Villain Retirement

Chapter 191 - 191: From Innocence To Chaos

Chapter 191 - 191: From Innocence To Chaos


Full of life.


Somewhat innocent.

Perhaps just hours ago, you could use those to describe the younger clones. But now, the only word that one could use to describe them was terrifying.

The previously deformed faces and limbs; those who crawl since their feet bent differently; those who had extra limbs that they were unable to use.

Perhaps just a moment ago, one would consider them as pitiful due to their disabilities. But now… it just seemed like they came out from a nightmare that one will never be able to wake up from.

Their overly swelling muscles which had their veins throbbing; all of their heads gone, replaced only by some sort of face that was planted on different parts of their body. Some even grew a face on their back, some at their… buttocks as their body contoured in a way that should almost be impossible.

At the very least, the very first one who turned, Elsie, still held some sort of resemblance to a humanoid– the others… no longer had any traces that one could call human.

"This why I don't like Christmas. We was just having fun earlier and now monsters," Bella's nervous breaths escaped her mouth as she gestured a sort of signal from her hands, and as she did so, the already sharp blades on her skates became even sharper, enough to penetrate the already shattered ice beneath them.

"Why… why is this happening!?" Aerith once again dropped to the ground as that was the only thing she could do right now.

"Shouldn't we be the one asking that!?" Hannah did not wait for Aerith's answer as she rushed back to Silvie's side, "Gary! Take care of Tomoe! Don't let Aerith near her, she might turn into one of those monsters!"

"What!?" Both Aerith and Gary exclaimed.

"What… Please don't hurt them, they don't know what they are–"

"Don't hurt them?" Gary let out a small but deep breath before Aerith could even finish her worries, "That's impossible…

…they've already killed someone."

"But Tomoe is fine!"

"I'm not talking about Tomoe."

"...What?" Aerith blinked a couple of times, before finally looking towards the direction where Gary was pointing to, and as soon as she did so, a light gasp almost instantly escaped her mouth.

There was one more person hiding behind the counter– and that was the worst place to be in as it was ground zero from when the rest of the clones transformed into monsters. And so, the one responsible for renting the skates were now… in more than one place at the same time.

One of his legs was being held by a tall clone, waving it in a somewhat curious manner. As for the rest of his body… they were nowhere to be found– except a portion of his upper body that was… currently being swallowed by a clone that has a huge mouth in her stomach.

"...I don't know what's worse," Gary then muttered, "The hentai monster or them… just what the fuck is happening to this world!?"

"Stay down!"

And as everyone was watching everything carefully, Silvie was still trying her best to restrain Elsie, whose dismembered legs were now surprisingly… attached again.

"Did… it just regrow?" Hannah muttered as she approached to help Silvie, "Just wh–"

And before Hannah could finish her words, Elsie did something unspeakable– she split herself in half as she pulled herself away from Silvie; quickly crawling away as soon as Silvie let go.

"..." Silvie's eyes, which were previously flickering, finally cleared as she stopped the whispers that were escaping her mouth; waking up from her instincts and immediately jumping away. Her clothes, however, were already filled with red as Elsie's blood spurted around everywhere as she moved her torn upper body.

How is she still alive?-- is probably what the Baby Crew wanted to ask most; but wouldn't she survive? When her head exploded in the first pla–


The unified thoughts of the Baby Crew were then suddenly disrupted by the sudden eruptions that caused the ground to tremble– the rest of the transformed clones, now barging themselves into the ice rink one by one.


And almost instantly, one of the other clones– No. One of the monsters suddenly rushed towards Silvie, using its 6 limbs to crawl towards her in almost a blink of an eye.

The others were given no time to watch and respond, however, as the monsters that numbered almost 20, all rushed towards each of them.

There was one that still had her head attached… except it was bigger than the rest of her body; her mouth, already opened as it mawed its way through the ice as she rushed towards Gary and Aerith.

"What is this fucking titan shit!?" Gary quickly carried Tomoe from the ground as he ran away. However, as soon as he noticed that Aerith wasn't moving, he also quickly turned around.

"What are you doing!? Snap the fuck out of it!"

"My… sister. My sisters are…" She didn't seem to be hearing Gary, however, as she even stretched her hand towards the approaching giant head.

"They're not your sisters anymore!" Gary then grabbed pulled her away,


He wasn't fast enough, however, as Aerith's arm was completely chopped off by the gnawing jaw of death.

"!!!" That seemed to wake up Aerith as a scream that almost deafened Gary pierced his ears. Gary didn't seem to mind, as he was more focused on running away from the monster trying to eat them.

"S… shit," he then muttered, "It was a good thing it was only your arm, if it was the rest of your body instead… then you might have turned into one of the–"

He had no time to finish his comment, however, as one more monster blocked his path– the tallest one that almost stood 7 meters– its face, attached on one of its palms.

"...Yup, we're dead."

"Fuck! I knew joining a group filled with white people ain't gonna do me good!" Bella whispered to herself; using her abilities to manipulate the blade on her skates and using it to float around. But due to her not being used in making herself fly, her movements were a bit unstable.

But still, it seemed to be enough as she ran away from the four-legged monster that was trying to chase her.

"What the fuck do we do, Hannah!?" She then screamed.

"Why are you asking me, I'm fucking busy!"

"You the one who said we should defeat the enemy, but all we just running, girl!" Bella bellowed, "You're the leader, think of something!"

"What!? Since when!?"

Hannah probably had it worst… as she was being chased by 4 of the monsters at the same time– most probably due to the bright fire being emitted by her body. She couldn't really turn it off, as doing so would definitely be the end of her.

And so, the only thing she could do was fly through the air– surveying and observing the current situation carefully– or so she thought.

Soon, the 4 that were chasing her leaped into the air, creating a small crater as they did so.


A fire erupted from Hannah's back, almost like a wing as she rocketed herself even further up; allowing her to escape.


Or so she thought. One monster– the smallest of all them, used the other 3 as some sort of foothold as she propelled herself up; her eyes and Hannah's, now at the same level.


Back on the ground, Silvie was currently using her heat vision, targeting just before the feet of the two monster that was approaching her, one of them being Elsie, who was once again already completely healed.

"Please stop this!" Silvie roared as she once again stopped the two from approaching. Her mind was now completely back to normal; she initially thought that the brainwashing was completely gone… but it would seem she was wrong.

The government… just what were they doing? If she was also a failed clone, then would she have also become like this? Just what kind of monsters were they trying to create!?

This… is just too much. If she became like this… then she would just rather die– and as soon as that thought crawled through her mind, she closed her eyes; a tear, slowly escaping it.

The clones did not give her time to rest, however, as they instantly rushed towards her. But as soon as they reach a meter from her, a trail of smoke started fuming from her eyelids; they soon turned red, and as she once again opened her eyes, a large blast shot straight towards the two approaching monsters– completely blasting their body from the stomach down.

Both of the monster's bodies fell in front of Silvie; causing her to heave a slight sigh as her eyes once again glowed. She already dismembered Elsie earlier and she was still alive, which means the only way to kill them is to leave nothing–


And before she could finish her thoughts, the arms of the two monsters suddenly grabbed both her legs. Silvie immediately tried to fly away, but as soon as she did so, the two swung their arms down and surprisingly slammed her to the ground– with a force that was strong enough to finally destroy the entire ice rink.

"W… what the fuck," Hannah, who was still surveying from above as the small monster still tried to get to her by being thrown by the others, could not help but widen her eyes as she saw the ground ripple into almost like a tidal wave.

Her focus wasn't completely on Silvie, however, as her eyes found themselves looking back towards Riley, who for some reason…

…was being surrounded by the rest of the clones.

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