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Chapter 102 ~ The Calm Before the Storm

Chapter 102 ~ The Calm Before the Storm

“So it has been confirmed, then… Diethard?”

“Y-Yes… I am… as astounded as I could be to your foresight… I wouldn’t have believed it if I did not see it with my own eyes…”

Diethard stood at gunpoint as several black knight members aimed their rifles right at him. However, though slightly nervous, he was unperturbed by the guns. Instead, he was astonished, excited, and nervous to be in the presence of such an astounding individual with the intelligence on the realm of foresight.

A few weeks ago, Zero had tasked him to spy on Cornelia’s army’s movement and ascertain their next target. He told the Britannian to especially look for Cornelia’s movement in regards to preparing for a sea battle. 

At first, Diethard was confused as to why he needed to look out for any britannia army’s movement towards the sea. But lo and behold, he was correct. 

He had received information that Corenlia’s army was preparing for a naval battle and its target was the Port of Yokosuka, where the last remains of the Japan Liberation Front forces were located.

“I see. So it is true that Cornelia had prepared mechanized marines to capture General Katase of the Liberation Front?”

“Yes. We’re all ready at the network station for a special report on it.”

Zero nodded and turned his head ever so slightly towards the rest of the members of the Black Knights. 

“It is as we all expected. Colonel Todoh will never be able to rendezvous with General Katase. In short, the Japan Liberation Front has no military power at the moment. All they can rely on to fund their escape is the liquid Sakuradite they have.”

“Which is why helping General Katase to escape should come before fighting Princess Cornelia-”

“Ohgi-san, who are we?”

Ohgi flinched and caught his tongue as he slowly looked towards the man in the devil’s mask, standing beside Karen. The existence synonymous to the strength, power, military might, and sword of the Black Knights, Mordred. The one everyone, including Ohgi himself, respected and favored. 

He was normally polite, friendly, and respectful. But this time, he raised his voice, and his words silenced all that were around him. 

Ohgi, who was surprised, felt his voice begin to tremble from the sheer majesty and presence the young man, who was presumably younger than he was, was exuding. 

“W-We are the black knights.”

Modred nodded, turning his gaze towards Ohgi. 

“That’s right. We are not the Japan Liberation Front. We do not have the responsibility to save them, nor help them escape at the expense of our own lives.”


A look of hesitance, nervousness, and conflict began to appear on everyone’s expression as they began to look at each other anxiously.

On one hand, they were also afraid of losing their lives in battle. It was the natural sentiment anyone would have on the eve of a life and death battle.

But at the same time, if the Japan Liberation Front, the last bastion of Japanese military forces, were to fall, then there might be no hope for Japan to regain their lost honor and land. 

Karen looked at Mordred in surprise as well. The man who had always been so warm, kind, friendly, and gentle, seemed so cold, merciless, and pragmatic… It was as if she was looking at a different person. 

But then, Ohgi snapped out of his daze when Mordred placed a hand on his shoulder ever so gently, and the Mordred everyone knew returned. 

“That said… I don’t mean that we should simply abandon the General and the Japan Liberation Front.”

“Then what do you…”

Modred glanced at Zero, who nodded to him, and then turned to face all members of the black knights before him. 

“When Zero, Karen, and I confronted Cornelia, we made a deal with her. Lady down your weapons, act towards peace, or be judged.”

A gasp of shock echoed throughout the members of the black knights, as well as Diethard, who never heard of such a thing before. 

Even with his intelligence network, he had never heard of such a deal between the Black Knights and Cornelia be discussed. He doubted the truth in Mordred’s words, at first. But as he began to recall the actions Cornelia took… some things began to click. 

Ever since her battle in Narita, Cornelia had begun showing slight signs of wariness and nervousness. Her stand regarding the treatment of elevens had… somehow softened. And though she brushed it off as means to strengthen her army after losing so many lives in the battle of Narita, the fact remains. 

However… Was Cornelia truly someone who would cower under the threat of a group like the Black Knights? In his eyes, she was someone who would rather die in battle first before bending to her enemies’ wishes. 

There must be something… Something more than just that…

Diethard thought in his mind as he continued to watch Mordred closely. 

“We told her that the Black Knights simply wish for peace to return to this land, and for its people, our people, to live without the need to worry about stray bullets or hunger. We are not here to kill Britannians. We are here to protect the Japanese. Are we not?”

Ohgi nodded.

“Yes. That’s why we should help the General escape-”

“And what will that do, Ohgi-san?”


Mordred looked towards Ohgi and continued.

“Even if we succeed in helping them escape, the Britannians would simply chase after him again until they succeed. No amount of blood would be enough for such a thing.”

“...Then what do we do?”

Ohgi knew, deep inside, that he was simply hanging onto any strand of hope he had for his dream of liberating Japan from Britannian occupation. And the Japan Liberation Front was that strand of hope that he had. So when it was about to disappear, he’d desperately try to protect it, even if it meant putting himself in front of Cornelia’s army. 

But after hearing Modred’s words… reality was finally put into perspective for him.

Even if he were to sacrifice himself to let the Japan Liberation Front escape this time… He wouldn’t be able to do anything if the Britannians were to try again for the second time, and third time… until they succeed. 

Hopelessness began to fill his heart, as did many other members who held the same belief as him.

But then, Mordred’s voice brought them out of the darkness of hopelessness they were consumed by once again. 

“We deal with the root of the problem.”

Mordred turned towards Zero and continued.

“We keep our word to Cornelia. Make her realize that we mean every single one of our words, and that we are capable of doing it.”

Zero nodded and fluttered his cape as he looked towards the black knights.

“Order of the Black Knights. Began finalizing everything we have prepared for this operation! Show them that we have the conviction and might to return peace to Japan!”



A fantastical, idealistic word that the naive, the foolish, or the desperate cling onto at a time of war.

But in that moment, that word had returned not only hope into their hearts, but also determination, that now burned brighter than ever. 

They were no longer a rebel group who was simply trying to take any crumb of victory over the seemingly never ending army of an invading nation.

They were now the Order of the Black Knights, the group who sought to return peace onto their lands, and fight for it until it was realized. 



Basked by the orange red light of the afternoon sun, Suzaku stood before a tall, built man with a scar running down from the top of his right eyebrow down to his left cheek. The man, Andreas Darlton, was one of the generals loyal to the Princess, Cornelia. 

He was a head taller than him, but commanded a presence much larger than a high school boy like him, even if he was the distinguished and skilled knightmare frame pilot of the Lancelot. 

Even if he was not scolding or reprimanding him, Darlton’s deep, gruff voice filled with unwavering firmness made the young man stiff with nervousness. 

“The viceroy had now begun approving the use of the more useful numbers. And although some might disagree, I personally agree with her opinion. “Use the right people for the right job”, that is my belief. And that still stands true even if it’s the son of the former prime minister of Japan.”

Suzaku’s eyebrows twitched at the mention of the former prime minister of Japan… The radical political leader that brought upon him many sufferings during the war with Britannia… And his father. 

But before his superior officer, Suzaku tried his best to hide his discomfort. 

“Our target is Katase. If we can just get him, the Japan Liberation Front is finished. The capture will be conducted by the mechanized marines. Your job will be to provide supporting fire from the shore until the marines have captured Katase, as well as annihilate any remnant forces after the capture.”

Upon hearing his orders, Suzaku’s eyes widened in shock.

“A-Annihilate them, sir?”

Darlton nodded with grave seriousness in his expression.

“No one aside from the target can be left alive.”


An order to annihilate all remaining forces. Meaning… he’d have to kill every single Japanese, even those who had surrendered, without mercy.

Such a thing…

“Warrant Officer Suzaku Kururugi! Demonstrate your loyalty to Britannia! This is your chance to advance. Do not waste it.”

Suzaku stood in silence and shock for a moment, before he answered the General, who had already begun walking away. 

“Yes… My Lord…”

Just then, Lloyd, who had been listening all this time, approached the pilot of his masterpiece.

“So~? Will you prove your loyalty? You’re being tested.”


Lloyd glanced down at Suzaku’s hand, who had clenched the lancelot key device tightly in his grip. 

Without even the need to put it into words, he could already tell what the young honorary Britannia was struggling about.

“Well… If that black knight appears, then you won’t have the leeway of holding back anyway. So I suggest you keep your vigilance and try your hardest.”

Suzaku visibly flinched at the mention of the black knight, and for a moment in his shock, he forgot about the cruel order he had just received from the general.

“That… That knightmare. Is it true that it is… a predecessor to the Lancelot?”

Lloyd put his hands into the pocket of his long white coat and stared out into the setting sun.

“That black knightmare… The Excalibur was the knightmare I imagined when creating the Lancelot. You could say that the Excalibur was… the true, realized version of what the Lancelot should be.”

“D-Does that mean that it’s more powerful than a lancelot?!”

“... A sword in a child’s hand would be no more dangerous than a toy knife. The one you must be wary of is the pilot of that knightmare.”

Another sigh escaped his lips, before Lloyd turned towards Suzaku with a rare seriousness in his eyes.

“That man is a monster. If you don’t want to lose your life, run. If you can’t, fight to the best of your capabilities and buy time until reinforcement arrives. You were caught by surprise before. You might be able to put up a better fight this time.”

“...Yes. I understand.”

Suzaku nodded.

“Good. But, well~ I’d rather you run. After all, I don’t even want to think about the damage Lancelot would have to suffer if you were to fight against him~ Our budget is not unlimited, you know~?”



“Mm. That sounds good… No, I really think that sounds nice. It’s been a while since I’ve gone to an aquarium. 

There’s no problem. We can still visit it after we go to the aquarium. I doubt they’ll be sold out that soon. Yes, let’s also buy some for your parents and the student council.

Alright. I promise I won’t be late. I gotta go now. Talk to you later, Shirley…”

Lelouch waited for the other side to hang up before putting his phone away into his pocket. Then, he turned towards the darkness with a faint smile.

“Oh, you’re back. And a bit earlier than planned too. Good work.”

From within the darkness, he heard wet footsteps and the sound of water dripping down onto the concrete ground, echoing throughout the warehouse. 

And soon, the figure came close enough for Lelouch to be able to perceive him. 

It was Yuuji, completely wet and naked from the waist above. He had taken off the top part of his full-body wetsuit that he had used for the task Lelouch gave him, leaving the bottom one on to cover his private area. 

It was a tight fit, especially since it was originally meant for Lelouch. When Lelouch told him the plan, Yuuji himself volunteered since it’d be safer and better to have him, who had better physical prowess, do it.

The wetsuit stuck onto every inch of his body, completely outlining every definition of muscles on his body as well as… the more private part of his body. Thankfully, no one else other than Lelouch was here and no one had seen him thus far, so he didn’t mind his appearance.

Lelouch handed him a towel, which Yuuji immediately used to dry his hair.

“Yeah, I just returned. I’ve set it up as you said.”

“That’s great. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. By the way, were you talking with Shirley?”

Lelouch’s eyes widened for a moment, before a slight blush appeared on his cheeks.

“...You heard?”

Yuuji smirked when he saw Lelouch’s expression.

“Not everything. But I’m glad you’re getting along with her and spending time with her properly.”

“It’s all thanks to you, Tatsuya, and Satoru-san. Without you, I won’t even have the time to take care of Nunnally.”

Lelouch shook his head and smiled gratefully at Yuuji. Without them here… he would’ve walked the same path as the “Lelouch” he saw in the anime. He would’ve killed his beloved’s father, and sacrificed a lot more of those he care about, as well as himself, to achieve his goal. 

Truly… he was grateful for every single one of his trusted allies and friends of the Multiverse Group Chat. 

Yuuji placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled.

“That’s what friends are for. Oh, by the way-”

Just then, the loud, creaking sound of the metal hinges to the warehouse door echoed loudly. 

“Who’s there!”

Standing at the entrance of the warehouse with the shine of the moonlight behind her back, Karen froze and flinched back slightly when she heard Zero’s alerted voice. 

She looked, and saw Zero standing before a tall man, naked from waist above and wearing an extremely tight wetsuit to cover everything else below his waist. 

His face was covered by a towel, but his bare torso… Her heart instantly skipped a beat and she began to feel herself getting hotter as she stared at such a perfectly sculpted torso of a man. And when her gaze goes down…


Karen’s maiden mind went to places it shouldn’t be, especially when an extremely important operation was about to take place. But… She couldn’t get her mind to forget such an impactful sight!

“...I-I-I’m sorry! P-Please excuse me!”


Karen stopped right after she had just turned away and was about to leave. The voice… It belonged to “Mordred”. But somehow… It also sounded familiar for another reason.

But before she could turn around and make sure, her heart skipped a beat when she heard his voice only a few distance away from her. 

“...Are you feeling unsure now, Karen?”


Karen’s heart skipped a beat once more… But for a different reason. She didn’t expect Mordred to guess what she was feeling now so correctly.

She clenched her fist and lowered her head.

“...I’ve always believed that we’re doing this for justice. I’ve fought until now believing that it was the right thing to do. That’s how I was able to kill… But… Will we be able to change the world with how we’re doing things now?”

It felt like a hopeless battle. No matter how greatly they achieved victory in their previous battles, Karen always felt like Britannia would always appear once again before her with an even larger army. 

It was discouraging. Although they hadn’t lost many, they’ve still lost lives. One too many lives. 

How many more should die until they could realize their dream of bringing back peace to the world…?

Silence fell for a moment, before she heard the sound of wet footsteps coming towards her. 

She tried to turn back, but was immediately stopped by the voice behind her.

“Don’t turn around… Not yet.”


Karen clenched her teeth and hands, and turned back towards the port outside of the warehouse. A twinge of pain and disappointment spread across her heart, before sadness that came from the realization that Mordred hadn’t trusted her enough to let her see his face eventually replaced it. 

“To change the world… It sounds impossible when you say it like that. But… the world is ever changing. The question is… are we the one who will change it. What do you think?”


“We’ve sacrificed a lot to get where we are. And if we continue to push forward, we will inevitably sacrifice much more, even if we do not wish for it. Some people may see us as protectors, liberators, and martyrs. But we are murderers as well… Someday, we might even be known as that. But it is inevitable if we were to stay loyal to our goals.”

Karen heard the sound of wet footsteps once again, but this time, it sounded like Mordred was walking away.

And when she was about to turn around, she froze when she heard his voice once more.

“Do you think our dream of world peace is worth sacrificing everything?”

“...I don’t know.”

“Then we're the same. I don’t know either.”


“That’s why I don’t plan on sacrificing everything. I will never sacrifice those I care for… That is why we need to become stronger.”

Karen turned around, and saw Mordred’s figure already in his usual full-body suit armor and devil’s mask covering his face. 

“We are here not only to prove that we are capable of keeping our word even if it is against Britannia, but to also put the Japan Liberation Front in our debt.”


Zero then stepped forward.

“That’s right. With this, we’ll be able to essentially absorb the Japan Liberation Front into our ranks, and have the undying and loyal support of the remaining Japanese government and military, including Tohdoh and his four holy swords.”

“T-That means…!”

Mordred nodded.

“We will become Japan’s strongest force against Britannia, and Cornelia will think twice before attacking the Black Knights who have the Japan Liberation Front and all of Japan behind it.”

He walked towards Karen and stopped just as he was about to walk past her, and placed a hand on her shoulder. 

“If they don’t want to make peace, then we’ll leave them with no other choice but peace.”

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