Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 375 Noble Auction (5)

The remaining demons with strawberry blonde hair had run towards me. From their analysis, they seriously thought they could take me. So I quickly showed them my overwhelming power as my muscles and tendons creaked with absolute power. 

My aura exploded out, causing the demons to freeze in place, and as I took a step toward them, their faces paled at the sight of a red halo circling around my head. I felt good. Really good. To the point where I couldn't help but test out this newest attack I had received. 

"[Heaven Splitter]," I muttered, and with the enhancement of the blood buff, my muscles bulged to twice their size before constricting down. All of the power condensed down into my legs which then traveled up my torso and dispersed into my arms. And with a deafening swing that seemingly tore through the fabric of space and time, I vertically swung downwards. 

Reality around me flashed a bright white light into my face. The demons in front of me paled at the terror of this attack. The blade may not have swung into them, but the remaining power that traveled around it began to disintegrate their attack. And with the explosion of a mushroom cloud that engulfed part of the dry area of the city, a sound was finally released into the atmosphere. 


When everything stopped glowing like the center of the sun, I opened my eyes, finding myself in a one-mile wasteland in all directions. Absolutely nothing was left beside the bedrock serving as a platform for this massive city. But even then, this almost indestructible rock had been cracked in various places and had scorch marks slathered about it. 

"Hmmmmm… Okay, let's go find those horns and maybe that Empress…." I smiled, before giving the signal to wherever Aisa was. I knew the first location, but after shooting the first demons, I knew she repositioned elsewhere. Although, I had absolutely no clue since no glint was to be seen. "Let's just hope she sees my signal," I muttered before raising my right hand and slowly lowering it until it fell limp at my side.

So, I began to walk- 

"Huh? What?" I murmured, my legs wobbling as if I had lost all feeling in them. They didn't really hurt, but it felt as if the muscles had almost been torn off my bones… without the pain, y'know. I lost most function in my lower body, in fact, as my feet gave out and I collapsed to the ground. 

[HP: 102/102 MP: --/-- SP: 2/60] - Above Human 

"You good?" A cold breath tickled the back of my neck, and as Aisa slipped into my view, she pulled up my pants to see my calves and shins. Seeing nothing was wrong, she pulled them up until we were both able to see my thighs which were completely black and blue with hints of purple dotted across it. It was severely bruised, and when she lightly pushed on it, I felt an electric shock shoot up my leg and to my lats, making me freeze up. "This isn't good… are your arms okay? That attack looked special, but I'm surprised your legs took the brunt of the damage." 

Her fingers wrapped around my forearm, checking to see if I had any pain, and as she pulled up the sleeve of my t-shirt, we both noticed the same massive bruises. I couldn't help but click my tongue with disappointment, as healing potions just wouldn't work on this. There was no such thing as stamina potions… right? 

Aisa, oblivious to the fact this wasn't related to my HP, attempted to hand me a healing potion. I still drank it since it got rid of the swelling and bruising, but even after, I couldn't stand up. Like it was physically impossible for me to stand up. So I began to wonder what the problem was.

Was this due to a weak body of mine or not enough stamina? Because from the looks of it, it seemed like it was a mix of both. I just wasn't physically prepared to handle such a skill, and I guess that was true because I'm pretty sure my Master had the body of a demi-god or something. Well, it was probably close to that. 

"Here… go by yourself. I'll catch up to you once I recover my stamina," I huffed, feeling a drop of sweat slide down my cheek. And as I saw Aisa nod her head, disappearing into the line of buildings, I flopped onto my back, only thinking of one thing. "If she was here… she would have definitely been able to heal me with some kind of elixir." 


(Aisa POV)

Soon, I arrived back at the auction house. It was quiet. A bit too quiet, so I entered the building, only to be greeted by a wall of flames. It flushed through the halls of the theater, burning the bright red carpet and tearing down the velvet curtains. It was a scene befitting the place it started in: The depths of hell. 

"Oh yeah… didn't Orion want to converse with those people? I let those people live because I thought he would scare them… but he just straight up fucking killed them," I sighed, walking through the mountains of flames. And they were no normal flames as they burned with a bright green tint that lightly flushed into the depths of each ember. But, when compared to my throne world: [Throne World: Concentrated Capsule of Ice], it was nothing. 

I could have honestly helped to quell some of the flames, but that just seemed like a pain, so I decided against it. Plus, I wanted to conserve as much mana for the actual battle as once I stepped through the doors into the warehouse just behind the auction house, where I assumed they kept their most precious valuables, I once again saw hell incarnate. 

"Tch… that's a lot of people," I nervously chuckled, seeing at least thirty demons fighting over the right to the woman who was being held in place by the merchant. He was the one who had sold all of these things and watched the fights break out, entertained by the free skirmishes that were now in a more controlled environment. "Did the horns really take that much power from her?" 

As I continued to watch the fights, I lightly gripped the horns atop my head. I didn't want them going anywhere, as I needed this power to survive in hell. I doubt my friends would just ditch me even if I suddenly became powerless, but I'm pretty sure I would feel useless and maybe just end up killing myself. Power was everything to me. More importantly, it was everything I needed to survive.

For what seemed to be an hour, I rested at the entrance to the warehouse, seeing these demons drop like flies. But eventually, it slowly dwindled down to five people, and Orion finally arrived as well. He still looked a bit exhausted but could now walk completely fine. 

"Geez… what a shit hole," Orion laughed, seeing the remaining demons, beaten, bloody, and exhausted. But we weren't so oblivious to think these were the only remaining demons. These were just the stupid ones who were too prideful to even think for a second. The more dangerous ones are lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike as soon as a winner had come out on top. 

Of course, yet another large fight would break out once this happened, but amongst the stronger ones, so as soon as one demon was left in this fight, there was a long pause. He felt like he had conquered the world, and with a witty smile and a massive fist pump into the air… he died. He dropped dead from his injuries, dying for nothing as his blood leaked all over the floor. 

"You all can come out now," The merchant announced, clearly being aware of our presence. And seeing how the shadows in the room receded, we were all exposed. Fifteen demons were left, with there being five groups. Three groups of four, one group of two, and one group of one. And that singular person was mysterious. I just couldn't take my eyes off of them as they unraveled their bandaged hands and arms. 

"Shall we settle this diplomatically, or do you all want to fight over it like these immature babies who died for nothing?" A demon with long dark green hair announced. Her voice resonated through the room, serving as a sort of anesthetic for the tense air. 

"Is this the reason why you killed those other people when you said you wanted to befriend them?" I turned to Orion, whose eyes were plastered all over the cloaked figure. Her hands and arms had been completely unveiled, revealing long stretches of black tattoos shaped into the same patterns as that of alchemy circles.

"O-Oh yeah, of course. That's why I killed them," Orion stuttered, still not taking her eyes away. 

"Yeah, whatever." 

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