What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 167 Lisa's Meeting With Mother

It was the day that Lisa would be coming to meet Mother.

Mother was waiting in the sitting room while I was standing at the gates to receive Lisa along with Katsuki.

Since this technically had nothing to do with Odeta, she was busy training in our backyard and chose not to involve herself in this.

Katsuki turned to me, "Is Mistress nervous?"

"Hmm? Not exactly. Why do you ask?"

"I was worried that Mistress might feel uneasy since Lisa would be meeting the Madam. She has proven to be quite… Unrestrained."

Nngghh… I can't deny that… But I believe she should have enough sense to not do anything that will make Mother hate her right?

Besides… Isn't this just a normal introduction? Why does it feel like a marriage interview?

I mean… I do intend to make Lisa mine but I think marriage is too soon isn't it? I thought we agreed to only consider that after I graduated?

Oh well… Whatever happens, happens I guess. I've already learned that life usually doesn't proceed as you might have planned.

At the appointed time, I noticed a very well dressed woman walking up towards us.

She had her hair done up in an elaborate bun with ruby red earrings that matched the scarlet dress she wore. The dress was low cut enough to see the barest hint of her cleavage and a slit rode up the side to show a very tantalising amount of thigh.

Her black heels clacked audibly against the paved ground as she strode with an air of confidence towards us.

It took me a moment to realise that the person was Lisa with her recognition inhibition ring.

"Good day my fair lady Aster," She curtsied the moment she reached us.

Katsuki was scowling at her, "Who the hell are you and what have you done with Lisa?"

Lisa smiled at her, "Whatever do you mean, miss Katsuki?"

"There's no way the Lisa we've met the past few days would act like this."

"Oh my~ You do know how to jest, Miss Katsuki. I have always been like this haven't I?"

Just to be sure, I actually used my [Screen] on her.

[Name: Lisa

Title: Owner of Lisa's Pot Shop, Lumenmancy Teacher, Alchemy Teacher, Former Slave, Unhinged Seductress

Race: Infrid

Gender: Futanari

Current Mood: Nervous


125 Strength

115 Dexterity

120 Endurance

624 Magic


Noble Etiquette (Tier 1), Cooking (Tier 2), Alchemy (Tier 3), Hunting (Tier 3), Tracking (Tier 3), Assassination (Tier 2), Martial Skill-(Dagger Proficiency (Tier 2), Throwing Proficiency (Tier 2), Unarmed Proficiency (Tier 2))

Magic Skills:

Pyromancy (Tier 1), Umbramancy (Tier 1), Lumenmancy (Tier 3), Clairvoyance (Tier 2), Mana Management (Tier 2)]

It's Lisa alright, although I noticed that the 'noble etiquette' skill was most definitely new. Don't tell me the reason she needed all that time was to learn this skill just to meet Mother?

I'm actually really touched.

Katsuki narrowed her eyes at her but eventually looked away, deciding it was not worth it to argue.

I decided to humour Lisa and did a curtsy of my own, "Well met, miss Lisa. I hope your journey here was a pleasant one?"

"Oh, it certainly was, Lady Aster. Could I ask if your honoured mother is home?"

"She certainly is, please follow me~"

I turned and led the way into the mansion with Lisa following right behind me and Katsuki taking up the rear.

I guided us towards the sitting room where Mother was waiting, feeling Lisa tense up the moment she saw her.

"Ara, ara? Welcome to my humble abode. You must be my dearest child's friend, yes?"

Lisa stepped forward and curtsied, "Good day, Madam. I am Lisa and yes, I am Lady Aster's friend."

"Ufufufu~ How polite~ Please take a seat~ Could you prepare some tea for my little one and her guest, Katsuki?"

Katsuki bowed and did as instructed while I sat across from Mother with Lisa beside me.

My Inugami maid prepared the tea with practised grace, setting the cups in front of us elegantly.

"Thank you, Miss Katsuki," Lisa inclined her head politely.

"It is my pleasure, Miss Lisa," Katsuki replied with equal politeness.

I can't even tell if the politeness between them was genuine or sarcastic…

"Ufufu~ You may leave us now, Katsuki~" Mother instructed, prompting my maid to give us a bow before vacating the room.

Once she had left, Mother leaned forward and smiled at Lisa with half-lidded eyes.

"So… Lisa, yes? I believe you're also a teacher in this city's Aerialla Academy?"

"That is correct, Madam. I have heard many great things about the Nilm Family and I believe it is all due to Madam's leadership."

"Ufufu~ What a charmer you are~ In that case, I suppose we can just skip the pleasantries and get straight to the point. What is your real relationship with my most precious child?"

Eh? What kind of question is that, Mother? Didn't I already say that she was my friend?

Lisa smiled serenely at Mother, "I am Lady Aster's personal cumdumpster and slut."


I thought you were sensible enough not to say such crazy things?! What happened to your noble etiquette skill?! Is that something a noble would say?!

"Ara, ara? Is that how it is? It seems like my little one is all grown up after all! Mama is proud of you!"


Wait… Mother? Did you not hear what Lisa said? Would normal mothers in this World actually start praising their child when they know they got themselves a personal cumdumpster?

Actually… Don't answer that…

Mother took a casual sip of her own tea, "So I take it that you are completely devoted to my little one?"

Lisa nodded, "I am, Madam."

"Even when my precious child gathers a harem?"

"I would help Lady Aster gather one, in fact~"

"Are you prepared to leave everything you own behind to follow my dearest child to the ends of the World?"


Ummm… That seems a little extreme but I'm more surprised that Lisa answered it seriously too…

Mother covered her mouth with a hand, "Ara, ara? Not even a single instance of hesitation I see~ In that case, could you show me your true form?"

Lisa seemed to be a little startled but nodded quickly, as though Mother knowing about her real form was no big deal. Her hand thus reached for the ring and pulled it off her finger quickly, undoing the enchantment.

Almost instantly, she changed into her Infrid form which made her look even more stunning in that dress.

Mother giggled, "Ufufu~ Just so you know, you need not hide your appearance while you are here~ Almost everyone here are not Mahuns and they already know about the relationship between you and my beloved child~"

Lisa's eyes widened, "Does… Does that mean…"

"That I approve of your relationship with my dearest child? Ufufu~ Of course~ I've never tried to control what my little one does~ If my dearest child managed to get a willing cumdumpster, then I would not try to break that up either~ I've always known my little one was destined for greatness~"

Erm… Getting a 'personal cumdumpster' is part of being great? I don't even get the logic behind that…

Mother continued while maintaining her smile, "What's more, you don't need to act so formal, Lisa~ I would be a terrible mother if I made my little one's friends feel uncomfortable."

"Eh? Oh… Ah. Umm… Thank you, ummm…"

"Ufufufu~ If you'd like you can call me Mama too~ You are intending to join my little one's harem, are you not?"

"Ah! Yes I am! Thank you, Mama! Does that also mean… I don't need to hold myself back either?"

"Ara, ara? I think you should be asking my little one that question, shouldn't you? I, for one, don't mind watching at all~ Ufufufu~"

What even is going on in this conversation right now?

Hello? Isn't this supposed to be just a simple meeting where I introduce Lisa to Mother? What are they even talking about right now?

Lisa then turned to me with her eyes sparkling, "Aster! Could I ask that you use me anytime you feel the need for sexual relief whenever you want? I don't mind it at all and I'm ready for it whenever and wherever! Even right now if you want to!"

Lisa!!! What the hell?! Could you just calm down for like a minute?!

Mother?! Why are you nodding along like you approve of this?! Am I the only one who thinks this is abnormal around here?!

This meeting is already crazy enough!

I cleared my throat, "Ahem… I… I think we should take things a little bit more slowly… I'm er… I'm still not prepared to go that far…"

"Ehehehe~ Don't worry Aster! I'm patient, I can wait! Mama has already given her approval so I'm now officially your personal cumdumpster and slut!!"

I narrowed my eyes at her.

[Name: Lisa

Title: Owner of Lisa's Pot Shop, Lumenmancy Teacher, Alchemy Teacher, Former Slave, Unhinged Seductress, Aster's Personal Cumdumpster, Aster's Personal Slut

Race: Infrid

Gender: Futanari

Current Mood: Orgasmic]

What the heck, she really did get those titles? I thought they needed enough people to acknowledge it before it turned into an actual title? I have no idea how this thing works at all...

And seriously, only you would be happy about that.

This was just a meeting to introduce Lisa to Mother so why do I already feel exhausted?

Whatever… At least I have the cruise to look forward to…

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