Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 402 Conversation With Aisa

"Orion! Orion! Orion!" A young woman shouted at me, her glistening golden eyes and pure white hair with highlights of light blue streaking down, accentuating an almost angelic aura around her. "Oh, thank the gods, you're awake!" 

"Don't… thank those assholes…" I groaned, slowly sitting up while holding my face. Everything hurt from my mind to the deepest chambers of my heart. And to be honest, I could hardly think straight, but with a cool and icy feeling slowly emitting from Asia's hand, everything that was sore began to ease. 

"So, how was it?" A second voice captured my attention from behind Aisa. It was the demon queen as she leaned towards me. Her smile only grew wider. "Your eyes… those god marks… they tell me you've truly become a demi-god. You've awakened as a being of pure power and destruction." 

[Apotheosis has been completed]

Dusting off the dirt from my ripped clothes and allowing Aisa to help me back to my room, I felt like my head was about to explode. It felt like something was being pumped into it without me knowing just what it was. It was thick, gooey, and practically attempted to ooze from my ears with each thought that I… uhhh… thunk? I don't know! It just sucked!

"Ugh… I'm gonna puke…" 

"Then don't puke on me, asshole," Aisa grimaced before quickly helping me to a nearby bathroom and tossing me inside. Once I had hit the floor, nothing stopped me from the toilet, where I emptied everything I had ever eaten in this life. Everything came out, and I was worried I might even puke up a lung or maybe my heart. 

Practically limping out of the bathroom, Aisa helped me back to my room, and once we arrived, I found myself in front of my tall mirror. It revealed the god marks on my face now had a gold outline while my eyes had taken a drastic turn, with my pupils becoming black holes that constantly shifted in shape. They weren't sat in one form, nor did they keep the same vanta-black color as sometimes they lightened when I entered a brighter part of my room and then went completely black upon entering a darker part of my room. 

"My head is fucking pounding…." I groaned once again while tossing myself onto my bed. My face was pressed up against the pillow, and Aisa sat on the edge of my bed, lightly running her fingers through my hair. "Please don't do that… you're only making me more nauseous…" 

She didn't say anything, but the quick retraction of her fingers told me everything I needed to know. So then, a long silence fell within the room. I couldn't really go to sleep, so I tried my best, but to no avail... the nausea was just too much. 

I didn't have the energy to get up, so I just lay there, hoping the despair would rid itself from my mind and body. Aisa was still there as well, so maybe I could have asked her for a trash can, but to be honest, I was just too tired. 

"Hey… who won the duel?" 

"Probably you… I fainted… and I don't care about the outcome of a spar. You can take credit for the dual and brag to the rest… I'm sure they're almost here… also, get me a trash can, will you?" 

I turned my pale face, flushed with vomit green, towards Aisa. Noticing my state where I was about to throw up all over my mattress, she quickly rushed over to the corner of the room, grabbed my trash can, and tossed it over to me. 

Quickly, I emptied nothing into the trash can. 

"I think a healer is on their way… ummmm… Also, it was a draw. By the time you fainted, I had run out of mana. You should have been the winner." 


"May I ask what happened? While you fainted, your heartbeat stopped several times. You also kept rolling back and forth as if you had just fallen asleep and were having a nightmare… or, is that too personal?" 

"I met some grandparents of mine… they weren't very nice, though." 

"And they killed you? In that dream of yours?" 

"It wasn't a dream, and they didn't even kill me intentionally. I died as a byproduct of their fighting… I wish I got to talk to them more." 

"How were they? Your grandparents…" 

"They were a bit different than what I expected, but it's whatever. They were powerful, but their marriage or whatever the hell they had was shit… You can't have everything, I guess." 

I had no intention of telling Aisa just what happened in my dream, and I had no intention of informing her of who my grandparents exactly were. Just telling her that they are strong is extremely vague, especially when we both know just how powerful this universe can get. 

There was also the fact of her trying to deduce it, but she had so little information that I doubt she could even comprehend the idea. Maybe figuring out my father is a god, but my grandparents was an entirely different story and beast of its own. 

Although, the demon god… she could definitely discover something. She was dangerous. Not only is she intelligent, but she is old. I have no idea how old, but I presume old enough to know of some of these primordial beings… things that came before the present gods. 

Maybe she was even made by one of these beings. But wait, wouldn't that make the other gods' creations of these beings as well? So, if I wasn't at the top of the hit list before, then that means I'm definitely the king of the hill now…. Nobody is replacing me for being the top opposition to these gods who are so arrogant I doubt they'll accept having beings stronger than them.

My mind raced at a million miles per hour, calculating and assuming just what could have happened at the beginning of existence itself. Have the books I've read lied to me? How exactly did this world come to be? I wanted to know. I wanted to know so bad. 

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