Villain Retirement

Chapter 152 - 152: Hope

Chapter 152 - 152: Hope

Empress, aka Adaeze.

Adaeze was born in a remote village somewhere in the middle stretches of Nigeria. And like half of the people there, she was born in poverty. No, she belonged in the 10% that lived in extremities.

Hundreds of years ago, the people of Africa lived in adequate conditions as their rulers… distributed their population to other countries; some out of fear and intimidation by their foreign invaders; some to reduce the population of their villages, using the money to secure the livelihood of their remaining people… but of course, truly, most of them did it to fatten their pockets.

The trade of slavery only stopped with the arrival of Megawoman; unchaining the caged people of Africa and returning them to their homes. But with already a hundred years of history, there were already tens of millions of slaves scattered in Europe and America– not including their sons and daughters.

Megawoman's freeing of the slaves was a celebrated and glorious moment in history, even taught in secondary schools and even marked in a calendar… but for the people of Africa, it also brought one major problem– overpopulation.

In just a single year, their population rose by 20% in the 1700s; they were unequipped to handle such change. Of course, Megawoman tried to help– bringing in supers from other countries that would help their crops and water shortage problems go away. But it did not solve the massive growth of their population… instead even hastening it.

But as always with life, time solves everything. With the advancement of technology came the advancement of transportation– allowing not only the people of Africa but also the people of other continents to freely and easily leave their countries.

Africa became a wealthy country; and because of the existence of Megawoman, a lot of people from other countries were willing to invest in their countries for a chance to be recognized by her.

Sadly for them, with the coming of the 1900s, Megawoman had other problems to face in Europe. And with her disappearance, the greedy warlords and rulers once again showed their faces– forcing the poor families of Africa to plummet even further down.

Adaeze belonged to one of those families, born in extreme poverty with her government seemingly blind to their problems. No… she was born in a family of crime. Her parents were part of a militia that raided cargo ships and cruise ships, and as their daughter, it was all she ever knew.

And when her abilities awakened during her teenage years, she used them to help her family. From an outside perspective, her powers would just look like the common flight and super strength combo; but in truth, her powers had something to do with combusting the nitrogen in the air around her.

Her talent was extraordinary– mastering it in a way that it truly became an extension of her body; not just metaphorically and figuratively, but truly just a monstrous control.

The Pirate Empress, they dubbed her.

But alas, her family's reign did not last long, however. Her powers were too strong; easily putting her on the Megawoman's radar.

At the young age of 14, she fought Megawoman– showing her the reality that there were people out there that could kill her with just the snap of their fingers. Megawoman, however, did not surrender her to the authorities and instead brought her to a place with other people like her;

Not the Hope Guild, no– that came after. Megawoman called it the Fitness Gym, she was humorous that way. Adaeze and the 11 others, however, called it the Sanctuary.

There were a dozen of them there, all trained by Megawoman on how to properly use their powers for good. She spent a lot of years with Megawoman and knew exactly how strong she was.

And she knew… that the individual slowly approaching her now had exactly the same strength.

"You…" Empress then gently placed V and Whiteking on the ground; taking in small but very deep breaths as she watched as Darkday slowly walk towards her,

"...So you really can copy people's abilities?" She then whispered as she also carefully approached Darkday.

"I suppose so, Empress."

"It makes sense, people with the same type of powers as yours are usually evil people… or at the very least, weird," Empress let out a small scoff.

"I suppose you are talking about the previous leader of the Hope Guild?" Darkday replied as he continued to calmly make his way towards Empress, "Mine is more… permanent than her, Empress. That is why I am selective with the abilities I try to get."

"And what're the criteria?" Empress asked, her eyes darting all around the place; thinking of a way she and her team would be able to peacefully escape this situation.

"It's simple really. If it can kill me, then I will have it."

"Then I guess you'll be copying my powers?"

"No, ew."

"..." Empress's steps halted as soon as she heard Darkday's words; her eyebrows, slightly twitching from the sudden tone of disgust coming from Darkday. But after a few seconds, she let out a small but very deep breath.

"Tempo, what is your status?"

[Bulwark did not let me inside the Academy, saying the students are safer inside. So I am trying to evacuate the people in the nearby cities.]

"Tch. I suppose it doesn't matter, there's been a change in priority. Carry the others away from here."

[...What about you?]

"I'll hold him off as much as I can."


"I'll escape as soon as I know you and the others are back in the base."


"That was an order."

And as soon as Empress said that, a drumming echo whispered in the air. And with a blur suddenly appearing around her and Darkday– the other members of the Hope Guild were suddenly no longer seen.

"Interesting choice, Empress," Darkday breathed out, "You can't even win with your group and–"

"I am afraid this is personal," Empress stretched her hands on the side; the golden rings wrapped around her arms started dangling loudly as she did so, "You almost killed my mentor."

"...Megawoman?" Darkday halted his steps, "Could it be you know where she is right now, Empress?"

"Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you."

"Were you… not aware of Dark Millenium's identity? She seems to be a clone of Megawoman, Empress."

"Stop spouting nonsense and just come at me!"

"Could it be you haven't seen Megawoman's face even though she was your mentor?" Darkday chuckled, "Now I feel quite shy, Empress. It would seem my connection with her is even more special than I–"

"Enough talk!"

Empress then lifted her foot; not forcefully, not violently, not even hastily. But the ground behind her exploded, turning into a tidal wave of rock and soil meters high; Bulwark, who still had the entire Academy wrapped in some sort of golden barrier of light, could let out a sigh as he saw another unpleasant brown tidal wave once again heading towards him- the first one was when Hera erased most of the terrain within a kilometer radius.

It was a good thing her next step was calm, if not, then they would probably reach the earth's core by the time she was finished. And without even any hint or warning, a skirt of wind suddenly surrounded Empress's body as she almost instantly appeared behind Darkday, her palms already placed on his back.

And with a light snap, Darkday's body was propelled straight towards the Academy.


Bulwark could not help but center his abilities to where Darkday was about to land, creating almost a hundred drilling spikes to try and end Darkday once and for all. But alas, Darkday might as well have landed on soft ground as he just bounced back on his feet. The only damage? Holes on the back of his outfit, but even those were patched up.

"I thought you quit being a member of the Hope Guild, Mister Bulwark," Darkday muttered.

"You're still a monster that needs to be erased in the world."

"At least that's something we agree o–"

And before Darkday could finish his words, Empress once again appeared in front of her, giving her a light tap on his chest… but violently throwing him straight back towards the drilling spikes. This time, however, Darkday stopped just an inch from his outfit being poked with holes again.

"Never talk to terrorists!" Empress then bellowed as she once again disappeared from her spot, before appearing beside Darkday with her palms once again pointed at his head, "D–"

This time, however, before she could do anything else, Darkday tangled his hands around hers, locking them in place. Darkday seemed to want to say something, but Empress suddenly wrapped her legs around his waist.


"Bulwark, trap us! Do it now!"

There was a small flash of hesitation in Bulwark's golden eyes, but it did not take him even a second to decide the weight of the choice he was making now. And so, with a small nod towards Empress, the light surrounding the entire Academy grounds faded– transferring towards Empress and Darkday as they were trapped in some sort of golden sphere.

"..." Darkday looked around him; nothing but gold in his view, "You plan to do a suicide attack again, Empress?" Darkday then whispered.


Empress, however, was no longer interested in hearing any of Darkday's words as the air inside the golden sphere seemed to boil; the rings on Empress's arms, ringing continuously and with pause– almost mirroring her stirred emotions. If it meant finally getting rid of Darkday, then her death was nothing.

The air around them started to explode in bits, but each combustion was violent– ripping off Darkday's costume as if eating them… revealing his white and unblemished skin. Empress only glanced at it, however, not paying it any mind as she mustered up all of her strength for one final strike.

And so, with a smile on her face… she raised her middle fingers towards Darkday,

"See in you hell, Da–"

"Not yet, Empress."


And before she could finish her words, another set of voices appeared behind her. She looked back, only to see… another Darkday beside her, or more specifically, standing on her shoulder.

And without even warning, Little Darkday slapped Empress right on the jaw– causing the whites of her eyes to show themselves. If it wasn't Darkday catching her, then she would have definitely hit the perimeters of the golden sphere.


"..." Darkday looked at the unconscious Empress in his arms, before letting out a sigh and slamming his other fist towards the sphere– causing the air itself to tremble as a small part of it cracked open.

"!!!" Bulwark tried to immediately patch the hole, but before he could do so, Darkday already penetrated his hand through it– grabbing his neck.

"I'm not here to kill anyone, Bulwark. Cancel your powers or I might change my mind."

"..." And with those words, Bulwark did not even have to decide as the sphere surrounding Darkday and Empress quickly faded away. And before he could even say anything, Darkday lightly threw Empress at him.

And just like that, Darkday turned around. Bulwark was about to check on Empress's condition but then noticed that Darkday was actually glancing at him.

"...Do you know where Megawoman is located currently, Bulwark?"


"Has Whiteking ever told you about Megawoman's clones, Bulwark?"

"...No," Bulwark breathed out. Although he was far from the rest of the members of the Hope Guild, he also clearly saw Dark Millenium's face– it was definitely almost the same as Silvie's.

"...Whiteking is quite a suspicious individual, no?"


"Are you sure you know nothing about Megawoman's whereabouts, Bulwark?"


"Hm. Okay," Darkday only let out a small breath before finally flying away without a single word… almost as if he just didn't play with the lives of the No. 1 superhero group in the world.

Bulwark could only stare as Darkday's figure slowly disappeared into the dark clouds. And soon, with his disappearance, those clouds once again dispersed; letting the sun once again finally shine upon them.

And with the coming of light, came the destruction that darkness left.

"..." Bulwark then looked at the aftermath of the battle for a few seconds, before shaking his head and taking Empress inside the Academy. He had lived for thousands of years; he had met Supers that could be considered gods, he had also seen many who could cause this much destruction… but never once had he met someone who did it as if he was just casually walking down the street.


Just… how will they even hope to defeat someone like him?


"Silvie! Get out of your room! Don't let me burn this fucking door down!"

"Go away! Please go away!"

Hannah, Gary, and Tomoe were currently in front of Silvie's apartment door, with Hannah trying to kick the door open. As soon as Silvie saw Dark Millenium's face through the screen, she instantly zoned out.

And without even saying a word, she rushed out of the Korean Shaved Ice store.

"We're not going to leave here if you don't show your face!"


…please just go away."

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