Villain Retirement

Chapter 161 - 161: Trio

Chapter 161 - 161: Trio

Prophet is dead.

That has been the hot topic inside the Academy for almost 3 days now ever since MEGAN suddenly broadcast it inside the whole campus. At first, no one believed it. But after 3 days had gone by and there was still no sign of Prophet, the majority of the students were now starting to believe that something truly was wrong.

Students have been asking the instructors if there were any truth with what MEGAN said– but the staff of the Academy refused to comment; with the instructors saying that they should just focus on training, while the other staff members just blatantly avoid the topic– saying they were still too busy trying to fix the aftermath of the battle between Hope Guild and Darkday.

The students were also not getting any news of the outside world. And with their parents now also inside the Academy… it was almost as if they were truly trapped inside; add to the fact they haven't had any activities outside the Academy– it was starting to look like a prison… or at least a convent.

No, they haven't had any activities at all.

It was the same with every class, even the most notorious Class 1-V. Perhaps the only reason they were even able to tolerate not participating in any activities is that they have a new advisor. An advisor who seemed to not run out of stories and lessons to tell them about the past– helping them get inspired to what was to come.

[Prophet is dead.]

But still, whenever they thought that their school life would once again return to normal– MEGAN reminds them that Prophet is dead.

"I would appreciate it if you would turn off your phones inside my class."

"S… sorry."

Surprisingly, the one who still had her phone open was Silvie. And unbeknownst to her, the phone she was actually holding was new– replaced by Riley Ross when he retrieved his phone from the Academy.

Yes. Finally, after half a year in the Academy, Riley Ross finally decided to get his own phone. And within the 3 days of him having it, he has not really gotten the time to truly use it as he kept receiving spam messages from Gary… who kept sending him random images with words on them.

And it wasn't only him, even Hannah was sending her photos of cats for some reason. She called to talk about Prophet, but didn't really bother to think much of it.

After all, if something truly did happen to Prophet, then their father would surely be running around in a panic. Prophet is his best friend, after all. He wouldn't just be lazing around if something bad happened to him.

Perhaps the only one worth reading were the messages from Tomoe, who was sending some news; even if they were not that important, at least they were somewhat useful.

As for Silvie, the only thing she sent him was a single but somewhat long message–

'I am here to talk if you need someone. I know it's hard for you to reach out because of the troubles in your family, but I have been searching up videos about psychology and therapists and they said it's always important to have someone to talk to. So… I'm here for you, always.'

–was her message. In which Riley responded with an 'Okay?'.

She sent a reply after a few hours, but Riley has not read it until now. Whatever it was, it would seem it was important enough that she seemed to keep on glancing at him every few minutes. Silvie was trying her best to act like the revelations she discovered about herself were not a big deal, but in actuality, the rest of the Baby Crew were almost walking on eggshells around her.

Discovering you're a clone and then the only person you considered family just ran out on you? Even the strongest of people would crumble.

Katherine also had his number, and besides sending some photos of them together that Katherine took with her own phone, they didn't really talk that much.

After all, their conversations should usually be more… on the discrete side.

[Prophet is dead.]

And once again, as Bulwark was continuing his lessons– MEGAN's voice once again surrounded the entire room. Everyone turned to look at Silvie, who quickly shook her head and said it was not her.


Bulwark could only let out a small but very deep sigh as he looked at his class. But after a few seconds, he shook his head and clapped his hands.

"I think it's time for all of us to see what this is about," Bulwark then said, "I'll be giving this class an assignment… and you're allowed to leave the Academy."


And with Bulwark's words, the eyes of the students once again shone. Finally, something to do, they all thought.

"But… I thought outside Activities were currently suspended until the roads outside were fixed?"

"I'm sure I could get the permission to allow all of you outside," Bulwark mentioned. He then tapped something on his tablet for a few seconds before the giant screen beside him lit up.

"Your assignment is to find this kid," Bulwark then said as he pointed at a photo plastered on the screen– a photo of Prophet, "As far as we know, the last time someone ever saw him was a week ago, so you need to assume that he had been missing for that time. You could search inside the Academy for his whereabouts– but I doubt you'll find anything here. So starting now, you're free to go outside.

I am giving you one week."

Whispers and murmurs quickly filled the entire room; with most of the students quickly researching about Prophet. They were already huddling themselves to their usual groups; smiling and getting excited that they once again get to spend some time outside the Academy together.

But alas, with just one sentence from Bulwark, half of their excitement shattered away.


…But I will be the one picking your teams this time."




"A… aight, we doing this shit or what!?"

Riley Ross, Bella Jackson, and Daniel Espinoza– this is the team that Riley was currently on right now. Bulwark did not choose the team compositions randomly and based them on what everyone could do but…

"Why are there two telekinetics!?" Danny could not help but let out a short scream as he looked at his current teammates– one who could control metal, and the other… was versed in floating spoons and forks,

"If Tomoe was here, then this would probably be the most diverse team in the entire class! What's with this woke shit!?"

"...Boy, why you always screaming every god damn time we see you?" Bella could only bob her head from left to right as she furrowed her eyebrows at Daniel.

"It's true!" Daniel bellowed, "You're black, I'm Mexican… and this white boy is like the whitest person you'll ever see in your life!"


"And not to mention you're like a lesbian!" Daniel continued as he pointed at Bella, "Just what was Bulwark thinking putting us in the same team!?"

"...You done, ni– bro?" Bella once again rolled her eyes, "If you are, then stop being so hysterical since people are starting to gather around us."

"You were about to say the word, didn't you!?"

The three were now currently somewhere in New York. They weren't wearing their costumes and were just in their casual clothes; with Riley wearing a cap and sunglasses to avoid him from being recognized. But with Daniel screaming all of his words, the people were truly starting to stare at them.

As for the reason why they were here… nothing. The three just randomly chose a place to go to since they didn't have any leads in the first place.

Riley bought a van with his points just for this Activity, with Bella acting as their driver since she was the only one with a license amongst them.

"Let's just leave this brother here and go on our own, Riley," Bella then let out a loud sigh, making sure Daniel hears it.

"Where are the two of you even going!? We don't even know what we're searching for!"

"We're looking for Prophet, you a retard or what?"

"Yeah, but are we looking for his corpse or–"

And before Daniel could finish his words, Bella quickly covered his mouth; causing his words to muffle, "L… let go!"

"Sshh! The public doesn't know about what we're doing here, what are you doing exposing it to the world!?" Bella bellowed,

"And why are you always screaming!?"

It took a couple of seconds. But finally, Bella was able to calm Daniel down. The three, now outside a cafe and quietly talking.

"What if Darkday is here? Isn't he active again? Maybe we should have stayed inside the Academy?"

"Bro, can you stop overthinking?" Bella sighed, "Darkday only shows himself once in a blue moon, and since he already kicked the Hope Guild's ass just a week ago– we won't be seeing him any time soon."

"How would you even–"

"She is right, Daniel Espinoza."

And finally, Riley, who had been quiet the entire time, finally opened his mouth, "Darkday is currently in retirement. His sudden appearance a week ago was a misunderstanding."

"...Why are the two of you talking like you know Darkday?" Daniel clicked his tongue, "Figures… both of you are psychopaths. Damn telekinetics."

"You are the most discriminatory person I have ever met in my life, I just wanted you to know that."

"Enough of this shit," Daniel then muttered, "Where are we even going to start searching for–"

"MEGAN, are we anywhere near Prophet?"

"Yeah, like that's gonna work. I swear, you African Americans are so laz–"

[Nearer than before.]



"....What the fuck?"

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