Versatile System Online

Chapter 189 A Risky Move; The Heart Stops Beating

The Void Element condensed around his right eye as blood started to seep through it.

"Ray! Are you sure about this? You could fuse the Void Element in some other place," Aurora asked in concern.

"No, I will do it," Ray replied, determined to complete what he started!; he had no intention of backing down.

Listening to his answer, Aurora remained silent and continued to observe the process. Even though she was silent and didn't push the matter, she was ready to step in and stop the process the moment it got out of control.

With Ray fusing the Void element into his eyes, enormous changes occurred to them. The whole structure of the eye started to change as the Void penetrated deep into his eyeball.

From the optic nerve, the Void traveled through the whole eye as it covered the vitreous humor and made its way to the lens, pupil, and finally the cornea. As the cornea was the outermost layer of the eye, when the Void element reached it; the whole structure of the eyeball experienced changes.

Not only did the color of the eyeball change but strange runic patterns appeared in the cornea. Since the cornea was a transparent layer, the patterns inscribed upon it shone as the light reflected through the eye. Then, as the changes went deeper; the Void element changed the color of his eye as his eye experienced a huge variety of changes.

After that, the ciliary muscles were strengthened; allowing Ray to have better control of his eyes, the Void Element fused into the Vitreous humor as the liquid medium was turned into a liquid form of the Void Element.

Then reaching inside the sclera, the Void Element reached the optic nerve as the whole eye was not only strengthened but the channels carrying the information were also strengthened. From the optic nerve, the Void element strengthened his forebrain and made it capable to withstand the usage of abilities granted by the usage of the Void Element.

And like that, the fusion of the Void Element with his eye was completed. After the fusion was done, the pain he felt decreased while the blood seeping through his eye also stopped.

Right now, if one looked at Ray's left eye; one would notice that not only had his eye changed its color but had also gained a strange pattern on top of it. Other than that, even the shape of his eye had altered slightly as it had become sharper.

With the last element left, Ray turned to Aurora for advice as he asked, "Aurora, what is it with the new element I sense? Its presence seems to be ancient and mystical. I feel that it has been with me my whole life yet in a very secret, hidden manner; to the extent that even I failed to notice its presence,"

"Ray, it's a long story but you have to know of this that the element is indeed very ancient and mystical. Not only that but the element is also very dangerous. Therefore, you will have to be very careful while fusing with it," Aurora replied calmly.

"Then tell me its name so I could have an idea of what it is,

"Well, the element is unlocked due to your bloodline. As for the element's name, it's the Time element," Aurora answered.

As he heard what she said, his eyes dilated slightly as Ray realized that the part where Aurora cautioned him was not for nothing as Ray knew that the Time element was said to be one of the very first elements to be there when the universe was formed and till today, it's origins were unknown.

After all even the Void Element had a resemblance as it was a derivative of the space element but the time element was different. However, what stumped him, even more, was the fact that it was unlocked through his bloodline. This made him wonder about the kind of Mythical Creature the element must have belonged to.

"Ray, I know what you are thinking but that's for later as everything will be clear to you in some time. Right now, I want you to focus on fusing the element into yourself," Aurora said as she snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Oh…Okay," Ray nodded as his expression turned serious. Clearing his mind of all the unnecessary thoughts, Ray focused as he sensed the Time elemental particles in his surroundings.

As his eyes closed, he sensed the whole area to be filled with Time elemental particles as the element was found everywhere. After all, Time was the only constant in the universe and with it being present everywhere, its particles were infinite.

"Aurora, I can't absorb this many particles into myself. I will die due to particle overload," Ray gulped and said.

"Who asked you to do that? What you need to do is to simply sense the elemental particles that have a portion of your bloodline energy within them since the element comes from your bloodline, the particles you could absorb are also those that contain your bloodline signature," Aurora explained to him while internally she thanked the gods that Ray consulted her before doing something reckless.

"Okay," Ray nodded as he concentrated deeper and sensed the Time elemental particles having his bloodline signature within them. Sensing the particles, he found out that those with his bloodline signature had a slight flame-like essence burning within them.

Not thinking of it much, Ray took a deep breath and prepared himself as he absorbed the Time elemental particles. As the particles were absorbed into his body, Ray had a wicked idea he decided to fuse the element into 3 parts of his body.

He decided that he would, first fuse the element with his heart, then with his right eye, and finally with his brain. By doing this, he could use his brain and eye to sense the past, present, and future and alter the time while also sensing changes in timelines.

Although it seemed far-fetched as Ray knew that at the level he was at, the element could at most help him predict the future by a second or two at max. However, even that was very helpful when battling against someone in a higher realm than himself.

Other than that, he planned to use his heart to sync his whole body at one timeline, and then if he is injured, he would be able to use the accumulated time to reset to a preset time.

Even this idea of his was confusing and vague as many things were unclear and above all, it was unknown if that was even possible or if he would be subjecting himself to pain and risking his life for nothing.

Yet, Ray did it as even with all those uncertainties and danger, if there was a small percentile chance that what he planned could actually be possible was worth it as the power to control time had multiple uses and every single one was enough to make him invincible.

And just like that, the element reached his heart. At first, Ray felt nothing as he had only let a minute quantity of the elemental particles enter but as the number of elemental particles increased, his heart started pounding against his chest.

His blood pressure rose as a faint pain started to course through his heart. The pain radiated from his heart to his left chest and then to his shoulder as it traveled all the way to his left hand.

The pain continued to increase as slowly, as he felt his heartbeat dull. After a few seconds, his heart stopped pounding as his eyes lost their color.

With his heart filled with Time elemental particles, it stopped beating as Ray suffered a heart attack. Just as the heart stopped beating, his whole body convulsed as electrical sparks arced around his skin. The electrical arcs converged as they condensed around his chest and electrocuted his heart.

"Thump....Thump….Thump.." the electrical shock rocked his heart as the heart slowly came back to life and started beating again.

On the other hand, when the heart had stopped beating, the time elemental particles had started fusing with the organ and when the heart restarted, the elemental particles to be fused were only a quarter of their original quantity as the rest had already fused. Hence, the process was completed without much pain.

However, only Ray and the ones in his consciousness knew of the dangerous stunt he had pulled and how close he was to dying. Even a small miscalculation in the timing of the electric shock given to awaken his heart again would have led to Ray's demise and an immature end to the journey.


A/N:- New chapter, New month, New Events, New Rewards.

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