappearing again.

Astromancy is really useful huh? Maybe I should ask Mary to teach me that as well?

No, no… I should concentrate on the magic I currently have right now and improve them first before learning any new ones. If I keep learning new ones all the time, my current magic proficiencies would never improve.

I took the letters from Mother and I flipped over the first one.

"Oh~ This one is from Emilia, I wonder what she wrote?" I wondered aloud.

The envelope even had a wax seal stamped on it and Emilia's name written at the front was drawn with really delicate and neat penmanship.

I doubt this was just a simple casual greeting with how official it looked.

Breaking open the seal, I took out the paper folded inside the letter, pausing in surprise when I realised that the paper was actually really high quality instead of the usual cheap ones that feel flimsy and thin.

I quickly scanned through its contents, wondering why she would take the time and effort to do something like this.

Hmm… She was basically thanking me for saving and helping her back when her crew betrayed her and left her for dead. She claimed that her pride as a daughter of the Sieger family would not allow her to forget about a debt like this.

Thus, she said that she would be instating me as one of her Platinum members, which already sounds like a pretty big deal from the name alone.

I flipped over the letter and she went on to explain that as a Platinum member, I would get the best treatment in all their stores and services. Plus I would always be ensured a room on board her Floating Pussy whenever I desired.

If you ask me… I think the first thing she should change is the name of her ship…

Further on, she explained that the Platinum membership was something that only a select few people in existence hold and required a very large sum of money to be bought. One of the members was even a Royal from the Lecharouc Kingdom though Emilia could not disclose who.

"Ara, ara? There's still something inside, my little one~" Mother pointed out.

I picked up the envelope and sure enough, there was a platinum coloured card inside it. On one side was an emblem that I guessed was the logo of Emilia's company while the other side had my name etched on it. Thankfully, it only spelled 'Aster' without my family name.

The card itself was not made out of plastic but instead it was some kind of metal so it actually had a considerable weight on it, even though it was maybe only about the size of a small nametag.

I guess this must be the card to signify my status as their Platinum member… But am I really supposed to just lug it around with me all the time? I mean… There aren't even wallets in this World yet… Maybe one of the Off-Worlders will make one in the future or something?

But in the meantime… I guess I can just… Ermm… I actually don't know where to put this…

Mother giggled, "Ufufufu~ For things like these, we would usually sew an additional pocket in our clothes or use specific pouches to carry it around~ Otherwise, we can also attach a string to it to turn it into a bracelet or necklace~ Shall Mama get one for you, my dearest one?"

"Oh~ Making it a necklace would help a lot, Mommy! Thank you!"

"Ara, ara~ My little one really is the cutest~ Ufufufu~ Let's take a bath together later~"

Umm… Well… It's not like I haven't been doing that the past few days…

Putting the membership card that Emilia had sent me aside for now, I still have another letter that I have yet to open.

This one looked a little more rough and there was no indication of who the sender was on the envelope either. The only thing written on the front was 'To: Aster'.

I tore open the envelope and pulled out the letter inside it to read its contents.

'I'm coming for you.'

Eh? What the heck is this?

"Young Mistress, may I?"

I jumped slightly from Mary's voice appearing beside me without warning.

"Umm… Ok?" I answered, handing over the letter to her.

She received it from me before narrowing her eyes at the words written on the letter.

"Mary… Where was this letter posted?" Mother asked, her tone entirely different from how she would usually speak.

Her hair had also fallen to the front to cover the top part of her face, hiding her eyes from view.

Umm… Actually… Are her eyes glowing?

Mary bowed her head, "The letter was left on top of Young Mistress's desk inside her classroom."

"Did no one see who placed it?"

"We know who it is, Madam. Shall we take care of it?"

"Do we know why?"

"Forgive me, Madam, but we do not. I will see to this matter personally."

"Then make sure you do. Let me know everything."


Mary then disappeared into thin air again and Mother's smiling face appeared once again.

"Ara, ara? Is my little one already done eating? Shall we head to the baths then? Ufufufu~"

She's going to act like the previous conversation did not happen at all I see…

Well… I also don't want to bring it up either because the contents of it does look rather concerning… I am curious who sent that letter to me though? I don't remember doing anything that would make someone send me a threat like that…

Oh whatever… I'll just ask Katsuki or Mary about it later.

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