What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 161 Shopping Trip

We ended up going to one of the stores near the back that had a Nekomata salesgirl managing it.

There were a surprising number of clothes on display within the shop itself, ranging from dresses to robes and to jackets, all of them in Amrap sizes.

Odeta took one look at the selection and grimaced, "By the Gods, what is this place?"

"It's a clothes shop with clothes specifically designed for Amraps," Emilia explained easily. "We weren't expecting any customers here so you'll have to forgive the limited number of staff available."

Odeta grimaced, "Why are there so many different kinds? What's wrong with just having a cloth around my chest and waist?"

I pouted at her, "So that you look cuter! You're a girl, you know? It would be a waste if you didn't dress up!"

Katsuki bowed her head, "May I remind Mistress that not too long ago, you were also protesting against Madam about dressing up?"

Oh shush, Katsuki! Whose side are you on?

I admit I see the appeal now, ok? And I really want Odeta to look cute too!

The salesgirl came up to us with a businesslike smile, "Good day, how may I help you?"

I gestured to Odeta, "Hello! I'd like some help picking out some clothes for her, could you help me pick something cute?"

The salesgirl shifted her gaze to Emilia for a moment before turning to Odeta, "Of course, right this way dear customers~"

Odeta turned to look at me pleadingly, "Do I really have to, Aster? I'll be much happier watching you pick out clothes for yourself instead, you know?"

I giggled, "What if I picked out clothes together with you?"

"Oh! That sounds fun! How about all of us pick out new clothes today too?" She suggested.

I turned to look at Katsuki and Lisa, "That's not a bad idea! Let's pick out clothes for you two as well!"

Lisa clapped her hands together, "Ehehehe~ Does that mean I get to see Aster dress up? In that case, count me in!"

Katsuki pursed her lips, "But the clothes here are much too large for us though?"

"Oh that won't be a problem, right Emilia?" Lisa nudged her friend.

Emilia rolled her eyes, "Just because I owe you… Fine, I'll ask some people to bring over clothes for you to peruse as well."

The Nekomata turned and left the store, presumably to do just that.

I turned back to Odeta, "Well… Let's just start with you then! Let's see what do we have to work with here~"

The salesgirl came back while holding a white dress, "Could I suggest something like this to start with?"

Ohhh~ Something that was vastly different from what she would usually wear! Odeta has always been more of the tomboyish type so this dress should bring out her feminine charms!

Unfortunately, Odeta was not of the same opinion.

"No way, no way! There's no way I'm going to put that on! What even is that?!"

I tilted my head at her, "It's a dress? Like what I'm wearing right now?"

"Yes and it looks perfect on sister Aster because sister Aster is beautiful! There's no way that is going to look good on me!"

"Come on! Just try it first before you say no~"

"I don't wanna! It already looks uncomfortable to me!"

I gave her the best pitiful look I could, "Pretty please? For me?"

That made her hesitate, "Kuuhhh… Only because sister Aster says so… Fine! Just one!"

I giggled before turning to Katsuki, "Could you help her put it on? I don't think she knows how to put on a dress~"

"Understood, Mistress."

The two of them were guided to the fitting room by the salesgirl, leaving just me and Lisa alone.

"Ehehe~ We're alone again~" Lisa giggled, the Infrid slipping her hand into mine casually. "Wanna have a quickie?"

"I'm pretty sure they're going to come back before we finish, Lisa…"

"Awww… Maybe later then~ Can I ask you to dress up in a bunny costume?"


"Ehhhhh?! Why not?! I thought we were having a dress up party?!"

I waved my hand in front of me, "No, no, no. This was meant to find new clothes for Odeta in the first place, everything else is just extra."

"Awww… Oh well, at least we're still going to participate in tonight's event here~ I can't wait!"

"Speaking of which… Emilia mentioned something about you saving her life? What did you do?"

Lisa giggled, "Ehehe~ It was pretty lucky of both of us actually~ Someone wanted to assassinate her and I just so happened to be in the area when the assassin was after her. She has this habit of doing things on her own so she had no escorts around when she was attacked. I found her injured in an alleyway and brought her back to my shop to heal her up and to hide her from the assassins."

"That certainly sounds quite lucky for both of you."

"Yep~ And she's a serious girl so she took that debt quite seriously, though it's not like I ask her for much anyway~ The most I asked for was for her to help me deliver herbs I need for my potions and to help me sell some of my stuff too~"

No wonder she's so accommodating to Lisa since she wants to pay off that debt as much as she could.

"Are you two talking about me?" Emilia's voice came from behind us.

We turned around and sure enough, the Nekomata was standing there with an amused look on her face.

Lisa smiled at her, "Oh we were just talking about that day I saved your life~ Do you still remember it?"

Emilia rolled her eyes, "How could I not? I still see it as the best and worst day of my life. First I got chased by a couple of killers and then I ended up finding you. Why must it be you?"

"Ehehe~ It certainly feels like fate, doesn't it?"

"There's nothing fateful about it. They only managed to get that poison on me because they managed to get me while I was distracted. Otherwise I wouldn't even have been injured at all."

I tilted my head, "Why don't you have escorts then?"

She huffed, "They'll just slow me down and I don't like being restricted. I could be moving around faster and making much more money if I don't have people tying me down. Besides, I'm strong enough to defend myself and I made sure that assassination attempt won't happen again."

Knowing her stats, I believed her.

Lisa giggled, "Emilia is really strong with her sword~ She even has a title 'Scarlet Flash' because all her enemies see are a flash before their blood is drawn~ Isn't that so cool?!"

It is indeed very cool. What do I need to do to get a title like that? The coolest I have is… Oh yeah… 'Dragonslayer'... That sounds pretty cool actually. But who calls me that?

From what I understand so far, the titles seem to be gained when a number of people start acknowledging you by that name. So that means there are at least a group of people out there who acknowledge me as 'Dragonslayer', but who?

Could it be the maids at the mansion? Or maybe… Actually I don't know who else knows…

The Nekomata suddenly turned to me, "So… I'm pretty sure you're a lady of a noble house correct? Could I know which family?"

I was quite surprised she found out, "How did you know I'm a noble?"

She chuckled, "No commoner will walk like you do, Miss Aster. Plus, that dress you're wearing is also not something a commoner would wear on a normal day. I'm also pretty sure that Inugami girl was supposed to be your escort too? She was constantly inspecting her surroundings like a professional guard."

Wow, she managed to catch all that? I guess her experience isn't for show.

Hmm… Should I tell her? I don't think it'll be a problem considering she isn't a local right?

I smiled at Emilia and did a curtsy, "Let me introduce myself again~ Good day, Miss Emilia. I am Aster Nilm, young Mistress of the Nilm Family."

Emilia's eyes went wide, "Oh my… I was thinking I caught a big fish when I saw the quality of your dress… I didn't think I'd catch a leviathan… Err… I mean… Ahem… It's very nice to meet you, Young Mistress Nilm! If there's anything you're unsatisfied with, just let me know and I'll do my best to rectify it immediately!"

I could almost see her eyes changing into money symbols.

She really is a merchant through and through huh?

Before I could comment on that, Odeta came out from the dressing room while blushing up to her ears.

"Like I th-th-thought… This do-do-doesn't suit me… Right?"

Oh my! Just look at her in that dress! The colour contrast between the white of the dress and her chocolate skin… And the way she's holding on to the hem of her skirt while looking all bashful and shy despite being taller than everyone else in the room…

She's perfect!! I wanna take her home and cuddle her!!

Why aren't there cameras in this World yet?!!

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