Versatile System Online

Chapter 271 Pseudo-Domain (Part 2)

"Hmmm… a worthy name," Ray thought to himself, "Well I will let it be like that for now. Default name is the best I guess," He ordered the system as another notification sounded.

[Ding… As per host's orders, the name of the domain will remain as Pseudo-Domain Of Lightning],

"Yeah, that works," Ray thought and then turned his attention to the domain.

He looked around and saw lightning particles whizzing around in a radius of ten meters. The particles were all under his control. With just a thought, he could make them do whatever he wanted.

This was his domain and he was the king here. Controlling the lightning particles, he shaped them into a thunder bolt. The particles condensed as they gained a solid form.

A blue bolt of lightning appeared in his hand. It crackled in the air various arcs of lightning lashed around it.

Ray opened his eyes and saw the bolt. He could feel the bolt in his hand as if it was a weapon.

"Guess I can do a lot of things now," He thought and tried to check the power of the lightning bolt.

"Let's see…" He murmured and lifted the bolt above his head. Aiming at the entrance in front of him, he decided to give the trolls further away a pleasant surprise.

Injecting his mana into his hands, an armor of lightning covered his arms as the lightning particles around him moved. They condensed around his arms and solidified over the armor.

The armor turned a deep blue color as various arcs crackled within it. Ray clenched his fist and held the lightning bolt tightly. Pushing his feet against the ground, he jumped in air.

Various arcs crackling around his whole body as they formed a trail of lightning. Ray eyes he entrance and spun around in the air as he released the lightning bolt.

The huge bolt of lightning flew in the air and cut through the air at unimaginable speeds. Ray didn't stop. He clasped his hands together and closed his eyes.

Concentrating on the lightning bolt, he tried to control the lightning particles from outside the domain.

However, Ray had to be disappointed as the particles were barely under his control. For him to control them remotely, he had to use his mana as he usually did.

As for the domain, it didn't require his mana. It just required him to think of something.

"So it depends on my imagination and it has to be in a certain range. Well, lets test it's power," Ray thought and decided to create a few more weapon.

Soon, the domain had a high swirl in it as lightning particles were attracted inside the domain. Like a magnetic attracting metallic sand, the particles all gathered around Ray.

Ray raised his hand and commanded the lightning particles to form straight rods. Soon, five lightning rods were made as they stood in front of Ray.

Ray raised his other hand as well and lifted the lighting rods in the air. The lightning rods floated above he ground as Ray commanded them to fly over behind the lightning bolt.

"Boooommmm!!" Just as he did, the lightning bolt hit its target. Electricity surged as arcs were discharged into the air. Ray looked ahead and saw a huge flame burning in the air.

The lightning bolt seemed to have collided with some sort of socket and the resulting explosion created a huge fire.

"Bang…Booommm…Bang….Booommm…Bang" The lighting rods also jit their targets as they explode in succession.

The whole area turned into a waste land as lightning and fire reigned supreme. Ray looked at it unfold with a satisfied smile on his face.

He was very happy with the power of the domain as after all, the academy was made to be fire proof and the walls were insulated with best materials.

Even then, the lightning had penetrate through the walls and caused such a huge fire.

"Urghhh,' Ray suddenly groaned and held his head. His vision turned muddy as Aurora's voice sounded in his consciousness, "Ray, cancel the domain. You are out of strength and stamina. Your body couldn't hold it anymore. Cancel it,"

"Okay," Ray replied weakly. He could barely stand anymore as the domain around him turned weaker and weaker.

He let his body limp and he concentrated on cancelling the domain. However, having unlocked the domain recently, he didn't know how to cancel it.

"Aurora.. Help," He called out to her weakly. He could barely even speak.

"Trying," Aurora replied in panic. She was constantly trying to override the system to stop the domain and cancel. She knew that if the domain wasn't turned off right now, it would keep on working and extract Ray's life force.

"Rayyyy!!!" Sirius's loud shout broke the silence. His feet skidded across the ground as he came by Ray's side.

"F*ck," he cursed in anger as the bolts of lightning around Ray whipped over his skin. He felt his body going numb but he didn't run away. He stood by his friend's side and tried to help in any way he could.

"Don't worry Sirius," Ray spoke, "It's the domain. I just need to cancel it, that's all,"

"But just look at you. The domain seems to be eating you from inside out," Sirius said.

"Don't worry about me. Look to the situation up ahead. I seemed to have done some considerable damage," Ray said.

"Sighhhh," Exasperated, Sirius sighed and stood up. Ray was his leader and he had to accept his every order.

"Everyone. Round up and protect our leader. Support team stays here while the assault and tank team moves forward with me," Sirius said.

"On it," The team leaders replied and hurried forward.

Tim came forward and stood by Sirius's and Ray's side as he asked, "What happened to Ray,"

"Nothing much. Just a small backlash," Replied Sirius and instructed Ray, "Be with him and don't leave his side. I don't trust others,"

With that said, shadows surrounded Sirius as he disappeared within them. The air whizzed as Sirius's shadow disappeared.

"Don't worry Ray. I am here," Said Tim and lifted his shield in the air. The shield elongated further as Tim dug the shield into the ground.

"Thanks Tim," Ray said, a bit better than before. The domain was slowly receding and Ray felt his stamina recover bit by bit.

"Always there for you," Tim replied with a smile. He was finally happy to be of some use to Ray.

A few minutes later,

Ray stood up slowly. He had gathered enough strength and had finally gained control over his domain. The domain was now cancelled and he was back to his normal self.

"Ray, are you alright?" Seeing Ray stand, Tim asked in worry. He was worried that Ray might not have recovered much and was forcing himself.

"Don't worry about me. I am fine. Also, go back to your team and be ready to support the members. I don't think they will be fine for long," Ray said with a smile.

He turned away and walked back to the camp. While on his way, he contacted Aurora and asked her,

"What is the situation over there. Can you scan it?"

"The situation seems to be fine for now but it won't be like that for long. There seems to be something very strong on the other end of the hallway," Aurora said.

The thing being that for them to reach the portal room, they had to cross five hallways and two big grounds. They had crossed one hallway and the attack Ray just did was against the other hallway.

In short, it had all just started and there was a long way to go before they reached the portal room. Ray turned to face the hallway and smiled.

He knew the circumstance. It was time for him to step up and lead the team once again. The fun time was over.

With that, Ray started walking over to the second hallway. Lighting crackled around his hands while his feet left behind scorching marks of fire on the ground.

The space around him twisted and bent as his Void element also came into play. Last but not the least, his eyes changed. A needle like clock appeared in his left eye while a supernova appeared in his right.

"Here I come," He muttered with a grin and walked inside the hallway.


Sirius and Adrian had teamed up together as killed trolls left and right. Sirius used his ultra high speed and lethality to slash trolls and behead them while Adrian controlled the darkness around him to form whips of darkness that not only acted as a shield but also served as great weapons.

On the other hand,

Nia used her light element to form various blades and hired them at the trolls while Kashish teamed up with her and used her plants as a shield to not only block the incoming attacks but also confuse the trolls by separating them from one another.

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