Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 404 The Vampire General (1)

'That's exactly why I'm never gonna leave. You two are like rabid beasts, and Findir wouldn't care enough to step in.' 

Findir nodded with agreement, making a very agreeable expression. And as his turn came up to be inspected, his sharp and dangerous eyes dragged across the slave trader while his fingers traveled down Findir's waist and to his crotch region. Instantly, Findir glared at him, even attempting to shove him off as he got way too touchy. And upon feeling like his pride had been infected by the eyes and struggles of our friend, the man pulled out a whip and suddenly lashed at his back. 

Luna, who was right behind him, quickly took the attention away and glared at the man, who instantly felt it. So, without even attempting a second slash, he moved onto Luna, whipping her stomach once and then beginning her inspection. 

Bella, Findir, and I were seething with rage as the man got way too touchy, fondling parts that were way too good for him. And as we shook, remaining facing forward, we heard Luna's words caress our ears, soothing us just to make sure we didn't do anything stupid. 

'Don't be stupid. He can't go any further in front of his boss… so stay facing forward. Don't do anything else.'

Tck Tck Tck Tck Tck

The clicking of the wooden wheels against the rocky stone road was enough to make anybody go insane. A few of the present slaves were already itching and frantically looking around as if trying to find a way to escape. 

"A-Are you sure you're okay?" Bella stuttered triple, checking that Luna didn't have any marks on her body. But after Luna pushed her away out of annoyance and Bella slowly returned to her position beside her, she frantically kept looking at the young woman. 

"Bella, if you keep staring at me, I'm gonna lose my mind. I've already told you he didn't go very far, and I'm sure we'll get our chance to have our own revenge, so how about you calm down. Get some sleep or just rest your eyes… okay?" 


"Good… and, Cy, make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. I'm just going to review the information we obtained-" 


All of a sudden, the metal cage we were in was sent flying off of the wooden cart we had been placed on. The explosion of fire charred the horses dragging us across the rocky road and killed several of the slave traders walking beside the slow transport of us slaves. 

Our cage tumbled and twisted, causing various limbs to catch between the holes and snap if you weren't strong enough, but eventually, we came to a stop. The painful screams of, well, pretty much every slave besides my friends and me resounded through the air and echoed across the plane of charred grass like it was the screech of a phoenix. 

Quickly, I opened up the cage with my brute strength and funneled all of the slaves out while making sure my friends were safe. But, just as everybody left the cage, a massive dark cloud shielded us from the various white suns above, beating down on us with its literally hellish heat. 

The squeaking of some kind of animal bellowed down from the dark cloud above. And upon looking at my friends, they all had the same confused look until Bella's face suddenly paled. So, I snapped my head back and noticed thousands upon thousands of dark figures pouring out of the dark gathering of condensation. 

"What the fuck… Bella!" 

"Yes! I know! I just got caught off guard a bit!" She shouted before a wisp of green flames appeared in the middle of her right palm. Raising it up, the size of the flame only grew larger and larger and larger and larger and larger until she had a flame the size of a castle within the palm of her hand. "[Catastrophic Flame]."

The fire concentrated into the center of her palm, its size immediately shrinking within the span of a second. The bats were getting closer and closer, but it wasn't long before Bella raised her hand once again, and a green magic circle the size of the horde of bats expanded.

"Cringe ass skill name…." 


"Oh fuck you. You try having a skill with that much destructive power, you goddamn edge lord!" Bella shouted, grabbing my shoulder and twisting me around to slam her forehead into mine. It sent a rattle through my body, but I stood my ground and pushed back. 


A chill ran down both of our spines as a single graceful hand gripped the top of both of our heads. So, we quickly backed away after shooting each other a single harsh glare, filled with so much hate it could burn a hole through a sheet of metal. 

"Hmmmmm… you four are strong," A voice echoed from the ashy bat corpses, slowly sprinkling down onto the expanse of burnt grass. Its wielder slowly revealed itself, causing all three of my friends and me to slowly twist our heads around. 

They were strong. Whoever the silhouette that strutted out from the rain of ash was so strong that I could hardly contain my excitement. 

"Finally… somebody who is a challenge," I smiled, seeing a vampire step out. Her long and revealing red dress displayed an hourglass figure of pale utter beauty. Her bright red eyes hung high, not underestimating us but still keeping that signature pride of the disgusting bloodsuckers. 

"Hmmmm… why were you all enslaved? I intended to free you all, but it seems you had no problem doing that?" 

"Well, you ruined basically our entire plan, so I desire some kind of compensation. Also, it didn't look like you were intended to save us as those bats were quite threatening… what were you trying to do, huh?" Bella complained. 

"I intended to turn you all into my servants… of course, of the superior race," She smiled, those two blood-sucking sharp fangs glistening in her scarlet aura. 

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