Welcome to the Multiverse Group Chat!!!

Chapter 114 ~ Don’t Leave Me

Chapter 114 ~ Don’t Leave Me

After concluding the secret meeting with Lelouch and the others, Yuuji made his way back to his room silently, lost in thought. 

The discussion they’ve just had still filled his mind, filling him with anxiousness. Suzaku’s knighting… Euphemia’s plan for the Special Administrative Zone of Japan. Although these two things did happen in the anime, the situation was much different now. 

The Japan Liberation Front collapsed and, functionally, ceased to exist in the anime. Thus, with no other hope to lean onto, many of the Japanese people essentially surrendered to the Britannians by accepting the establishment of the Special Administrative Zone. 

But now, the Japan Liberation Front hasn't collapsed. While they no longer have the strength to stand up against the Britannian forces within Japan, simply the fact that they still exist was enough to keep the flames of rebellion and fighting spirit  burning in the hearts of the Japanese. And now, they’ve rallied behind the Black Knights, giving them their most powerful unit and final trump card, Tohdoh and the Four Holy Swords. 

With these two things alone, the Japanese people might not be so inclined as to accept the establishment of the Special Administrative Zone of Japan. 

The zone Euphemia intended to end the war might just start a new war instead. 

We can’t let that happen… We can’t let the fire of war burn once again… Not after it is almost extinguished by the blood spilled in those battles. 

If the Japanese were to clash with the Britannians once again… then the “Black Rebellion” might happen in reality. And although the result would not be the same as the one in the anime thanks to Yuuji, Tatsuya, and Satoru’s presence, too many lives would still be lost. 

Hah… This is getting much more complicated than I expected…

Arriving at his room, Yuuji silently opened the door and sneaked back into his room, trying his best not to wake C.C up. 

He slipped into his bed silently, laid down, and put his arm around C.C, just like he did before he left. Then, he looked up into the ceiling, staring at it in a daze as he fell into a deep thought. 

“Have you finished your little secret meeting?”

The sudden voice snapped Yuuji out of his daze. He turned towards, who was fully awake and looking up to him, with widened eyes. 

“...You were awake?”

She nodded. Her eyes still and her face stoic as usual; there was no visible expression on her face. But… it would only be usual if she were to be with someone else. For her to have such a cold expression before Yuuji meant that something was wrong. 

And having been with her thus far and learning how to read her emotions from her eyes alone, Yuuji could see anger and sadness from her beautiful golden eyes. 

“...I’m sorry.”

Yuuji said in a whisper as guilt and regret filled his heart… Although he knew this meeting was something he should keep secret, given Lelouch would be using one of his otherworldly abilities that he got from the group chat, he still felt guilty for keeping a secret from her. 

C.C stared at him with narrowed eyes. 

“What did you guys talk about? Tell me the bits you can share.”

Yuuji nodded and told her about Suzaku’s knighting, the establishment of the Special Administrative Zone of Japan, and their future plans.

C.C listened to him silently, not interrupting nor asking him any questions as he spoke. But then, after he finished, she rose up from the bed and placed both hands on either side of Yuuji’s head, looming over him. 

Her eyes looked down directly at him as the loose t-shirt she borrowed from Yuuji hung down, revealing her beautiful white mounds and curvaceous body to him. 

But no matter how tantalizing of a sight it may be, Yuuji’s eyes were locked onto her golden orbs… Because he could see tears threatening to fall down the corners of her glistening eyes. 

“Promise me… Never sneak out like that again. If you want to have a secret meeting that you don’t want me to hear… Just tell me.”

She bit her lips as she stared deep into his soul, her voice trembling just like her body. 

“I… I had a dream… A nightmare… You were gone all of a sudden… No matter how hard I try to find you… I couldn’t…”

Similar dreams had visited C.C numerous times before. To be abandoned… she had lost count how many times she had experienced it in real life and in dreams. Her heart had long since grown cold and numb to it. 

But this time… It was so vivid. It was… extremely painful. It felt as if a blade pierced straight into her heart, and her body, crushed. 

“Then… When I opened my eyes… You were gone… You were really gone… I thought… you left. I thought you left…”

The tears that had accumulated in her eyes had finally overflowed and fell down onto Yuuji’s face, and he felt his heart break into pieces.

C.C couldn’t remember how long since she felt such despair and shock when she couldn’t feel his presence by her side. She immediately went hysteric when she thought he left her. 

The pain in her heart she thought she was numbed to from being abandoned too many times felt so new and excruciating. 

Yuuji quickly pulled her down into his embrace, holding her ever so tightly, and whispered in her ears.

“I’m sorry… I’m really sorry… I swear I won’t ever do it again…”

C.C nuzzled into his neck as tears continued to flow down her eyes, soaking his clothes. 

“I’m sorry… I’m very sorry, C.C… I will never leave you alone… You know I will never leave you… I love you so much… I’m very sorry…”

Yuuji kept stroking her back as he whispered to her his apologies, his promise to never leave her, and his love for her. 

The sound of sobs and whispers continued for quite a while. Until finally, her sobs began to diminish. 

She raised her face and looked at Yuuji once more. Her eyes, puffy, and her nose, red. 

But now, her cheeks were slightly blushing. 

“Don’t ever do this again… Okay?”

Her lips pouted angrily. And although she wasn’t 100% angry at him, she was still a bit upset by his actions, and she wanted him to know. But, after everything he had whispered to her, she just couldn't bring out her anger at him… No woman can when the man she loved whispered such things directly into her ears. 

“Mm. I promise. I will never do this again.”

C.C nodded, and lowered her head towards him for a kiss. 

It started with a chaste kiss as their lips connected and their love for each other reached their beloved. 

But soon after, C.C opened her lips and started entangling her tongue with his, turning it into a passionate kiss, as their bodies pressed against each other more and more with each moment. 

And after a while, C.C finally let go of him and retreated, catching her breath as she panted heavily. 

She looked at him accusingly. Her face red as a tomato as her heart beated wildly in her chest. 

“Hah… Hah… Your kisses are so lewd… Just where did you learn how to kiss like this… You beast…”

Yuuji just laughed wryly and caressed her cheek. 

“I’ll tell you along with everything else soon- No… I guess, I’ve owed you the truth for too long…”

Yuuji shook his head and smiled softly at her. 

He raised himself into a seat and brought C.C up with him, placing her on his lap as they stared at each other lovingly. 

Then, he began with a serious expression.

“C.C… Everything I’m about to tell you is the truth… No matter how absurd it may sound. And… I hope you can keep this a secret. You absolutely can’t tell anyone about this…”

With a grave tone, Yuuji gave her his warning as he looked at her with serious eyes. 

The sudden shift in his tone and atmosphere surprised her for a bit. But, hearing his words, she still nodded resolutely. 

Yuuji returned her nod, and began telling her about the truth. 

“My real name… is Tsubakihara Yuuji. And… I’m not of this world.”

A moment of silence fell as C.C froze in place. 

Then, her expression turned into confusion and worry, and she began pressing her forehead onto his to check if he had a fever. 



“So… You told her everything?”


Having gathered Lelouch and Tatsuya on the rooftop of the Ashford academy, Yuuji told them everything that had happened right after they finished their meetings. 

It was a beautiful day with clear blue skies with refreshing cool breeze that blew past them occasionally as they leaned on the rails of the rooftop. 

But, Yuuji had no leeway to enjoy the beautiful sky or the refreshing breeze.

The feeling of guilt for having told their greatest secret to someone without their permission had been gnawing at him since the moment he spoke with C.C. And although he didn’t regret telling everything about himself to her, he still felt a bit sorry for doing it before telling them. 

Lelouch and Tatsuya were silent. And though they were only silent for a few moments, it felt much longer for Yuuji, who was waiting for their response nervously. 

“So? Will you invite her to the Group Chat?”

Yuuji was taken a bit by surprise. He expected Lelouch to ask a question, but he thought he’d ask for an explanation. 

He didn’t expected Lelouch to ask if he wanted to invite C.C to the group chat…

But regardless, Yuuji nodded his head to his friends and looked both of them in the eye. 

“Yes, I do. If you guys don’t mind… I’m sure she will be a great addition to the group. Although she’s a bit… standoff-ish at first, we all know she’s a sweet and kind girl at heart. And having been alive for so long, I’m sure she’ll be able to offer us advice with troubles we might encounter in the future-”

Lelouch placed his hand on his shoulder, stopping Yuuji from his rant with a soft smile.

“I understand. There is no need for more justification.”


Tatsuya similarly nodded in agreement. 

But… even if their smiles were warm, their soft, understanding gazes couldn’t help but make him feel extremely embarrassed.

Yuuji had always invited the people who would fit the group and was capable of facing missions it might give them. But this being the second time he had invited a girl who he had intimate relationships with… he feared his friends might think he’s just trying to invite them just so he could be with them. 

Of course… there was some truth in it. But that’s not all! He truly believed they’ll be able to become a great asset for their group and help them in their future endeavors. 

Erika was an extremely capable and talented swordswoman with a kind and personality that allowed her to be close with the rest of the group chat members. 

While C.C… Although she might be a bit cold at the start, she’s a genuinely kind hearted and caring person. Moreover, she’s also a Code holder and was no stranger to conflict. If she were to gain an SSR, she’ll definitely be a great asset to their group. 

Even so… The gaze and smile they directed at him still made him… embarrassed. 

Noticing his reaction, lelouch simply smirked and leaned back onto the stone railings, looking off into the distance. 

“Or rather, she’s one of the only two people I’m comfortable inviting to the group chat as well. It’s either C.C, or Karen. As for Suzaku… Well, his character might be a bit of a problem.”

Lelouch sighed as he thought of his childhood friend. 

While his “stubbornness” was rooted in his beliefs of what is right, his inclination to pursue such ideals to the ends of the world, no matter how much he needed to sacrifice, even including his own life, was less than ideal for a group like them. 

He was a genuinely kind and righteous person… But more often than not, such a personality might cause more… problems. And they’ve seen how it might happen from watching “Code Geass”. 

He shook his head and turned towards the two. 

“Well anyway… Shall we discuss our preparation for the ‘event’?”

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