Wake Up As Gay Werewolf Prince [BL]

Chapter 115


The golden mask had covered his face for a long time, and it felt like it had become part of his face. Therefore, when someone wanted to remove it from his face, Wu Jinhai immediately grabbed that person’s hands to stop his movement.

He was dumbfounded by Bai Chen’s statement and movements, but he was still fast enough to catch the hands on his mask that almost pulled the mask off his face if he wasn’t fast enough.

He knew that Bai Chen still saw him as ‘Ah Yun,’ and even if he was curious about the owner of that name, he was more focused on Bai Chen’s hands on his mask now.

The golden mask had indeed become a part of his life, and there was a reason why he continued to wear it, and he was not prepared to show what was hiding behind the mask tonight.

Hence, Wu Jinhai tightened the grip on Bai Chen’s wrists before pulling them away from his golden mask. He, of course, had to accept the Werewolf Prince’s protests.

“What are you doing? I just want to take off that ugly mask, so you better let go of my hands, Ah Yun! You are the prettiest, and you don’t have to cover your face with that ugly mask!”

Wu Jinhai felt a sudden twitch in his temple when he heard how Bai Chen said the unfamiliar name again. Moreover, the white-robed man even said that the owner of that name was the prettiest, and that didn’t make Wu Jinhai happy at all.

‘Do you think beautiful people can’t wear ugly masks?’ He complained in his heart, but he didn’t voice it directly and just continued to glare at the Werewolf Prince.

The masked man was annoyed, and he gritted his teeth furiously as he quickly grabbed the back of Bai Chen’s shoulder so that the man had his back to him now. At least, Bai Chen’s hands would not easily reach the golden mask in this position, and Wu Jinhai felt that his secret was in a safer position now.


Bai Chen screamed and tried to free himself from Wu Jinhai’s grip, but Wu Jinhai ignored the protests as he used one hand to hold the man’s hands behind his back.

As he tried to keep Bai Chen in place, he used his other hand to brush away Bai Chen’s brown hair so that the wound on the man’s nape was again visible to his eyes.

‘How could he not notice that a small beast was crawling up his body and even up to his neck? I thought his body was sensitive, but he couldn’t even feel the movement of the scorpion around his neck,’ he was once again annoyed when he saw the wound that the Hallucinatory Scorpion had left on the man’s nape.

Putting aside his annoyance, Wu Jinhai placed Bai Chen’s hair on the man’s right shoulder before he used his hand to lift his golden mask slightly, just enough to reveal his lips, then he brought his face close to Bai Chen’s nape before pressing his lips on the wound.

Bai Chen screamed again as he felt Wu Jinhai’s hot mouth on his injured neck, and he even yelled about how his little Ah Yun had suddenly become a pervert that even dared to suck his slender neck.

Wu Jinhai could hear the insults, and he also knew that Bai Chen was constantly struggling in his grasp, but he ignored all of that while using his mouth to suck the venom from Bai Chen’s neck.

‘Before I can give the antidote to him, I have to make sure that the venom is no longer in his body. Unfortunately, this stupid guy doesn’t make my job any easier, and he even keeps saying that ugly name!’ Wu Jinhai grumbled in his heart as he continued to suck Bai Chen’s neck in search of venom.

It seemed that the nape of the neck was Bai Chen’s sensitive spot, and his screams suddenly turned into a moan as the sucking at the nape of his neck grew stronger.

Wu Jinhai was startled by the moans, but he focused on sucking the venom out of Bai Chen’s body. And when he felt he had sucked enough, he then pulled his face away from Bai Chen’s nape before spitting the venom on the ground. The golden mask once again covered his face as he finished his work.

Now Wu Jinhai no longer used his hand to hold Bai Chen’s hand, and the shorter man could freely turn around and immediately snap at the taller one, “Why did you do that to me, Ah Yun? Your jokes aren’t funny, but I felt funny on my body when you... when you kissed my nape!” He voiced his protest.

Bai Chen’s face turned red, and Wu Jinhai knew that it was a combination of his lust and rage. That man did moan because of what he was doing on the nape of his neck, and Wu Jinhai was secretly smirking behind the golden mask.

But, he still didn’t like it when Bai Chen kept mistaking him for someone named ‘Ah Yun,’ and that was why he immediately rummaged through his sleeves to find something, and after finding it, he showed it to Bai Chen as he said, “Take this antidote so you will stop hallucinating.”

The Hallucinatory Spider was a common beast in the Forbidden Forest, so Wu Jinhai brought the antidote with him just in case the beast dared to sneak up on him and sting him. It turned out that the spider did not dare to sting him, but instead stung a weak werewolf named Bai Chen.

Now Bai Chen only needed to take the antidote, and he would be free from the poison’s effects afterward. Unfortunately, Bai Chen didn’t immediately accept the antidote, and instead, the man wearing white only frowned.

“That’s medicine, right? Why should I take medicine when I’m not sick, Ah Yun?” Tilting his head in confusion, Bai Chen asked the crow-haired man.

This time, Wu Jinhai groaned when he heard Bai Chen’s question. The man’s cute demeanor didn’t make him feel any better, but he also still didn’t feel at ease when he heard how the man kept chanting the name ‘Ah Yun.’

It seemed that Wu Jinhai had lost his temper, and that was why he immediately grabbed his red hanfu before tearing a small part of the clothes. He had indeed only torn a small part of it, but now he had a long cloth in his hand, and he immediately used it to cover Bai Chen’s eyes before tying the ends behind Bai Chen’s head.

Bai Chen continued to struggle, but Wu Jinhai tore another part of his clothes and used a long cloth to tie Bai Chen’s hands behind his back.

Bai Chen’s mouth was still free, and that was why he could still use it to protest against the taller man. He begged the man to let him go, but Wu Jinhai went deaf as he ignored all of his pleas.

Instead of answering the request, Wu Jinhai immediately took off his golden mask before throwing it on the ground. He then put the antidote on his tongue before using his left hand to grab Bai Chen’s face. He opened Bai Chen’s mouth before sticking his tongue into the man’s mouth.

He just wanted Bai Chen to swallow the antidote, and that was why he used his right hand to grab Bai Chen’s nape to deepen his tongue inside Bai Chen’s mouth.

The antidote was on the tip of his tongue, and Wu Jinhai pushed it further down into Bai Chen’s throat. Realizing that he had successfully delivered the antidote into Bai Chen’s stomach, Wu Jinhai was about to pull his head away from Bai Chen, but he was shocked when he felt how Bai Chen suddenly started kissing him hungrily.

Wu Jinhai had no other intentions as he only wanted to send the antidote into Bai Chen’s stomach, but Bai Chen suddenly offered his lips and mouth to him. Wu Jinhai could feel his heart pounding behind his ribs, and he was thinking about whether he should return Bai Chen’s kiss or not.

But then he lost his sanity as he brought his hands to Bai Chen’s nape and pulled the head closer to him as he tried to deepen the kiss. Wu Jinhai hadn’t eaten anything since he arrived in the forest, and he seemed to be hungry as he started to devour Bai Chen’s lips.

He started to gently eat the lower and upper lips, but then he stuck his tongue into the warm cave again as he used it to wrestle with Bai Chen’s tongue. He could hear Bai Chen groan sensually, and that only made him feel even more excited as he continued to explore Bai Chen’s warm cave.

But then Bai Chen suddenly pulled his head back to part their lips from each other. The Werewolf Prince was panting heavily, but he still managed to ask, “You’re not Ah Yun, are you? Are you Prince Wu Jinhai?”

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