Villain Retirement

Chapter 294: A New Threat

Chapter 294: A New Threat

People… weren't taking it seriously.

Some of them run, sure. But most of them just stop and cheer as soon as a hero comes to their rescue, not even worrying about the fact that they were making the jobs of the heroes even more difficult by them staying there.

Of course, some of the heroes do not mind– especially those who were new or those who were stuck in Grade C and below. After all, this was their time to shine and fight off some giant blue aliens.

The aliens were classified as Threat Level 3-4 by the Government individually, something that they could deal with no problem if they gank or work together. And since their opponents were aliens, the Government ordered a kill-on-sight policy, making their jobs even easier.

The humans were winning– and it hasn't even been a day.

But then, something from the skies landed.

Enough to block out the sun… a machine; a robot the size of a skyscraper.

The heroes that were once rejoicing had their smiles slowly fading as they all looked up to witness this colossal manifestation. It landed right in the middle of the city.

[Hello, mud people.]

And then, almost like a sonic boom– a voice reverberated and rippled from the colossal robot. Loud and deep enough to blow away all the dust and even some pebbles from the ground– breaking any glass windows within its vicinity.

[It would seem another visitor has come to your planet.]

Still, the voice continued even louder– this time causing all the people around it to cover their ears just from the sheer force of the volume.

[We shall help you in eradicating these invaders. We will save you,] the words reverberated from the robot… as the blood and guts of several humans splattered beneath its feet.

"...What?" The heroes and some supers that happened to be near the colossal robot could only look at each other. Some of them already knew that they were currently being invaded by two different species; but for most of them, their confusion was reaching its peak.

This colossal alien is not on the side of the blue aliens? Most of them thought. None of them, however, thought they could even be on their side– after all, the colossal robot just squashed a group of humans without care.

They seem to want to discuss, but before they could do so, the colossal robot started to move; mowing down a blue alien as it slammed its gigantic palm down…

…causing a strong tremor that caused several small buildings near it to crumble– buildings with people.

"Fuck!" One of the heroes, a C-Grade, quickly rushed towards the leg of the robot; her arms, growing into the size of a car as she punched the robot's heel… which did nothing.

"..." The female super, Whopper, could only take in a small gasp as she saw this; but even so, she once again tried to punch the robot's leg. This time, however, the leg opened… almost like several branches or arms moving away– organic.

And from within the opening, several… pink-skinned individuals stepped out; all staring at the female super. And soon, similar to the live feed from earlier, the face of the alien changed– almost similar to the female super. Their skin, however, still remained the same pink color.

They were the ones that hijacked the news earlier, the female super thought. They called themselves… Clovians.

"What the–" And before Whopper could finish her words, one of the clovians stretched his hand… straight towards her chest from 5 meters away.

"..." Whopper turned her head down to look at her chest, only to see… the clovian's hand broken.

"Ksha!" The clovian quickly retracted its hand as it seemed to cry in pain. Its other friends also quickly assisted him, pulling him back into the foot of the robot as they all shouted something.

These clovians… were physically weak. And as soon as the female super realized this, her gigantic hands returned to their original size as she rushed toward the opening. But alas, before she could do so, the hole closed.

And as soon as it did so, the foot started to vibrate… before releasing some sort of energy wave, strong enough to pry open the pavement beneath it.

"!!!" Whopper quickly tried to turn around and run, but alas, she was not able to as the wave hit her back, causing her to violently roll on the ground perhaps more than a dozen times.

"Whopper!" One of the heroes that were just watching the entire scenario quickly rushed to help her. But the deafening thunder of a voice once again reverberated from the colossal robot.

[Please, do not attack us. We are trying to help!]

The voice that came from the robot was louder than before, and the normal humans that were unfortunately still near it, had their eardrums exploding from their canals.

"B… back away, we can't handle this anymore!"

"No! There are still people here!"

"Fuck the normies! Let's go!"

Some still tried to do damage to the colossal robot, but their attacks seemed useless as not even a single dent could be seen forming on it. The robot was just standing there, but the damage it was causing was already more than the blue aliens.

"What the fuck is going on!? Is the world ending!?"

"We need at least a Grade-B super here! Where the hell are they!?"

The people– No, not just the people. But the heroes and the supers that were still trying to find a way to fight back were starting to panic… especially since the robot started to move.

[We are here to help,] the clovians said as they mowed down the buildings within its path.

And then, finally… a Grade-B superhero arrived.

Flattop Falcon– his wings that were flapping in front of the face of the robot, almost the span of a bus. But most notably, the solid flat top of hair almost the length of a foot decorating his head, not even moving a single bit even with all the wind that violently moved around it.

"Stop! Earth does not welcome you!" Flattop Falcon roared, "This planet does not need another race that pretends to take care of another, but causes their demise in the guise of helping!"

Flattop Falcon seemed to be saying something as he stretched his palm towards the robot. But alas, for the people on the ground, all they could hear were the screams that came from the people around them.

"Go! Flattop Falcon! Kill the inva–"

And before the people below could start to cheer, Flattop Falcon was clapped. Swatted like a fly with his guts and bones falling to the ground; his wings, slowing down the descent of his remains… allowing the people to see that the intestines truly are 15 feet long.

And as soon as Flattop Falcon's shredded and mangled corpse created a small whisper of a plop as it hit the ground, the people started running.

[We are here to help.] And still, the clovians insisted. Whether or not it was just some sort of mistranslation, none of them really cared anymore. The blue aliens they could handle since the way they fought could still more or less be called… humane.

But a walking building they can't damage? Let the others handle that. This city was done for, all the heroes thought.

"Please… please help me!"

"Don't fucking touch me!" One of the heroes pushed away a civilian as he blocked his path, "We've already told you a million times to evacuate!"

"N… No, plea–" And before the civilian could finish his words, one of the other heroes rushed and carried him away.

Suffice to say, it was chaos. Most of the people were just running for their lives and leaving their friends. Some, however, still tried to help.

And a handful remained to fight… with the now conscious Whopper being one of them.

"We need to find a way to get inside," Whopper said to the others who chose to stay.

"You having a laugh, mate? How do we even do that?"

"I'm actually just here to die."

"Well, a good day to die, innit?"

"..." Whopper could only raise an eyebrow as she looked at the people who chose to stand their ground. But after a few seconds, the only thing she could really do was let out a sigh as her hands once again grew in size.

"Then let's at least take that thing with us," Whopper then said with a smile on her face, "Let's–"

And before she could even utter another word…

…a boom resounded in the air– a very familiar boom.

And soon, a silhouette appeared dashing through the clouds.

"Is that… a bird? A plane?"

"Are you fucking blind, mate?"

And then… another boom.

Another boom as the silhouette flew straight through the colossal robot's stomach area almost as if it was jelly.

"There, an opening!"

"How do we even reach that?"

"Can you guys stop being so fucking negative!?" Whopper roared as she rushed towards the feet of the robot. But before she could even take 3 steps, the silhouette returned.

This time flying over the top of the colossal robot's head… and plunging straight down– causing the ground to slightly tremble as the robot started to shiver.

And soon, the silhouette emerged from between the robot's legs and landed on the ground; causing a ripple of wind to blow away all debris that was falling along with it.

"It… It's Megawoman!"

"F… fuck… We're saved… We're saved!"


…who's that beside her?"

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