Urban Super Almighty Student

Chapter 19

C19 – A Shocking Score

Seeing the unfolding scene, all of Yellow Hair’s crew immediately rose to their feet.

Seizing a wine bottle, Ye Hao shattered its bottom with a loud crash. He then held the jagged end to Yellow Hair’s throat, challenging, “Who’s brave enough to approach?”

“Stay calm,” Yellow Hair urged, visibly terrified.

Hesitating due to their concern for Yellow Hair’s safety, his crew didn’t dare to move closer.

“Zhou Shuai, if you need to know something, ask away,” Ye Hao said, eyeing a taken-aback Zhou Shuai.

“Release Yellow Hair!” Tan Hua interjected, rushing to grasp Ye Hao’s arm.

Zhou Shuai, noticing the concern in Tan Hua’s gaze, was caught off guard.

It was clear Tan Hua’s true emotions were surfacing.

“Ye Hao, release him,” Zhou Shuai remarked, his enthusiasm fading.

Acknowledging Zhou Shuai, Ye Hao released Yellow Hair, stating, “My friend erred today. I hope you understand the situation. I’ll cover your expenses. Here’s to moving past this!”

After a brief pause, Yellow Hair popped open two beers, offering one to Ye Hao. “You’d outshine me as a thug,” he remarked, raising his drink.

Ye Hao met Yellow Hair’s toast and emptied his drink in one swift motion.

Unlike Ye Hao, Yellow Hair couldn’t down his beer in one go, so he gave Ye Hao a gesture of approval.

“We won’t intrude any longer. We’ll dine over there,” Ye Hao said as he and Zhou Shuai made their exit.

Zhou Shuai, somber, consumed a considerable amount of alcohol. Ye Hao let him be, understanding it was his way of processing his feelings.

Meanwhile, Ye Hao pondered over his body’s transformations.

He came to understand that the divine drop of blood had altered not just his physique but his temperament too.

When he had threatened Yellow Hair with the broken bottle, he didn’t feel an ounce of fear.

It felt as if it was the right thing to do.

While unsure if this shift was for better or worse, Ye Hao knew he had to come to terms with it.

Yellow Hair’s group incurred charges of six hundred and eighty yuan, while Yang Mo’s group owed three hundred and thirty yuan. Ye Hao left a thousand yuan in total and escorted the inebriated Zhou Shuai to his home.

Zhou Shuai’s upscale residence in Jiangnan City hinted at his affluent background.

Later, Ye Hao hailed a cab back to the barbecue place and then pedaled his bike home.

Guo Xiu was no longer in the mood to cook.

All her attention was on her phone.

The announcement for the recent monthly examination results from No.2 High School is imminent.

The outcomes this time will likely mirror those of the college entrance examinations, suggesting that Ye Hao’s future can be forecasted based on this performance.

Ye Zhiguo finished work early and headed home.

As Ye Hao swung open the bedroom door, he remarked, “Mom, let’s eat.”

Checking her phone and noticing no updates in her group chat, Guo Xiu responded casually, “I’ll prepare dinner shortly.”

Sitting next to Guo Xiu, Ye Hao whispered, “Mom, there’s something I’d like to talk about.”

“What’s on your mind?”

“I’m considering switching schools.”

Astonished, Guo Xiu inquired, “Why the sudden desire to change schools now?”

“I wish to attend No.3 High School.”

Grasping the reasons behind Ye Hao’s decision, Guo Xiu asserted, “Don’t stress over family issues.”

“Exactly. Hao, a few thousand yuan holds little significance to us,” Ye Zhiguo added, recalling a prior conversation his wife had about Niu Li.

With seriousness, Ye Hao explained, “My choice to switch to No.3 High School isn’t impulsive. I believe it will further elevate my academic performance.”

“Can you elaborate on your reasoning?” asked a surprised Ye Zhiguo.

“For starters, given my academic achievements, I’m confident that No.3 High School will offer me unique attention. Ordinary instructors can’t address my current challenge. However, the combined expertise of No.3 High School’s faculty might provide a solution.”

“Hold on, what are you implying?” Guo Xiu interjected, seeking clarity from Ye Hao.

At this moment, Guo Xiu’s phone vibrated.

Guo Xiu swiftly powered up her phone and spotted the report card shared in the group.

Without pausing to ask Ye Hao, she immediately skimmed through Class 2’s scores.

She started scanning from the bottom and with every name she saw, her surprise grew.

Before long, she recognized the names of the top twenty students, yet Ye Hao’s wasn’t among them.

Her heart raced with anticipation.

As she progressed to the top ten names, a lump formed in her throat.

Could it be that Ye Hao made it to the top ten?

Yet, her astonishment deepened when she had seen up to the third spot and still hadn’t come across Ye Hao’s name.

Shen Ann, with a total score of 782, was third in the class and ranked 61st in the grade.

Zhou Xian, scoring 788, was second in the class and fifty-sixth grade-wise.

Ye Hao, amassing 928 points, stood as the class topper and also led the grade.

Guo Xiu was taken aback upon seeing Ye Hao’s outstanding performance.

Seeing her reaction, Ye Zhiguo inquired, “How much did Hao score?”

Rather than replying, Guo Xiu blinked in disbelief, double-checking repeatedly. Eventually, she handed the phone to Ye Zhiguo, urging, “See for yourself.”

After a moment’s glance, Ye Zhiguo mirrored Guo Xiu’s shock.

This was too shocking.

They were utterly surprised by Ye Hao’s unexpected score.

A score of 900 points would open doors to any of the top six universities in C Country.

With Ye Hao’s remarkable score of 928 points, he’s undoubtedly eligible for one of those top universities.

“Hao, is this for real?” Guo Xiu finally managed to ask, brimming with excitement.

Ye Hao affirmed, “If I’m unaware of something, most regular teachers are too. That’s partly why I chose to shift to No.3 High School.”

“I disagree,” said Ye Zhiguo earnestly. “You’d get a superior education at No.2 High School.”

“No.3 High School isn’t short of educators compared to No.2. It’s just that they haven’t seen outstanding students in quite some time,” Ye Hao asserted with intensity, “And there’s another reason for my move. I couldn’t bear to remain in No.2 High School.”

“What went wrong?” The bitterness in Ye Hao’s tone didn’t escape Ye Zhiguo.

“My homeroom teacher branded me useless when I underperformed. Once I outperformed him slightly, he not only accused me of dishonesty but also wanted this issue on my record,” Ye Hao’s voice quivered with emotion, “I’d rather not stay in such an institution with such mentors.”

Guo Xiu suddenly rose, “I’ll confront your homeroom teacher tomorrow.”

“There’s no need. I’ve already collected my materials from No.2 High School. I wish to sever all ties with it,” Ye Hao firmly responded.

Ye Zhiguo and Guo Xiu exchanged glances, realizing that Ye Hao’s decision to leave No.2 High School had been brewing for some time.

Considering Ye Hao’s present academic performance, he could afford to take a break for the upcoming month without any setbacks.

“We should respect Hao’s decision,” Ye Zhiguo concluded after some thought.

“If you’re set on transferring, we must ensure maximum advantages for you,” Guo Xiu murmured, “Monetary rewards aren’t the priority. The commitment of No.3 High School’s faculty in nurturing you is what truly matters.”

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