Wake Up As Gay Werewolf Prince [BL]

Chapter 149


A pair of blue eyes glared at the pair of dark orbs after their owner heard the additional information from the other person.

“Earlier you said you didn’t know the details of what happened when I accidentally gave my Power Crystal, didn’t you? Why are you suddenly telling me about how I ended up losing my Power Crystal when I was little, Ma Qiao?” The blue-eyed prince asked a question while continuing to frown at the older man.

He didn’t need to be a genius to remember what Ma Qiao had just told him a few minutes ago. When he asked the servant about what happened in the past, the servant told him he didn’t know much because he wasn’t with him and Tang Yanmei when the accident happened, but the man suddenly uttered another piece of information that shocked him.

“Aiyah! Please don’t misunderstand, Your Highness!” Ma Qiao immediately tried to defend himself as he continued to get fierce stares from the young man. “I don’t know much about what happened, nor did I witness the incident, but Lady Tang told me something about it. She told me that you were helping a child who was dying back then when you accidentally gave your Power Crystal to the kid!”

That was another piece of information he got from the old man, and Bai Chen tried to calm himself down once more. “So, I saved a child using my Power Crystal? Then, it can’t be said that I accidentally gave the crystal, right? Maybe I intended to use my crystal to save the child?” He asked again.

This time, Ma Qiao took a moment to think deeply, but then he nodded his head before immediately shaking it.

That response made Bai Chen frown, and he asked again, “What does your head movement mean, Ma Qiao? Can’t you use your mouth to properly answer my question?”

Even at times like this, Ma Qiao still had the audacity to test his patients, and Bai Chen turned his head away as he looked lazily at the old man.

Hearing the young Prince’s rebuke, Ma Qiao smiled shyly before replying, “I’m sorry, Your Highness. I nodded to answer your first question because you did save the child using your Power Crystal. However, I cannot say that you purposely wanted to give your Power Crystal to that kid, and that’s why I shook my head after nodding at you.”


Ma Qiao was still the strange servant he had known since he transmigrated to this world, and Bai Chen could only helplessly sigh. “You just need to explain what you know about what happened back then, Ma Qiao. And don’t use body language because I won’t be able to understand it.”

The old man smiled shyly again, but then he began to explain, “That’s just a story I heard from Lady Tang, so I don’t know if it’s accurate, Your Highness.”

Bai Chen just nodded, and Ma Qiao continued, “From Lady Tang, I knew that a child had an accident back then, and you came to save him yourself. Lady Tang didn’t know what you did to the child, but when she found you, you fell unconscious because you accidentally lost your Power Crystal. On the other hand, the child came back to life after receiving your Power Crystal. Lady Tang said that you accidentally gave your crystal because you definitely didn’t know how to use your crystal back then.”

Bai Chen frowned when he heard the information from Ma Qiao. What happened in the past was not part of his memory, but it was part of Bai Chen’s memory.

But, since he was in Bai Chen’s body now, he couldn’t help but act as if he was trying to recall the memory. Unexpectedly, Bai Chen felt that some memories flashed through his mind when he was only pretending to be the real Bai Chen.

He could see a boy almost drowning in what looked like a river, and the boy was screaming for help. He was wandering alone at the time, and he suddenly ran towards the boy and tried to help the boy out of the water.

He tried to swim in the water, and he finally managed to drag the boy to the river bank. The boy was unconscious, and he immediately tried to save the child from death.

Unfortunately, the memories stopped at that moment, and Bai Chen didn’t even know what happened after that.

‘That’s Bai Chen’s memory, right? But, why are those memories in my mind? Is it because I’m in his body now?’ Bai Chen widened his eyes after the memory flashed in his mind.

It was the first time for him to catch a glimpse of the real Bai Chen’s memories. He had been in this world for almost a month, but he had never seen any memories that didn’t belong to him.

Therefore, Bai Chen could sense that it was abnormal, and his heart even thumped when he felt an abnormality in his head.

“Are you all right, Your Highness?” Ma Qiao saw the strangeness in the young Prince, and he immediately touched the Prince’s arm to pull the Prince out of his reverie.

Bai Chen blinked his blue eyes after realizing that he was almost drowning in a strange memory that didn’t belong to him.

“I’m fine,” the Prince replied in a whisper. “So, my Power Crystal is in the kid’s body now? Do you know the kid, Ma Qiao?”

Unfortunately, Bai Chen couldn’t see the boy’s face clearly in the memory that crossed his mind earlier. It seemed that the boy had even covered his forehead with a bandage, making it even more difficult for Bai Chen to see the boy’s face.

‘Wait. The boy covered his forehead with a bandage? Is he sick or what? He almost drowned when he was sick?’ Bai Chen once again wondered when he thought of the boy in his memory.

“I don’t know who the child is, Your Highness,” Ma Qiao answered his question. “As I said before, you went to the Wu Li Empire with just your mother back then, so I couldn’t see the child. And your mother didn’t tell me the identity of the child either. I think your mother didn’t know who the child was, Your Highness.”

His mother didn’t even know the identity of the child, so it would be even more difficult if Bai Chen wanted to find the child.

But wait. Bai Chen suddenly realized something as he asked the servant one more time, “You said that my mother and I went to the Wu Li Empire alone, right? So, that incident happened in Wu Li?”

Even if the information wasn’t very significant, it would still be important if Bai Chen could confirm that the incident had indeed occurred in the human empire.

“Yes, Your Highness,” the servant confirmed. “You accidentally lost your Power Crystal in the Wu Li Empire, and your mother also said that the child you saved was only a human. That’s why she didn’t want to prolong this matter because she felt sorry for the child’s condition. The child was ill, Your Highness.”



10.5% => 14%}

After one by one the information was revealed by Ma Qiao, Bai Chen once again received a notification from the system, and he was happy to see the progress that had reached 14% now.

However, he was still troubled by the thing that happened all those years ago, but then he realized something from the memories that had crossed his mind earlier.

‘The boy almost drowned in a river, and I thought the river looked familiar. Isn’t that... the river where Zhu Ge and I fetch water to drink?’ Bai Chen had another revelation, and his heart skipped a beat once again.

The time when he and Zhu Ge went to the river to fetch water to drink happened about three weeks ago, and the memory was still vivid in his head.

He also remembered that the river was in the territory of the Wu Li Empire, so the real Bai Chen of this world might have indeed saved the child in that river.

He knew that all of this was just a coincidence, but Bai Chen still wanted to learn more about what happened in the past, so he once again asked the servant, “You said that the child came back to life because of my Power Crystal, right? If that kid was still alive today, what would happen if I took my crystal back from him, Ma Qiao?”

Bai Chen didn’t mean to be a stingy person, but he knew that the Power Crystal was important to him, and that was why he had little hope that he would be able to retrieve the crystal if the child was still alive.

He thought that his plan wasn’t bad, but to his dismay, Ma Qiao didn’t look happy as he replied, “If you take back the Power Crystal, then that person will die, Your Highness.”

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