USSR 1941

Chapter 863: question

  Chapter 863 Questions

"So!" Shulka said to Saraev relaxedly: "Comrade Saraev, I think you should think clearly, that is, solve your internal problems, and agree with me if you need training from the 82nd Infantry Regiment." Say, until then I think training should be suspended!"

   As he spoke, without waiting for Saraev's consent, Shulka ordered: "Close the team and return to the camp to rest!"

The officers and soldiers of the 82nd Infantry Regiment didn't want to "stick their faces to their butts" anymore. As soon as they heard the order, they put away their guns and followed Shulka and walked cleanly, leaving only Sarayev and Joseph Vitch and a group of people stared there.

  Saraev hadn't dealt with anything like this before.

For Saraev, it would not be difficult to reprimand Josephovic a few times and continue training. The problem is that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is almost equivalent to the German SS. They themselves are law enforcement forces and they will never allow deserters Existence, in the usual ideological and political study is also extremely despised deserters.

  But now, the subordinates are required to accept the training of "deserters"... This is also unacceptable to Saraev. If he accepts it, he does not know how to educate and persuade his subordinates.

   So Saraev did not make a decision immediately, but returned to the headquarters to ask the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for instructions.

  The call was quickly transferred to Beria. After listening to Saraev's narration, Beria asked calmly: "I want to know, what did the instructor of the 82nd Infantry Regiment teach you?"

   "Teach us how to fight the enemy, Comrade Beria!"

   "Did they teach you how to be a deserter?" Beria asked again.

   "No, no, Comrade Beria!" Sarayev replied.

   "Are they deserters now?"

   "No, it's not!"

   "Do you know how many credits these so-called deserters have killed on the battlefield? Their results are at least several times that of yours, yet you actually call them 'deserters'?!"

   "Yes, Comrade Beria! I know what to do!"

  Before Saraev finished speaking, Beria on the other end of the phone had already hung up the phone. Obviously, Beria was already dissatisfied with Saraev.

  Saraev could not help but wiped his sweat, and then immediately ordered: "Call me Josephovich, right away!"

Needless to say what the result was, Beria's spirit was thoroughly implemented, Josephovic was ordered to apologize to Shulka and Sokolov, all officers and soldiers of the 53rd regiment made a report and continued Do a deep review in the ideological and political class for a few days.

  From then on, the officers and soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs no longer dared to provoke the "instructors" of the 82nd Infantry Regiment. To be precise, they no longer dared to have any opinions on the "deserters".

  But Shulka didn't think the matter was settled just like that.

   "Comrade Shulka!" Sarayev politely handed Shulka a cigarette, and said, "You see, there is no problem with this solution. I want to know what else you think about it!"

   "No, Comrade Saraev!" Shulka replied: "I have nothing to say!"

   "Then train..."

  Shuerka shook his head and said, "They were ordered to suppress them, I'm worried..."

   "Don't worry, Shulka!" Sarayev said: "If there are similar incidents next time, I will immediately kick them out of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!"

  Kicking out of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a very serious punishment, because it means that they are no longer superior and become ordinary soldiers.

   But Shulka is not worried about this.

   Shulka believes that the conflict between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the 82nd Infantry Regiment is not only because the Second Infantry Battalion is a "punishment battalion".

In fact, everyone knows that the 2nd Infantry Battalion has been "regularized". Of course, this is indeed a factor, but if you take a random unit from the troops outside the Ministry of Internal Affairs, that is, ordinary troops, and use the 82nd Infantry Regiment as the instructor regiment , They are afraid that they will get what they want... After all, the 82nd Infantry Regiment is a famous heroic regiment.

  The response from the Ministry of the Interior was quite different.

   So it is clear that the root of the Ministry of the Interior's problems lies in their inexplicable sense of superiority, always thinking that they are superior and superior to everyone else, and no matter how many military exploits the 82nd Infantry Regiment has made, it cannot dispel this concept.

Shulka knows that if he does not break this concept and lower his posture, the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will not be able to cooperate with ordinary troops, and of course they will not be able to form effective combat effectiveness. Even if the 82nd Infantry Regiment successfully teaches them tactics and experience, it will not help. , even with these tactics and experience, the troops of the Ministry of the Interior will look down on ordinary troops even more... Wars are never decided by one or two troops, but by all the troops. There are only 300,000 people in the army. To be honest, these people are nothing to the huge Soviet army. If they don't know how to cooperate with ordinary troops, they will only die.

  But after thinking about it, Shulka thought that he was worrying too much.

  Belia's appointment of the 82nd Infantry Regiment as an instructor may be more due to political factors, so I don't need to be so serious, I just need to put on a show.

  Thinking of this, Shulka soon felt relieved, and made up his mind not to care about these real "difficulties".

   However, Beria seems to have thought of this too.

  The moment Shulka was relieved, Sarayev raised the phone and called Shulka a few meters away: "Comrade Shulka, Comrade Beria asked you to answer the phone..."

  As soon as Shulka picked up the phone, he heard Beria say on the other end of the phone: "I heard that there was some friction during training? I hope this will not have any impact on your training plan!"

   "Of course not, Comrade Beria!" Shulka replied: "It's just a small problem!"

   "Really?" Beria asked.

   "Yes!" Shulka replied.

   Then there was no sound on the phone, and Beria waited on the other end of the phone.

   This is Beria's habit. If he is not satisfied with the other party's answer, he will wait for him to correct it.

   This method was very effective, because Shulka felt unreasonable bouts of hair and couldn't bear it after a while.

   "Well, Comrade Beria!" Shulka admitted: "This is not a small problem! But I may not care about this problem!"

   "Why do you think I don't care about this issue?" Beria asked back.

   From this remark, it can be known that Beria already knew the problem, and he knew that Shulka would definitely find the problem.

   "I..." Shulka was speechless for a while, after thinking for a while, he could only say, "You mean to add this problem to my training plan?"

   "Of course!" Beria replied: "Otherwise, why should I have you as an instructor, Comrade Shulka?"

  (end of this chapter)

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