Villain Retirement

Chapter 197 - Love And Peace!?

Chapter 197 - Love And Peace!?


The pregnant woman's panicked breaths almost returned to her. The invisible wall that blocked her path to her son, almost as if not allowing even a single strand of her soul to reach him.

"Why… what is this?" The pregnant woman tried her best to stay calm so as to not cause her son to panic; her trembling voice and reddening eyes, however, failed to mask the horrifying worry that was currently drowning her body.

"M… mom? Why… why can't I go to you?" Her son then started stuttering as he touched his bleeding nose, which was the first thing that slammed through the invisible wall that now separates him from his mother.

"Mom… I'm… Why can't I touch your hands?"

"Bryan… look at me," the pregnant woman kneeled down to try and touch her son's hands– but the only thing she could do was plant her palms on the invisible wall; her trembling hand, wanting to grab her son away. Her eyes, however, shook as the shadow of one of the monsters that were wreaking havoc through the streets entered the alleyway.

The pregnant woman specifically chose this alley since it was too narrow for the monsters to follow them in; but sadly, the smallest monster was the one chasing them.

Although she was not trying to show it on her face, the pregnant woman was actually exerting herself to try and reach her son's hand– the nails on the end of her fingers, almost opening up as she tried to dig through the invisible wall.

"Mom? What–"

And before his son could even finish his words, a fountain of blood spurted from his mouth, raining down on his mother's face as finally… the two were once again able to touch hands.

"...Bryan," the mother's eyes stayed open even as her son's blood flowed across her eyelids. He tried to grab his hand tight but was unable to do so as the small monster pulled her son away… before ripping him in half right in front of her.

"No… No!" The pregnant woman could only scream her lungs out… until that too, was pulled out by the small monster along with the rest of her insides.

"..." Riley's glancing eyes were locked on to the scene at the alley; the smile on his face, almost already glued as he relished on all the screams that were singing in his ears. In truth… he already closed down most of the alleys– separating friends and families before taking them off so that he could hear their screams of regret and sorrow even louder.

He did all this, while still avoiding Aerith's random attacks.

"...Random," Riley whispered to himself as he looked at the monster in front of him. Megawoman, even with her abnormal strength and powers, knew different kinds of martial arts– she studied so she could learn how to subdue anything and anyone without killing or harming them too much.

But the one attacking him right now… is just a beast.


And this beast was suddenly slammed away by the Crimson Paladin, "I know you're an even more diabolical creature than whatever these things are, but let's work together for now and–"

And before the Crimson Paladin could finish his words, Riley slightly waved his hand– causing the paladin to fly straight towards a wall, embedding his entire body to make a hole in his image.

"Oh," Riley then let out a small gasp and widened his eyes, "I apologize, holy guard. I thought you were the enemy."


The Crimson Paladin had no time to contemplate and rebuke, however, as Aerith suddenly leaped towards him with her claws already sharpened– but in truth, she was actually just floated by Riley there.


The Crimson Paladin quickly waved his giant sword, but once again, only a ripple erupted; blowing away all the dust around him as Aerith blocked the sword with her bare arms. Her skin, seemingly hardening with each second. Of course, the sword did do some damage… but whatever damage was placed upon her skin manages to regenerate almost instantly now.

…They really were growing stronger as time goes on, Riley thought. If he let them wreak havoc for a longer time, could Aerith possibly reach Megawoman's strength?

"..." And as soon as that thought entered his mind, the smile that was already plastered on his face grew even wider. Does this mean the other gigantic and imperfect clones would become as strong as Megawoman as well?

If he just let them roam free and protect them… will he have a platoon of mindless Megawomen–

With that thought, however, the smile that almost seemed permanent on his face quickly faded. If he lets them wreak havoc… what would be left for him? The screams and pains of the people would be useless to these mindless beasts, he thought.

There was also the fact that the monsters might soon be discovered to be Megawoman's clones– he can't let them do as they please and tarnish her name.

"..." Riley then shook his head, "I am sorry, Megawoman, for even thinking of something like this. You do not have to worry… I will kill them all now."

He then looked around the city, the once lively city brimming with life… but no more. Not even minutes passed and the streets were already in ruins. How could it not be, when each step that these clones take were able to rip the ground they were standing on like sand?

There were also streaks of blood splattered and scattered everywhere, limbs are torn, mangled bodies… Truly, a sight that made Riley's skin shiver in delight; the nostalgia almost drowning his entire body like the streets were drowned by the blood of people.

The world… isn't it truly more beautiful like this?


And like a lightbulb flickering on top of his head, like the face of a child that just discovered something truly mesmerizing, Riley's eyes started to widen.

He now realizes why the screams and pains of the people are beautiful.

Bulwark said that love– that things are beautiful because it ends when they asked him about Prophet's death.

Is this why screams sound as beautiful as they are? Because they end? Because it represents the people's end and the end of their suffering in the rawest form possible?

No… but Megawoman did not scream.


Riley's eyes once again widened as he let out a small gasp. Megawoman is immortal, she doesn't end.

But why was– is she so beautiful?

Wait. Could this be!?

Is this… could it be possible that this feeling he was experiencing is love? Is this love? Was he in love with Megawoman? Is that why even though Megawoman didn't break or scream even as he mangled her entire body… he still longs for her?

Was he actually experiencing love? Riley's eyes started to tremble as numerous thoughts suddenly bombarded his mind– almost ignoring the actual screams that were harmonizing in the air.

Was he actually… capable of feeling love?

"You're a monster."

"..." Riley then blinked a couple of times as a familiar voice, but not quite, whispered to his ears.

"You're a monster that should not have been born in this world."

"..." Riley then turned around to see who it was, only to see nothing but air beside him. It was an eerily familiar voice, a voice that he was not so sure if he heard before.

"Hello, mysterious voice?" Riley then blinked a couple of times as he asked the air. But as is the obvious response– no one answered.

"You need to die."

"..." Riley then turned his head towards a pile of shattered glass on the ground, only to see his broken reflection… as well as a woman standing beside him.

"!!!" Riley was about to turn his head to the side, but before he could do so, a blur suddenly moved past him.

"It's happening here too?"

Riley then quickly turned his head towards the blur, only to see a slightly skinny man wearing a tight black suit; his helmet, almost taking his shape and exposing his slightly green beard; each of his steps as he approached Riley, echoing in the air like some stone skipping on ice.

"...Mister Tempo," Riley then quietly whispered before he took a small glance behind him to see if a woman was there… but alas, no one.

"Sheesh, kid. You've been fighting all of them by yourself? Good job, considering," Tempo was about to pat Riley's shoulder, but refrained from doing so as he remembered Whiteking saying so many times that his son didn't like anyone touching him.

Also, it would look quite weird since Riley was taller than him anyway.

"You really are as strong as you're portrayed in the news," Tempo's body then flickered slightly– suddenly holding… a jaw out of nowhere,

"This is useless," Tempo then said as he threw the jaw away, "We've already figured out their weakness since we've been fighting them for minutes now. We just need enough electricity to shut down whatever it is that keeps them running."


"V will be here soon, so we just need to save as many people as we could until she does," Tempo muttered as his body once again flickered; this time, returning with a set of arms– presumably from the smallest monster clone.

"...Right," Riley furrowed his eyebrows as he looked around him, only to see people disappearing one by one.

"Or…" Tempo then pointed one of the arms towards a large Christmas tree that was surprisingly still intact, "Why don't we use the spirit of Christmas to kill these vile creatures? I wonder how much juice that has?"

"It's a fake tree, Mister Tempo. It doesn't have any juice."

"Wha– I meant the strobe of lights surrounding it!" Tempo slightly gasped, "No, never mind that plan. Let's just wait for V as they clean the other cities off these monsters."

"...Other cities?"

"Yes, this place is actually the most peaceful one I've run into, considering. Probably thanks to you and that red armor guy are here?"


How could this be… His place…

…was the most peaceful one!?

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