Wake Up As Gay Werewolf Prince [BL]

Chapter 137


Bai Chen wasn’t sure what kind of person Bai Guowei was even if that man held the status of his father in this world. If it was in his previous life, then he would know a lot about his father.

His father in his previous life was quieter than his mother, but it was this man who managed to revive the light of his dark life. The man had a warm smile and warm hands, and whenever the man hugged him while smiling sincerely at him, Bai Chen could always feel warmth in his heart.

[“Don’t worry, ChenChen. You will always be with us, and no one can hurt you again. You will believe my words right? How about we make a pinky promise to seal our promise?”]

That was how his father in his previous life tried to comfort him when he was still afraid of the cruel world. When he was just hurt by someone, his father came to him and gave him comfort that he had not felt since he was a child, and his little hands carefully hugged the man to show that he could trust the man with all his heart.

His father in his previous life was indeed his protector, and sometimes Bai Chen even thought that that man was his hero. Unfortunately, death had separated the two of them, and after transmigrating to this world, Bai Chen obtained another father, but that man was completely different from his warm and caring father in his previous life.

He had only met the person he should call ‘father’ in this world three times, and he wouldn’t be able to judge that man just by the encounters.

Sure, Bai Guowei looked like a heartless person as he could even ignore his own son like the plague, but that didn’t mean that the man could also be so cruel when it came to other people’s lives.

There were many people in the forest participating in the Beast Hunting Event, and there were even very important people like Bai Renshu and Shao Meihui in the forest.

Bai Renshu would be the next ruler in Dong Lang, while Shao Meihui was the daughter of the Black Werewolf Clan who also had power in the empire. Bai Chen just thought that it was a bit risky if Emperor Bai Guowei did ask people to break the peace within the Forbidden Forest.


“Ah, I just remembered that your relationship with Shao Meihui is rather special, and it’s no wonder you also know the people who were supposed to protect her during the event,” Wu Jinhai replied, but his response was not a direct answer to Bai Chen’s question.

“What do you mean by saying that Shao Meihui and I have a special relationship?” Bai Chen asked while furrowing his brows.

Bai Chen thought that Wu Jinhai only knew about the relationship between Bai Renshu and Shao Meihui, and he thought that the man would not know about his ‘relationship’ with the girl from the Black Werewolf Clan.

Bai Chen couldn’t even put a label on the thing between him and the girl. The thing between them was only for ‘business,’ and there was no romance between them at all.

“I accidentally heard your conversation with her and her father when we were still at the Rongyao Imperial Palace. I knew you would marry her after the event ended,” Wu Jinhai replied.

Hearing the words ‘accidentally’ and ‘heard’ spoken by the masked man in one sentence, Bai Chen narrowed his blue eyes at the man. “Are you sure you just accidentally heard our conversation?” He interrogated the taller man. “Judging by your character, you are the type of person who is always curious about other people’s affairs, but rather than directly asking them, you would choose to observe from the side without anyone noticing. Am I right, Your Highness?”

Bai Chen was being sarcastic. Today was indeed the first time he had known the man called Wu Jinhai, but for some reason, he had managed to learn the character of that man in no time.

From his experience in the forest with that man, he knew that Wu Jinhai would always be there when there was an ‘interesting’ event, but instead of stepping forward, the man would choose to observe from the side and wait until someone was killed. And even after someone was killed, the man was still unwilling to step forward.

Such a character managed to irritate Bai Chen, and he suddenly thought of another person who often annoyed him as well. Yes, that someone was called Zhu Ge, and for some reason, this Prince named Wu Jinhai possessed the same skill as that perverted man when it came to annoying him.

‘Those two men are very different from each other, but they both always have a way of upsetting me,’ he couldn’t help but grumble inwardly as he compared the two men who liked to wear red clothes.

And even after he acted cynically towards Wu Jinhai, the man only chuckled from behind his golden mask. “You really know me even though today is our first meeting,” he said. “But your relationship with the girl from the Black Werewolf Clan was quite interesting. She was your brother’s lover, but she ended up betrothed to you. Don’t you think it was interesting? Unfortunately, the girl had to die in this forest, and the interesting story must end sooner before it even reached climax.”

Instead of thinking that his relationship with Shao Meihui was interesting, Bai Chen chose to think that the fate that tied the two of them to Bai Renshu was ridiculous. Bai Renshu and Shao Meihui loved each other to the end, but the two of them couldn’t be together for various reasons.

Of course, Bai Chen thought that the destiny between them was too ridiculous.

“How did you know that Bai Renshu and Shao Meihui had a romantic relationship?” It was another thing that piqued Bai Chen’s curiosity, and he immediately voiced it before it bothered him again.

Wu Jinhai still had the golden mask covering his face, but for some reason, Bai Chen had the illusion that he could see the man grinning behind the mask.

“A similar accident happened in this forest a year ago,” Wu Jinhai replied. “I participated in the Beast Hunting Event last year, and I witnessed how your brother and your fiancée ate each other’s lips back then.”

“...” This time, Bai Chen didn’t know how to respond.

During this year’s Beast Hunting Event, Wu Jinhai witnessed two people having sex in the cave. That kind of thing could be considered unlucky, but it turned out that the man had witnessed the same thing involving the same people last year.

Bai Chen couldn’t help but think that Wu Jinhai was indeed an unlucky person in this world.

“But when I think about it again, now I am curious about one thing,” Wu Jinhai suddenly spoke again when the shorter man did not open his mouth after hearing his answer. “Earlier you insisted on helping your brother and Shao Meihui, and you also looked sad when you found out that Shao Meihui was killed. Does that mean, you have feelings for that girl? I thought you were gay, so I didn’t expect that you could have feelings for a girl.”

Bai Chen didn’t know how to answer. He did want to help Bai Renshu and Shao Meihui earlier, and he was also unhappy when he learned that Shao Meihui was killed by the Three-Headed Snake.

However, the reason behind his stubbornness and sorrow was simply because he felt bad for the girl, and that didn’t mean that he had romantic feelings for the girl.

Bai Chen knew for certain in his heart, but he felt that he didn’t have the energy to explain everything to the man in red, and he just remained silent instead of giving a verbal answer.

Wu Jinhai continued to observe Bai Chen’s reaction from behind his golden mask, and for some reason, he looked disappointed that he didn’t receive any response from the shorter man.

Unfortunately, before he could say anything to break the silence between them, a strong wind suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and it was even enough to force the black and brown strands to fly wild due to its sudden appearance.

The two men even had to squint because the wind had even managed to move dry leaves as well as specks of dirt on the ground, and both were trying to block any particles that got into their eyes.

Luckily, the strong wind didn’t move for so long, and it soon stopped before a minute had passed. The dry leaves and dirt no longer flew with the wind, and the black and brown strands also stopped dancing wildly in the wind.

The two men were finally able to open their eyes when they looked in a direction, and they were stunned when their eyes saw three people standing not far from them.

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