Villain Retirement

Chapter 184 - 184: Moving On (1)

Chapter 184 - 184: Moving On (1)


…was murdered.]

"This guy…"

Once again, the whispers inside the auditorium erupted; almost deafening the ears of those inside… except for those that were already deaf, of course.

It was almost as if a bomb went off, with all the people widening their eyes and looking at each other as if not knowing what to do with their current situation. No, perhaps a bomb did go off.

The media, the police, and even the Government have ruled and confirmed that Prophet's death was a suicide and that there were no signs of any foul play present. But now, Bulwark was telling them that he was murdered?

"What… the fuck is Bulwark doing?" Hannah then whispered; her eyebrows furrowing as she stared at Bulwark's glowing silhouette from afar, "He told us not to interfere and do anything… and yet he does something like this?"

"Oh man," Bella could not help but let out a somewhat nervous chuckle, "Goldie is cool for real, for real."

"What do you mean cool!?" Hannah slightly raised her voice, "His deceased husband told us not to do anything and yet he's the one doing something…

…he just put a target on his bac– Wait, maybe that's what he wants?"

"A declaration of war?" Bella muttered, "That's legit."

And as soon as Hannah heard Bella's words, she could not help but place her hand on her chin, "Declaration of war… could it be that Bulwark already knows who killed Prophet?"

But alas, unlike the Baby Crew's assumption, Bulwark's next words completely made their theories invalid.

[Prophet was murdered by the system.]

And with those words, the students that were previously excited could not help but let out their sighs– some of relief, and the other half of disappointment. They thought that there was something going on, but to think it was only that, they all thought.

The members of the Baby Crew were the same– not knowing what they should feel.

"So… it was just that?" Hannah let out a small chuckle as she rested her back on her seat. Bella was also slightly disappointed, but still nodded her head,

"Maybe he's trying to provoke whoever did this?" Bella muttered.

[Prophet was murdered by the things he trusted, by the things he loved,] Bulwark's words became slightly deeper as he looked straight towards the camera, which was broadcasting the awarding ceremony all over the globe,

[Prophet was killed by White…

…by the white lies that the country– that the world has been telling its citizens for years. Prophet was a good man. As much as the media portrayed him to be a coward, Prophet is the bravest man I have ever known…

…A man that was willing to handle more than 4000 unruly teenage supers, many who could split him in half with just a single finger? How could someone like that be a coward?]

"..." With Bulwark's words, almost all the students that were in the auditorium could not help but look at each other; their eyes, slightly sedated. Most of them were actually shit-posting about Prophet since a lot of dangerous things were happening to them because of the Academy… so they didn't really know what to feel right now.

[So… I'd like to offer a moment of silence for my dear departed friend.]

And so, with Bulwark's words, the students could only follow as they too, put their head down. Bulwark's hair, fading in color and slightly dimming down the entire auditorium.

"..." As for the Baby Crew plus Daniel, they could only widen their eyes.

"White lies of the world?" Hannah muttered as she squinted her wide eyes, "Could it be… it was the Government that killed Prophet?"

"Most… dangerous man in the world," Bella also whispered, "It's possible, isn't it?"

"Shit… all of these conspiracy thingies are getting wild," Gary also joined in as he let out a small breath, "Too bad Silvie is missing everything."

"S… sorry," Aerith, who was staying quiet on the side, could not help but sigh as she heard Gary's words. The only reason she was here right now and not Silvie was because the group didn't trust her, causing Silvie to be left alone with the younger clones.

"Why are you apologizing?" Gary squinted his eyes, "Megawoman never apologizes, be strong!"

"That is not true, Gary," Riley suddenly opened his mouth, "Megawoman apologizes a lot."

"Man, why you gotta do your cousin like that? I was only hyper her up," Gary sighed.

"...Why you talking like you're one of us, cuzz?" Bella joined in on the conversation.

"Hey, I'm not racist."

"...That ain't what I–

"Wait a minute."

And before Bella could finish her words, Daniel's head once again stretched in front of the Baby Crew.

"Does this mean that Prophet's so-called husband… is Bulwark?"

"Wow, broadcast it to the world," Hannah rolled her eyes, "Can you keep your voice down? I told you we will talk about it later."

"Alright, alright," Daniel's head started to retract as his eyes also rolled, "...So Prophet is not full on gay, then."


"I mean… Bulwark is even more beautiful than Hannah," Daniel then said, "I mean, I wouldn't really mind tapping that for once. You know what I mean?"

"I mean, that's kinda gay," Gary nodded, "But he right."

"What the fuck?"

"...Why this tall fuck talking like me again?"

"Wait, did you just use me as a referen–"

Fortunately, before the Baby Crew plus Daniel could once again start running amok, Bulwark's breaths echoed throughout the entire auditorium.

[Well, enough about the depressing stuff,] Bulwark then let out a small chuckle, [There's actually another reason why we tried to push with the Awarding– we have an announcement to make.]

And as Bulwark said that, the giant screen behind him started showing images of fireworks and everything Christmas-related. As expected of an old man, they all thought… his presentation seemed to be coming from the earliest depths of technology.

[Since it will be the New Year's 7 days from now, we will have a celebration to welcome it. You will also have a break starting tomorrow until the 10th day of January.]

And as soon as the students heard that, their heads which were still looking down all rose up; their roars and cheers, quickly escaping from their throats.

[You will also be allowed to go out during the duration of the break,] Bulwark announced, [But of course, not all of you at the same time. You would need to apply first since we can't have all of you running around outside all at the same time…

…You have already spent half a year in the Academy,] Bulwark then let out a small sigh as he looked at the students, [And in another half, all of you will be returning to your normal lives…

…or become full-pledged superheroes. Or… you could also continue your stay in the Academy and become sophomores.]

"...There's that option?"

[But although I say sophomore, it's really just repeating all the training you have already received,] Bulwark chuckled, [Honestly, there's a lot wrong with this Academy, which is understandable since it is still in its infancy. There is no solid structure, no real plan, the syllabus and timeline is a mess– the lot of you are basically the guinea pigs of the Government.]


[But next year will be different,] Bulwark let out a small scoff, [It will be different because you now have me… someone who has taught heroes for thousands of years.]

And with those words, the cheering of the students once again blazed; almost shaking the entire building.

[Alright, that is all,] Bulwark then raised his hand, [This will probably be the last time we will be gathered like this for this year so… Happy New Year's, everyone.]

And with the students clapping in front of him, Bulwark finally handed the microphone to the event's host… who has been waiting for almost half an hour now.

And as soon as the microphone was in his hands, he immediately let out a screech as the DJ started the music.

[Alright, alright, alright! Let's get this show started!] The emcee's voice thundered throughout the entire hall, drowning any whispers that dared to disrupt him, [Since our dear new Headmaster said a lot of things, we're going to have to speed this up! So DJ, put on the wildest…]


And as the emcee continued the event, Gary stretched his arms to the side… almost hitting Bella's bosom.


"...New Year's is 7 days from now?" Gary then muttered as his eyes started to tremble, "Doesn't that mean… that tomorrow is–"

"Sister's birthday."

"Christma– Wait, Hannah's birthday is on Christmas?"

"R… Riley, I told you not to tell anyone!"

"Should we not have a celebration, big sister Hannah?" Tomoe, who was completely quiet on the side, immediately grabbed a notebook she was hiding in her white kimono, "I'll get the list of the things we need."

"Wait, wait…" Gary once again stretched his arms to the side, this time getting a small slap from Hannah as he grazed Bella's bosom, who didn't seem to mind herself.

"Wait…" Gary still worded out, "Wait… Christmas is tomorrow? Why… doesn't it feel like it? Where are all the snow and shit? The lights!?"

"We're inside the Academy, Gary."

"No… this can't be," Gary seemed to not be hearing anyone else but himself, "Why… are we not feeling the Christmas spirit? Could it be… are we becoming adults?"

"No, Gary. Only my sister is becoming an adult tomorrow."

"Fuck y–"

[For 3rd place...

....Gintsune of Class 1-A! Come out here to claim your prize!]

"What the… it's her again? What does she even do?"

And so, The award ceremony continued on. Almost as if everything that the Baby Crew has experienced was just some kind of dream– the world goes on. Perhaps once they become superheroes, it will also be like that?

Despite all the tragedies they experience…

…the masses will only really see the glamour.

They will never be able to see what it was really like under the suit.

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