Villain Retirement

Chapter 215 - A Performance

Chapter 215 - A Performance

The sound of madness and destruction continued as bits and pieces of HM Prison Leeds for the Super Gifted were dissected– its rooms, slowly decreasing as Riley continued to pluck them one by one as he floated on top of the unfolded holding bay.

Christopher, the one responsible for interrogating Riley, was now just sprawled on the floor; his face, completely defeated from the realization that he might have caused this. Now that he was slightly calming down and had gathered his thoughts, his eyes were starting to find a way to escape the horrid situation he found himself in.

He was still an interrogator for one of the biggest prisons in the entire world, after all– even if he was a normal human, he had questioned Supers that could squish him with a flick of a finger many times over. If there was a skill that he gained from that, it was remaining calm no matter the circumstance.

His slight blunder with Riley was just because he was a special case– a young man that hasn't even stepped on the roads of adulthood… and is suspected to be Darkday. He had seen the videos more than he could count– and without a doubt, Riley Ross is Darkday.

Of course, it could, in fact, also be edited. But for now, all the evidence pointed to him being so– and seeing the abnormal strength and ruthlessness he was showing now, he could be none other than Darkday.

"..." But why does it feel like he wasn't? Christopher then blinked a couple of times as he finally gained the strength to stand up; his pants, a little sticky from having accidentally peed on them.

…Christopher started this onslaught, he thought. And so, he should be the one to find a way to end it. Riley's screams of longing to see his sister repeated over and over again through his ears… if that was the way to end this rampage, then he would be the one to personally do it.

Christopher then let out a small but very deep sigh as he readied to jump from the floating platform he was in. He might just be a normal human, but it doesn't mean he wasn't trained for extreme situations– one needed to be at the peak of human conditions to be able to even have the job and career he has.

And so, with him tucking in his stomach and clenching his teeth… he started to push himself off the ground; the pace of his dash, almost that of an Olympic-level athlete. Christopher's eyes then looked at the floating room that was slowly approaching their platform.

He planned to jump on it, then leap to the next one until he managed to reach the prison grounds. Christopher then turned his eyes towards Riley as he reached the edge of the holding bay. And seeing as he was completely focused on trying to find his sister, Christopher hastened his pace.

"You want your sister!?" Christopher exhaled, "I'll find your fucking sister!"

Christopher then reached the edge of the platform, immediately pushing himself with all his might as he leaped towards the room that was ascending towards them. His foot, successfully landing on the corner of the floating room; his head… also landing on the corner as it actually flew at a speed that Christopher was not expecting– it seemed somewhat mellow from afar.

And so; hitting his head on the cold hard wall of steel… Christopher's body spun like a ragdoll as it violently rolled on the side of the floating room. His hand still instinctively tried to reach for something to grab onto– but alas, his entire depth perception was already messed up from having hit his head.

But still, Christopher was able to grab onto something– the ground, as he hit the cold hard floors of the prison face first.



Tomoe, who was trying to find Hannah throughout the prison, could only blink a couple of times as a man suddenly flopped right in front of her; his body folding completely in half as his head was squashed almost like watermelon.

"..." Tomoe then moved to the side to avoid the man, continued her search for Hannah; scouring the rooms that Riley would not float anytime soon. But with all the rumbles that were thundering everywhere, it made it hard for Tomoe to even focus.

"T… that's one of Riley's associates!"

And before Tomoe could find the next room, she crossed paths with a group of guards. Tomoe, however, tried to completely ignore these men in uniform as she used her powers to create a pillar of ice to propel her over them.

"You're not going anywhere!"

The guards, however, didn't seem to have any plans in letting Tomoe freely search their compound as 2 of them swiftly blocked her path– with one already summoning a sort of blade on his hand.

"Lock yourself in one of the rooms, this will be your only warning!"

And even with this so-called warning, the air around them cracked as Tomoe's skin started to glimmer; almost reflecting light with the fractals building around her. Even the tiniest sweat that was trailing on the faces of the guards, freezing almost instantly as the air around them thickened.

"You… Kill her!"

Tomoe quickly crouched to the ground; both her palms touching the cold floor as her ominous black icicles started to stretch towards the guards surrounding her. But before the edges of her spiky storm could reach any of the guards, they all suddenly burst into a cloud of blood. And with the temperature around them lowered, their blood almost turned into jelly as it flopped and bounced on the cold floor.

"..." Tomoe then turned to look up, only to see Riley floating just outside of the edge of the floating holding bay; momentarily glancing at her before continuing to pluck the rooms of the prison one by one.

And although Riley was not looking in her direction, Tomoe still bowed her head before continuing to head deeper into parts of the prison that still had a roof attached above its head. She had to be careful, of course– as even with all the chaos that Riley was causing, she was still, in fact, inside a facility that housed Super criminals. And perhaps Riley's rampage made the situation worse, as the prisoners have become even more excited.

But still, with the setup of the HM Prison Leeds, Tomoe's advance had been relatively safe. She was using her ice powers to break into rooms, then locking them back with multiple layers of ice again if Hannah and the others were nowhere to be found.

She continued to do this several times, until finally–


And before who Tomoe could only assume to be an interrogator speak, she had already encased him inside a frozen wall– she did not kill him, however, as Riley didn't seem to want her taking any lives during this mission. It was evident when he killed the guards for her earlier.

"..." Tomoe then turned her eyes towards the other presence in the room, only to see Katherine hanging and tied up; her limbs, completely bound in chains as she was barely wearing anything. Seeing this, Tomoe quickly summoned several blades of ice, quickly cutting the chains that bound Katherine.

"Can you get up, Ms. Scarlet Mage?" Tomoe then said as she saw Katherine kneeling on the ground; her breaths, loud enough to be heard even with all the rumbles happening outside.

"Is that Riley rampaging outside?" Katherine whispered as the chains on her wrists and ankles started to tremble.

"Yes," Tomoe nodded, "I am currently on a very important mission to find big sister Hannah; personally ordered by Master Riley himself. So…

…I'll leave now."

And with that, Tomoe quickly walked away; not even helping Katherine up as she left the room.

"..." Seeing this, Katherine could only let out a small but deep sigh. She let out a couple of breaths after… until finally standing up; any chains that were still attached to her body, withering away almost like London.

Katherine's silver hair then started to float in the air as she raised both her hands to the side– what little clothing she had left, surprisingly covering her most intimate parts. Katherine's breaths then once again resounded inside the room; her inhale, causing the metal floor to almost ripple inward.

Katherine then let out a small whistle, before clapping her hand and causing that quiet whistle to amplify… to the point that it completely destroyed the room she was confined in.

"..." Katherine's eyes slightly squinted as her skin was finally once again bathed in the rays of the sun. But before she could enjoy this warmth crawling through her skin, she felt her body suddenly float in the air.

Unlike everyone else, however, Katherine did not resist this invisible force even one bit; as even compared to the warmth of the sun, this domineering and yet gentle force was more familiar to her.

And so, Katherine just let herself be lifted up; her eyes, scanning the destruction that Riley had caused carefully. Even if they could somehow miraculously prove that he is not Darkday… he will still surely face punishments after this stunt.

But it doesn't matter.

"Silver Moon."

"Riley," Katherine then slightly nodded her head as Riley placed her right beside him; waiting for her to fly on her own before releasing his invisible grip on her, "Do you also want me to search for Hannah?"


"Wh–" And before Katherine could answer, she could not help but let out a small gasp; followed by a small but deep sigh as she shook her head. She then clapped her hands, before stretching them to the sides and creating some sort of bubble that encased her and Riley– the noise and rumble outside, completely silenced.

The rumbles, however, were replaced by a small chuckle that would make one almost shiver from the inside out.

"You…" Katherine then once again sighed as soon as she was sure that no one could hear them from the outside,

"....Already know where Hannah is, don't you?"

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