Virtual World: Conquering the World

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Chapter 31: Blue Wolf Guard

Opening the equipment ranking, the Golden Bows first place had been replaced with the Light Flow Sword.  Moreover, the appraisal value of the Light Flow Sword was ten times higher compared to the Golden Bow and was a hundred times higher compared to the third place Bronze sword!

If other people knew that the only Gold and Silver weapons were in my hand, it would be hard to imagine what would happen.  Perhaps there would even be people that would think about robbing me!

Arriving at the warehouse manager, I stored the Light Flow Sword.

Looking at the time, it was already 10 oclock and my stomach was completely empty!

So, I logged off and took out the 1000 yuan overnight rent that Ling Xue left me.  I took 500 out for my rent and then went down stairs.  In my heart I was thinking, right now the game currency still cant be exchanged yet, but I should open a new bank account.  In a week when the games bank card binding function opens, I will be able to make a fortune at that time.  Not to mention the Light Flow Sword, right now I was considered a high level person, even if I randomly farmed some equipment to sell, I would still earn enough to buy food and clothing without worrying!

When I came downstairs, I went into a small restaurant and sat down.  I ordered two small dishes and some beer, then I began to help myself.  There were pedestrians walking outside on the street and no one was familiar with one another.  It really was only destiny that could bring two people together.  As for me and Ling Xue, we had a fate like that.  Of course, I didnt know if she also felt this way.

Right now Ling Xue should be eating dinner with Ling Yue

I couldnt help smiling as Ling Yue and Ling Xues beautiful faces appeared in my mind.  It was an honour for me to know this pair of stunning twins.  It could really be called using three lifetime of luck and it was unknown who in this world would be lucky enough to obtain even one of them.  Then my train of thought derailed and I thought about what it would be like to have both of them.  Hugging Ling Xue on the left and hugging Ling Yue on the right, I would not trade anything to give this up...

While I was having obscene thoughts, I noticed two students coming into the store.  They ordered a pot of pickled vegetable fish and then began to talk.  One of them said, Im level 24 now and I found two Dark Iron Equipment this afternoon.  My attack power is very high now!

The other one scoffed and said, Qie!  Stop bragging about a Dark Iron Weapon.  I heard that there is a senior at school that found a level 18 Bronze axe, now that is broken.  If I had a weapon like that, I could breakthrough to level 30 tonight!

Fuck, youre only level 13, stop dreaming of rushing to level 30!  Big brother will help you rush to level 18 today!

Thats right, do you know the female mage Gentle Breeze Embracing the Moon?  There was a picture of her that appeared on the internet today, shes really beautiful!  Ive heard that she lives in our Suzhou!

Suzhou?  Which school does she go to?  Lets chase her and get her as a girlfriend, she can even help us level!

Fuck!  Good for nothing!

Listening to the two students chatting, I revealed a faint smile.  I quickly ate my garlic sprouts and then chugged down my beer.  Summer time was the best time to eat a meal like this!

After I finished my mean, I immediately went back home.  At this time, I saw the couple of girls from next door gathered around the table eating dinner.  A girl in green clothes smiled at me and said, Hey!  Bookworm, want to eat together with us?

I shook my head, Thanks, but I already went out to eat!

It had to be said, these girls were quite beautiful.  Moreover, they wore exposing clothes that revealed most of their thighs and chests.  No wonder their business was so good.

After saying goodbye to the young miss next door, I closed my door and went online.  I marveled at the sound cancelling effects of the Spirit of Grief head set.  During the few days I was playing the game, I actually have not heard un un ah ah or I want love even if I die!

After logging on, I appeared in Sunset City.  Opening the player rankings, I saw that the player rankings of Sunset City did not change by much.  Gentle Breeze Embracing the Moon was still first place at level 33 and I was second at level 32.  The Battle Soul members were below us and Sword Flames Ghost Fire and Dragon Soul entered into the seventh and eighth place at level 30.

Opening my friends list, I saw that Purple Rhyme and Ling Yue were not there.  Dragon Soul was also offline, but Heavenly Punisher and Ghost Fire were still in the game.  They were probably trying out the new Perishing Set while leveling.

Looking at the equipment rankings, it did not change at all.  The Light Flow Sword was still high above the others at first place.

Just like being in a dream, the number one weapon in the entire world actually belonged to me.  This filled me with disbelief, so I ran off to the warehouse to take a look.  Seeing the cold glowing Light Flow Sword lying in my warehouse, I began to let out a wild laugh which made all the other players look at me.

Next, I had to decide where I would go to level.

After scrolling through the forums for a whole, I found that there was a leveling ground treasure trove for high level players.  In a canyon to the west of Sunset City, there lied a large ancient tomb named the Generals Tomb!

The Generals Tomb was a ten thousand year old temple.  Legends say that countless thousands of years ago, because a large star that could sweep through the world undeterred betrayed the king of a country, that king flew into a rage and led a thousand wizards to seal that general and his loyal followers into this ancient temple.  The years passed and the hatred and loneliness had demonized the originally brave general.  After several thousand years, this tomb had become a forbidden area for living people!

Basically, Spirit of Grief only gave this much information about the Generals tomb.  There was no information on its coordinates or the monsters inside, everything depended on the player to find this out themselves.

But, some Moon Monochrome internal personnel had disclosed that the Generals Tomb lied in a canyon to the west of Sunset City.  It was a leveling ground treasure trove made for level 30 to level 60 players.  It was said that it had a high drop rate, but there was not a single player that had found the Generals Tomb yet.  The tomb was like a mirage that could not been seen.

After buying some potions, I decided to set off on my one.  I looked at my skills.

[Basic Archery] (Intermediate Level)  

Proficiency: 0/50000

Does not use MP.

[Fire Arrow] (Intermediate Level)

Proficiency: 0/50000

Costs 10 MP to use.

[Ice Arrow] (Beginner Level)

Proficiency: 7234/10000

Costs 5 MP to use.

[Armour Piercing Arrow] (Intermediate Level)

Proficiency: 0/50000

Costs 20 MP to use.

[Thousand Blade Arrows] (Beginner Level)

Proficiency: 0/10000

Costs 50 MP to use.

After being continuously used, fire arrow and armour piercing arrow had already reached the intermediate level.  Currently, beginner archers could only raise their skills to the intermediate level, but once they changed jobs at level 40, they naturally could raise their skills to the high level.  Its said that there is still the master level after the high level.  Above that was the grandmaster level and finally there was the divine level.  In short, the higher the grade, the more broken it was.

This time, besides leveling up, I still had to practice the Thousand Blade Arrows skill level.  Moreover, I still didnt know what kind of effects this AoE skill had.  If it turned out to be a useless skill, then I might go crazy.

While checking my potions and equipment durability, I found that from dying once, the Scarlet Flame Sets durability had fallen by half.  Luckily I didnt lose one, otherwise I really would cry myself to death.  So, I went to the equipment repair shop of Sunset City and put down my Scarlet Flame Set to get repaired.  The blacksmith did not even raise his head as he said, It costs 7 gold coins to repair this!

Fuck!  Repairing it once costs this much money?  I revealed a shocked expression.

But I had to repair it, so no matter how unwilling I was, I still obediently handed the money over.

After the Scarlet Flame Set had been repaired, I did not delay any longer.  I opened the map and headed off to the west.

On the way, there were quite a few players coming out of Sunset City.  They were going off in groups of three-five in the direction of the mountain to the west of Sunset City.

There were two main leveling spots outside the city.  One was the Gentle Breeze Forest where level 25 demonized rabbits spawned.  The other was Twilight Forest where level 25 to level 35 porcupines and wolves spawned.  But these two leveling areas were occupied by a large number of players.  Moreover, large organizations like Fated and Battle Soul had assembled large amounts of players to occupy the area.  Solo players had no way of training there.

Far off there were two Fated players looking at me.  They were secretly talking to one another, Yi?  Isnt that Easily Angered Bookworm who boss said we have to kill?  Should we go take care of him?

The other one was shocked, Idiot!  Can we beat him while being at level 20?  He is a level 32 ranked expert.  Quickly report to the boss and let him gather our brothers to kill this brat!  Look at his equipment set, its pretty good!

I couldnt help being startled.  It was true that fame attracted trouble.  After ascending to the player rankings, trouble seemed to come one after the other!

So, I immediately entered the Gentle Breeze Forest to the southwest and cut off from there to where the legendary Generals Tomb was supposed to be.  In this case, the Fated members did chase after me, but they could not keep up with me in the dense forest.  I only need a single city return scroll to lose them!

After walking for around half an hour, the birds in front of me were startled.  Several players stumbled out of the jungle in front of me, covered in blood, showing an embarrassed expression!

Following behind them was an impressive human bodied wolf headed monster.  It had a large blade in its hand and it was spewing out a bloody aura from its mouth.  The large blade was raised high up and with a hong sound, he instantly killed one of the swordsman players!

I was a little frightened.  This monster really had a high attack power, even a level 24 swordsman lost half his HP from just one of his attack.  So, I immediately looked at the monsters stats.

[Blue Wolf Guard] (Normal Monster)

Level: 28

Attack: 185-240

Defense: 80

HP: 2400

Attack Type: Normal

It was a level 28 monster!

Looking at the terrified little party, after they had lost their swordsman, there was only two mages, two berserkers, and a cleric left.  Exactly five people.

The Blue Wolf Guard quickly raised its large blade once again and it fell down on a frightened mage!

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