Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 443 Prince Findir of The Northern Wind (7)

"Mhm… Anyways, the man-eating grass doesn't exist. I don't know you obtained such a myth but that's a complete lie. Also, I guess I should tell you about the state of dark elves on the overworld right?" The girl nodded. "Yeah, so… hmmm… how do I explain this-" 

"It's tough, right? Maybe you all were wiped out? Maybe you all were oppressed by every single other race because of this tainted mana or whatever…" Nell could instantly infer from all of my previous actions. She may have been petty and a bit childish, but there was no doubt she was a scheming and intelligent woman. 

"Almost all of us were wiped out. Just me and a few other meager survivors who either died on our escape or died in the real world. I'm sure I'm one of the last dark elves from my forest… as of course there are other forests, but that's like saying somebody from one country and another country are of the same nationality despite having similar genes and appearances." 

"I'm sorry you had to go through that…" 

"It was even worse in the real world. It wasn't just elves that beat and mentally tore me down, but every other race. No matter how they looked or felt about me, they still abused and kicked me down. I was THE enemy of the entire continent." 

"What's so different about you and other dark elves on the surface then? Why did they solo you out like that?" 

"According to my father, my ancestors fucked with hell. The place we're currently in right now. And apparently, the large quantities of miasma eviscerated any sign of mana in their body, replacing what we used with that same hellish miasma." 

"I heard the people up there are very strict when it comes to mana usage. Something about a continental government and how they get rid of any potential threat that could harm their reputation, ability to thrive, or the continent's well-being."

I looked at Nell with a suspicious look as she knew the overworld a bit too well. It was extremely suspicious to the point that I couldn't help but send out a few baits. Although, each time I said them, she didn't react much as if she had no clue what was happening on the surface such as the meteor that crushed Amlas or even some of the past events like the capturing of the Arch Mage.

"You… where are you hearing all of this from?" 

"And why should I answer you when you're being so uptight about information? Answer one of my questions and then I'll answer yours… so, how come the continental government didn't kill you?" She asked with a golden ring swirling around her pupil. 

"Tch… you had to use a lie detection skill… seriously?" 

"Yes, because I know you're going to lie. But, I just want to know more about you, even if it takes a bit of force." 

That small smile of hers was nauseating, but still… I didn't do anything but reply with ease. "They didn't kill me because they didn't realize I had such a large quantity of miasma. Miasma is generally unknown to the overworld as any attempts of utilizing it have led to disaster or have been shut down quickly."

"There is no way of detecting miasma in the overworld?" 

·ƈθm "Yes and even though I had a large amount of miasma, it has dwindled over the generations. If we were to get caught because of that, my ancestors would have been slaughtered before I even had a chance at breathing. So, to be honest, I wasn't really worried about that." 

"I see… and you want to know about how I know so much about the overworld?" 

"Yeah," I quickly replied, slowly leaning forward. 

"There's a prophet. A single one. The best amongst all of Hell. And she is a dark elf who resides on this very tree. With the approval and protection of Sir Mammon, she can do whatever she wants with her clients. She's expensive but if you have enough saved up you can ask her about some of your intense hobbies…" Nell greedily smiled, clearly talking about her obsession with the overworld. 

We soon finished up our conversation and breakfast which was more like an interrogation for both sides, but we were satisfied by the end. And as Nell had something to do today, I was completely free and decided to head to where the demon lord was residing and ask him about a few more things. 

"Huff… huff… huff… huff… So many… stairs…" I heaved as I finally got to the bottom of the seemingly infinite staircase. Sure, it was going downstairs, but they were so slick and thin and shiny and slippery and just horrible to walk down as I kept slipping. "I thought I was going to die." 

As I approached the large metal door, making this humble abode seem more like a vault rather than somebodies house, I began to sweat heavily. A heavy pressure hung just at the entrance and as I grazed my eyes upwards against the heavy gate, a single glowing red eye planted into a metal socket squirmed down towards me. 

Nell didn't say anything about this, so I just stood still, assuming it was some kind of pupil scanner that confirms your identity. 

"Confirmed," A voice rang out before a gust of dusty wind blew out of the opening double metal doors. The pressure only got thicker, but a strange smell of must, sweat, and grime hung in the air as if somebody had shit their pants and let it marinate there for what seemed to be centuries. 

"Ugh… does this guy not fucking shower," I muttered, stepping through the clearing smoke that revealed a single demon lord sitting in a lotus position. Legs crossed over each other, hands relaxed in his lap, straightened back, and a head locked in place with two closed eyes. His entire structure was perfect as a gust of dark wind swirled around him. "But what is this black sweat?" 

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