Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 59 Eradicating The Assassins!

"What is that…, a monster?"

The assassin asked as he met a test to gauge his wits.

15 assassins jumped inside the hole alongside Rex. Due to the different paths from Rex that they took to get here, they were able to encounter the normal pathway where they were exposed to the riches of the hivemind.

The hivemind lair of the Ancient Vector family had been hibernating here for centuries, this was the last heirloom of this powerful ancient family.

For an Ancient family this powerful, their wealth at their peak could only be imagined. The assassins came for Rex but they saw riches and were tempted.

Though they were obligated by their assassin code to fulfill their mission, they were not shackled by this code and could also make money when opportune.

Once they arrived inside the lair, they were exposed to a lot of rooms that were filled with different luxuries. Unrestrained, the assassins plundered as they continued their search for their target who they suspected to be already dead.

This great plunder was part of the reason why it took them so long to get to the altar and the hall of the blood throne.

To achieve more efficiency in their search, the leader of the assassins ordered them to separate into 3 teams of 5 assassins each.

One of the teams without the leader was the one who got to the inheritance hall of the blood throne first. On getting here though, the ritual was already done, Rex Vector already fully unlocked his bloodline, and Rex was now a vampire!

What followed after was a slaughter as Rex killed 4 of the assassins consecutively while curbing his problem of blood hunger in the process.

Originally, after feeding, Rex was supposed to regain his rationality back but this was not the case this time.

​ The experience of failure in the finals, an assassination attempt, becoming a vampire, and witnessing the fall of his ancestors all in one day already fractured Rex's brain too much, he was damaged at this moment.

The first team of assassins who met Rex comprised 5 assassins. The last one lingered behind to watch the other's backs and this saved his life.

In the blink of an eye, he saw a humanoid beast killing his 4 comrades.

With the blood of his prey dying his body red, and his already torn clothes with his sharp and long fangs, Rex looked no different from a wild beast.

When this assassin looked into the eyes of Rex, he did not see humanity, he saw a damaged vampire who was out on a rampage!

"Code Black!" The assassin was shocked, but he was a veteran as he pushed a button in his black lightweight uniform to alert all his remaining brothers.

Once he hit this button and spoke, the assassin turned and without hesitation started escaping but by now, Rex had already gone in pursuit.


Rex hissed like a snake as his speed quickly eclipsed the assassin's.

Rex with bloody red eyes pursued the assassin through a long corridor for less than a minute before he caught up to him. Once he caught up to him, he pounced on the assassin like a hungry tiger.

This time, the assassin did not succumb as easily as his brothers as he was prepared. He was a powerful swordsman mystic warrior.

Icicles quickly formed on the edge of this assassin's blade as he slashed at Rex but with superior speed came superior evasion.


Rex dodged the attack like the wind as his sharp claws swooped for the prey's neck. At the last moment, the assassin reacted and blocked Rex's claw but this allowed Rex to pounce on him.

Once he pounced on the assassin, his fate was sealed. Before Rex could rip his face off though, a dagger arrived before his head almost instantaneously.

The dagger aimed for his brain, it was dead accurate but Rex's superhuman reflexes came to the rescue again as he shifted his head to the side at point-blank range, leaving the dagger to stab through his left cheek.

Blood sprinkled in the air like drizzling rain but Rex uttered no cry of pain as he looked up at the assassins with pure hate and madness in his blood-red eyes.


While the 10 assassins watched from the other side, while Rex hissed, his cut left cheek squirmed as the skin grew back before the watchful eyes of the assassins.

Instant Regeneration!

All the assassins were shocked as Rex finally bent his head to focus on his prey. His fangs sank into his neck and he sucked his opponent dry in seconds.


The leader of the assassins was unsure of what was happening, but he ordered decisively as all 10 assassins turned to escape.

As usual, Rex showed no signs of exhaustion as he went in pursuit.

His speed was faster than them all. It only took him a few seconds to catch up to them, and he started his rampage again but this time against 10 assassins with their leader being a swordsman who already unlocked sword domain.

Once Rex closed the distance, the leader of the assassins stopped and turned around as he launched an attack on the monster.

All the remaining assassins turned and cooperated with him.


Rex tried to bulldoze through all the swords with his sheer speed and strength but this was an impossible endeavor as the swords cut his flesh open.

He hissed loudly as he lunged at the nearest assassin even as his injuries were already rapidly healing, but they gave him no chance.

The leader of the assassins led the counterattack as they retreated slowly. Being basic mystic warriors with different mystic abilities, they were able to stand their ground against this rabid vampire who was out for their heads.

Despite how coordinated they were and their experience, this was the first time that they were going up against a vampire, 3 more assassins died to Rex before they finally found their way to an alternative exit door.

Once they saw the door, the assassins rushed there and discovered that it was an elevator. Together, they kept the vampire outside before the elevator took off and Rex could only climb and follow them up like the spiderman.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

His claws rapidly dug into the mountain hole where he fell from as he rapidly scaled upward after the escaping elevator.

5 minutes of rapid scaling later, they finally arrived back at the surface.

Once Rex was exposed to the sun though, his healthy body seemed to shrink and shrivel instantly as he uttered a monstrous groan in discomfort.

[Warning! You have been exposed to the sun!]

[All your attributes and resistances have been reduced by 50%!]

Rex paid no attention to the system notification as he went after his enemies in pursuit. It took only a few seconds to discover that he was nowhere as fast as before, and this gave the assassins more room to keep their distance.

Rex pursued for 2 minutes until he arrived at an elevated part of the forest. Here, another group of 5 assassins waited.

19 assassins of the Black Pythons followed their leader to assassinate Rex, but 5 were left here to scout for any dangers for the others.

Now, they became the backup force.

"Round em up…, let's whittle him to death like a beast!"

Once he met his reinforcements, the assassin leader who was already fed up got his strength back as he led the counterattack against this vile beast.

Well, in this situation in the wild, a vampire was not having the upper hand.

Against the well-coordinated group of assassins, Rex became vulnerable as he received injury after injury without being able to kill another assassin.

Once they figured out his brainless battle approach, they easily countered it and this was what made sure that they kept on tormenting him.


Rex kept on hissing but nothing was working as he accumulated more injuries. Even as he got more injured though, he never regained his rationality, all his mind was focused on eradicating his enemies.

"He's already lost it, just coordinate and rotate your attacks, he'll die soon".

The leader of the assassins led this raid like a dungeon raid against a boss monster, and Rex indeed behaved like one as he got to the point of death again.

He already revived once, now he was about to die again.

In this moment of death though was when a different variable came.


All the assassins saw was fire shaped in the form of a crescent moon as 2 assassins lost their heads. What followed was the sharp edge of a sword blade followed by sprinkling blood as 3 more heads flew.

The culprit of this action did not hide as he landed in the middle of the formation of assassins, he wore black robes and had a long sword.

This man was…

"Master Fixten, the Raging Fire!" The assassins were shocked.

As mystic warriors who operated in the dark world, a basic necessity of theirs to survive was knowing the enemies that they could not afford to offend.

The Raging Fire was a figure that they could not offend!

Before an intermediate mystic warrior, basic mystic warriors were no more than a group of pigs going against a lion, there was no comparison.

The leader of the assassins abandoned his subordinates to fight for his life instantly, but his survival was still not in his hands.

Master Fixten landed in a kneeling stance, and in this stance, he surveyed everywhere from the current state of his student to that of the assassins.

On seeing Rex's current state, he was startled but there was no time for him to contemplate exactly what was happening as he exploded into action.

"No one leaves here alive!"

Once he said this, it was like a mandate from heaven.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Master Fixten's legs created dust from the forest floor as his sword swiped across, sending fire slashes and sword energies everywhere.

None of the assassins escaped, they were all eradicated in a second!

After eradicating the assassins, Master Fixten finally turned to face his student. "Rex…"


Rex listened not to reason as he pounced at his master.

Master Fixten remained motionless as Rex pounced toward him. When he looked into Rex's bloody red eyes, all he saw was pain, he sighed. "I was too late".


Rex's sharp claws stabbed his master's abdomen but Master Fixten remained motionless as he stared into his student's eyes.

Startled by his opponent's motionlessness, the vampire turned to look at his prey in the eyes and this was when Master Fixten moved.

Instead of pushing him away or attacking, Master Fixten hugged Rex.

"I'm sorry, Rex".

Instinctively, Rex's eyes glowed redder as his claws tried to attack but they dropped weakly after what his prey just said.

"I'm sorry…" This word reverberated in Rex's head as he felt weak all of a sudden. In his weakness did he start regaining his lucidity.

Rex's sharp claws slowly retracted in, his fangs retracted also and his eyes turned to normal as he looked up to see the figure who held him.

"Master…, what is happening to me?"

Rex fainted amid his asking.

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