Van Gogh Reborn!

Chapter 168: Eroica (4)

Chapter 168: Eroica (4)

Chapter 168 Eroica (4)

Why do you keep saying nonsense when you just need juice?

This is a ridiculous situation for me to be here! Stop nagging and pay up!

Are you crazy? You want me to pay you 1,000 euros for a 5-euro drink?

Are you getting short with me?

Short is what you think! Why did you say you would give me 1,000 euros? Is it your money?

1,000 euros per hour is cheap!

Not for me! No, not for anyone!

What are you going to do with all the money you earned? Are you feeling sorry for yourself?

Go freeze to death! What are you going to do? The owner is waiting! Hes excited!

Henry Marso, who couldnt stand being in the same place as the citizens, forced himself.

The cafe owner, who was gloomy because of the lack of customers, was overjoyed by the 1,000 euros that Henry Marso offered for renting the cafe for an hour.


Go Hoon, who was excited, calmed down with difficulty.

Theres only 10 minutes left. Arent you ashamed to be seen by people? Dont cause any more trouble and quietly drink your soda and leave.

Is this my fault? If you had rented it quietly, they wouldnt have gathered like that!

What did you hear! I dont have that kind of money!

Why not?

Go Hoon scratched his head.

He had regained his peace with a loving family and success as a painter, and a heartwarming experience.

But as he argued with Henry Marso, his old temper came out.

Yeah! I have it! I have a lot of money! You bought my painting and I got rich!

Now youre making sense. Hurry up and pay.

I didnt make any sense!

They fought without even ordering for a while.

The people who came to watch the fight between Go Hoon and Henry Marso ordered drinks and snacks.

The cafe owner wished that the two would fight for as long as possible without renting the cafe.

Oh my. Oh my. What a mess. Excuse me. Ill go in.

Then a middle-aged woman broke through the crowd and entered the cafe.



Go Hoon and Henry Marso greeted her warmly.

A moment later.

Go Hoon and Henry Marso, who got into Sheri Gados mini cooper, turned their heads and opened their mouths.

Did you have a good time?

Yes. Did you have a good time, Sheri?

Of course. You look healthy and nice to see.

Sheri Gado glanced at Henry Marso and scolded him.

No matter how happy you are, thats not how you do it. What are you going to do if you do that in a crowded place?

Happy? Whats so happy!

Henry Marso, who had run out of patience, was annoyed. His knees touched the passenger seat and he couldnt sit comfortably.

I came here worried and youre talking nonsense as soon as I see you.

Go Hoon muttered as if to make him hear.

A guy who cant even pay 1,000 euros is worried about others. You came here to eat.

Henry Charles Ferdinand Marso.

Sheri Gado called him in a stern voice and Henry Marso licked his lips and shut his mouth.

Did you have lunch, Hoon? I made blueberry tart.


Go Hoon brightened up at the mention of blueberry tart.

See? You came here to eat.


Henry Marso bit his tongue.

Sheri Gado tried to calm down her unruly son.

By the way, wheres Arsene? Werent you going out together?

I dont know.

Henry Marso remembered the thing he had forgotten while fighting with Go Hoon.

Arsene, who was startled by the shoe marks on the car that Henry Marso had disappeared from, was stunned.

He thought that all this happened because he was late.


Before lunch.

Sheri Gado brought the blueberry tart.

Her skill was still the same and it was the most perfect tart. She thought that the custard cream she made herself should be commercialized.

If she sold it at a reasonable price, she would become rich in no time.

Do you have time to do this?

Henry Marso asked with his chin propped up.



I finished it. I was on my way to meet him.

Do you think you can do it with what you drew? You should keep drawing until the deadline.

You said before that you wouldnt participate unless you win. Hmph.

It was a wonder how the blueberry pulp felt so fresh when it was baked in the oven.

That was then.

Im confident.


It came out well. Grandpa also liked it.

He glared at him quietly as if he had a secret.

Thats that. What happened?



What are you talking about?

He snorted when he mentioned the French National Art Association.

Its none of your business.

How can I not care?

The Antermittang system is a welfare system that all artists in the world long for.

All artists think that they have to be economically independent someday, but he knows better than anyone how desperate they are for a stable livelihood until they are recognized.

Henry Marso loosened his hand and leaned back on the chair.

What are you curious about?

Why are you fighting?

How is throwing away trash a fight?

Sometimes he forgets, but when he talks to this person, he has to put aside common sense and convention.

He has to ask at eye level to communicate.

Why are they trash?

They used the money I gave them to share among themselves. How dare they use my money.

It was a misunderstanding, as usual.

If what he said was true, then the French artists who criticized Henri Marso and protested on the streets were the ones who should be condemned.

Isnt there any evidence?

There is.

Then why dont you tell?

Henri Marso looked at me sharply and asked in a serious voice.

Who am I?

I wanted to say he was a rich gangster, but I shrugged my shoulders because I didnt want to fight for nothing.

Im not a politician or a person who works for the association. Im not a police officer or a judge, either.

I nodded, agreeing with him.

Many people are mistaken, but you should know. Dont expect anything from me other than art. I dont care about helping others or realizing justice or anything like that.

I think I know what he means.

He often said, Im not that.

He thought that way because of that.

But this situation is a little different.

Youre being harmed. You have to defend yourself.


Henri Marso tilted his head and laughed.

Did I get hurt?


Let them talk as they please. My fans dont blink an eye.

Do you think the people who see my work, hear my voice, and know me will listen to the beasts noise? No way.

Hes a strange person, but I envy his attitude.

He deeply trusts the people who support him.

He believes that the relationship he has with his work will not break.

He has a strong pride and self-esteem, and he means that his fans who like him will not be swayed by nonsense.

When I think about it, he loved his fans terribly, even with his dog-like personality.

Sometimes I feel his ego is too big, but thats what drives him forward without shaking.

Thats right.

I admit it.

He has shown his skills and results many times.

Whats with you all of a sudden?

Because its true.

But Im worried about the problem he overlooks.

Fans are fine, but there are other people, too. Can you guarantee that they wont be swayed?

The people who support Henri Marso may not be shaken by his faith.

But among the people who are neither his allies nor enemies, there will be people who take their lies as facts.

Its not easy to change a fixed notion.

It wont change even if I step up.

Henri Marso twisted his head and said.

They wont admit it no matter how much I say Im great. Its only when the majority of people say its great.

Its the same as my grandfathers view of art.

Do you think theyll believe me if I say Im right with my own mouth?


I have to make the majority of people shut up.

He seems to have thought of something, contrary to his worries.

3,000 people. Yeah. Lets say 30,000 people believe their words. Unless I catch them all and torture them, that number wont change.


I just have to make the rest of the 700,000 people mine.

It seems that the current population of French artists is about 730,000.1)


400,000 people who were excluded from the benefit due to unfair evaluation will receive unemployment benefits from this week.

Hes talking about Antermittang.

Its the beginning. Next year, all artists will receive it. Not only employment insurance, but the association foundation will also pay half of the medical insurance costs.

Where does all that money come from?

Its not coming, its the money that was already there.

Henri Marso swallowed his kale juice.

"Its enough to go around if the thieves disappear. 30% of GDP is social security costs. Theres no shortage."2)

I wondered if he was spending his own money, but it didnt seem like it.

It seems that this kind of thing is possible in Europe, which is rumored to be rich.

Youre doing well politically, even though you said you dont.

Its a right exercise.

Henri Marso never linked his actions to politics.

He drew a line as an act of exercising his rights as an artist.

But if his actions can benefit 730,000 artists, it doesnt matter what he says.


The 3,000 people who were expelled from the association and those who followed him will be excluded.

Its no use talking about complicated things. You just have to make them recognize the fact that they can eat and who gives it to them.

Youll be misunderstood if you say that.

Its a misunderstanding because he talks as if he treats people as livestock.


Henri Marso put down his glass.

The people who are really treated like pigs know who they are. They are the people who drag you to the gallows if you dont like them. The people of this country.

He seems to have thought of everything, worrying about this and that.

I dont think I need to worry.

So what are you doing these days?

What do you mean? Im working.

What kind of work?


What kind of work are you doing?


He answered vaguely.

Let me see it. I havent seen you in a long time.



You know when I say no.

I dont know what treasure he hid, but its expensive.

I want to see it more when he refuses and turns red.

Are you kidding me?


You tell others to do their best, to do their best.

Henri Marsos face twisted.

He didnt flinch when the expelled people provoked him, but he reacted well at this time. Hes cute.


1)This is a footnote explaining the process of predicting the French artistic population in 2028.

You dont have to read it.

According to the Analysis of the Status of Cultural and Artistic Statistics in Major Countries report analyzed by the Korea Culture and Tourism Institute in 2010, the number of cultural and artistic workers in France in 2007 was 490,500.

However, the report states on page 13 that the perception of the number of artists is different depending on the survey point and standard of each country, so there is a possibility of misunderstanding if only the numbers are compared, and there is a high possibility of error due to the difference in standards.

In addition, Pierre Michel Menger analyzed the growth rate of French artistic labor force in Les artistes en quantits. Ce que sociologues et conomistes sapprennent sur le travail et les professions artistiques on page 205.

From 1982 to 1990, the number of cultural and artistic workers increased by 37%, and from 1990 to 1999, it increased by 19%.

From 1999 to 2005, it increased by 16%, showing a growth rate close to 20% in the 2000s.

He also explained that it increased 4.5 times faster than the total labor force in France, and in 2005, it reached the position of occupying 2% of the total workers in France.

Assuming that the 2010s and 2020s proceeded in a similar trend, if the number of cultural and artistic workers in 2007 was 490,500, it would be inferred that about 706,320 people would be active as cultural and artistic workers in 2028, the time of the work, if it grew by 20% every 10 years.

Since it is a novel set in the near future, there is no statistical data to find, and it is the authors own estimated figure, and the population change, artistic environment change, etc. are not considered.

2)In 2016, Frances social security allowance reached 714.5 billion euros (about 954 trillion won), 32.1% of GDP.

Source: France, the highest social security cost in Europe, confirms efficiency, <Euro Journal>, 2018.06.27, Jeon Eun-jung reporter

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