Wake Up As Gay Werewolf Prince [BL]

Chapter 97


Bai Renshu looked down on him from the start, and the man even mocked him that he wouldn’t be able to survive in the Forbidden Forest for more than ten minutes because he was too weak.

Bai Chen was offended by the humiliation, and he even thought that he would be no different from an ant who would be trampled upon when he entered the forest if he could not survive for only ten minutes.

The younger Prince thought that surviving for ten minutes would be easy, and he didn’t expect that he would be so close to death’s door before he could even set foot into the forest.

Even before he entered the forest, he felt that half of his soul had left his body, and he suddenly regretted his arrogance, ‘I should have cherished every second of my life and should not underestimate the precious ten minutes!’

He scolded himself, but he knew that there was no point in regretting his arrogance when he was already on the verge of death.

If he only thought about regrets, then he would have so many regrets, including his decision to accept the mission from Bai Lang to start a new life in this strange world.

Even his agreement to participate in the Beast Hunting Event also brought him another regret, and he knew that regret would not be able to save his life in this situation.

He was about to fall free from the bridge, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to win against the force of gravity when he started to fall. He was ready to welcome the abyss, and he was also ready to say goodbye to the new life he had just experienced in the past three weeks.

Bai Chen was in despair, but suddenly, he felt that gravity couldn’t pull him anymore because he felt his hand being grabbed by something.


Bai Chen had his eyes glued to the bottomless pit, but he could feel how his hand was enveloped by a sudden warmth. It might be wrong to say that it was something that just grabbed his hand. When he raised his head to look at his hand, he found that it was a man who was tightly gripping his wrist.

His body was hanging from the bridge, and he couldn’t even feel his legs as he was feeling so scared right now, but he could still recognize that it was indeed a man who had just saved him.

Bai Chen didn’t even have the energy to thank the man, and perhaps it wasn’t even the right time to show his gratitude to the man as his body was still hanging dangerously.

The man holding Bai Chen’s hand seemed to realize that Bai Chen was still in danger even if he managed to catch Bai Chen’s hand in time, and that was why he started pulling Bai Chen up.

At first, only his right hand gripped Bai Chen’s left wrist, but now his left hand also grabbed onto the wrist, and his right hand carefully moved to grasp Bai Chen’s palm before pulling it with all his might.

Bai Chen could feel how his body moved little by little until finally his entire body was lifted by the man, and he ended up on top of the man’s lap after he returned to the old bridge again.

Yes, Bai Chen didn’t even know how he ended up in that position, but he was sitting on the man’s lap right now.

He could see the man gasping for air, and he could also feel his own heart still beating like crazy. His breath was still labored as well, but he was able to heave a sigh of relief as he managed to escape death’s door.

His pair of blue eyes were fixed on the figure who had just saved him, but he couldn’t even see the person’s face because the person was wearing a mask. To be precise, the man was wearing a golden mask that covered his entire face and only left two holes for his pair of eyes, and that was why Bai Chen couldn’t see the man’s face.

Bai Chen could tell that the person was a man, but that was only because of the man’s posture, not the man’s face. That person was taller and sturdier than him, so Bai Chen was certain that he was indeed a man.

His pair of azure eyes tried to scan every inch of the golden mask the unknown man was wearing. The mask covered the man’s face completely, leaving only two holes where Bai Chen could see the man’s eyes, but he could not even see the eyes clearly because his reverie was interrupted by the man’s voice.

“Are you okay?”

The voice sounded deep, and it was muffled by the golden mask worn by the man. Yes, it was indeed a man judging by how deep his voice was.

Too bad that the mask covered the man’s face, and Bai Chen couldn’t even see what was so special about the golden mask. It was just an ordinary mask with a simple pattern on it, but the man used it to cover his face without letting anyone see his skin.

‘Maybe it’s normal for people in this world to wear masks? And maybe he’s wearing it because he’s too ugly?’ Bai Chen couldn’t help but wonder in his heart.

He really couldn’t catch a glimpse of the man’s face, and he assumed that the man was probably too embarrassed by his ugliness that he decided to wear a mask.

“Did you hear me?” The man asked again when he did not receive an answer from Bai Chen, and Bai Chen only realized that he had ignored the man.

Bai Chen was about to open his lips to answer the man’s question, but then he heard someone shouting from the side.

“Are you all right, Your Highness?”

When Bai Chen turned his head to the side, he found that it was one of the imperial soldiers who had just questioned him.

He could see that the soldiers guarding the event looked worried as they looked in his direction, and he was somehow happy that the people still cared about his safety.

When he was about to cross the bridge just now, the soldiers didn’t even care about him even if he looked really scared, but now they looked like they were regretting that he almost fell into the abyss.

Maybe they did care about him because they were afraid of punishment if something bad happened to him, but Bai Chen still felt good knowing someone still cared about him.

Once again, he was about to open his mouth to answer the soldier’s question, but someone was faster than him.

“I’m fine!”

Bai Chen was dumbfounded when he heard the answer, and he knew that it was the man who had saved him who had just answered the soldier’s question. He once again turned his gaze to the man, and he frowned as he once again faced the man.

‘That soldier used ‘Your Highness’ just now, but why did he answer that question?’ The brunette once again wondered to himself as he continued to stare at the pair of eyes that peeked through the mask’s small holes.

The pair of eyes were sharp and piercing, and Bai Chen couldn’t even look at them for a long time as he took his eyes off the man. The next thing he heard was the man’s laughter, but he still didn’t turn his head to look at the man again.

“I know you’re not hurt, but you still don’t want to get up from my lap?”

Bai Chen widened his eyes when he heard the man’s question, and he immediately tried to get up from the man’s lap, only to lose his balance once again, and he almost fell off the bridge again if someone didn’t catch his hand on time.

The two of them were standing on the bridge now, and Bai Chen could get a better look at the man who had saved him.

It turned out that the man was much taller than him, and he was wearing a red hanfu with gold embroidery. The man’s hair was charcoal-colored and neatly tied at the back of his head. The man was properly dressed, and even his standing position looked very elegant.

Bai Chen began to question the identity of the man after discovering that the man gave off an unusual aura to him. The man had an air of royalty, and Bai Chen was pretty sure that the man wasn’t just an ordinary person taking part in the event.

And then he remembered how the man had responded to the soldier who asked the question earlier, and he also remembered that the soldier used ‘Your Highness’ in his question.

Several theories formed in Bai Chen’s head, but then he suddenly got a notification from the system.




AGE: 25


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