Chapter 289 289. DESTRUCTION

Groaning as he slowly parted his eyelids to open his eyes. Noah felt his gaze fall on the scene that lay right before the cliff dame into sight.

A moment of blankness existed in his mind before his memories started to flood in, and that event was closely followed by a prompt.

[You have returned to checkpoint]

[Note that you have used up your chance at dying]

A frown flickered onto Noah's face at the return of his memories, it felt surreal returning to life, almost as if he had never died.

He recalled walking down the stairs and even standing in that posture the first time, so it felt normal for him to feel weird.

The system had power, incredible power even, able to revive him multiple times in his lifetime.

Noah walked into the space cut out in the cave that allowed him to gain visuals of the world below him.

Everything in the forest looked exactly as he remembered seeing it the first time. Which begged the question, had he been really revived, or had his memories been sent back in time.

Comparing the sight before him to the one he recalled seeing, Noah confirmed that everything looked the same, but he had simply gotten a better understanding of what that place could do, most especially about the purple fog that existed above the forest.

Needless to say, Noah felt fear at the thought of returning to the forest, he pretty much understood that he could die again, but this time his death would be true.

This led to the thought of giving up, and to his mild but understanding surprise, a panel popped up.

[Do you wish to quit no?]


[Note that you will forfeit the rewards if you do so]

Noah found himself falling into thoughts at that point. With every fiber of his being, he desired to leave that place and not have to face the terror that was the forest, but he hesitated.

Assessing himself, Noah searched for anything in his assets that could allow him escape the poison, but the only option that appeared in his mind was to not get injured by the trees, to begin with.

Thankfully he could still run about at his full speed, and he would dare not mince it. However another thought appeared in his mind, one that seemed to be the best he could think of, but it had a slight drawback even if it was probably the best option. And that option was to of course clear a large portion of the forest. If not everything.

The idea felt brilliant since it would save him the trouble of having to dodge the poisonous trees, as there would be no trees to do him any damage. The only downside to the plan was how much essence he would consume in executing such.

The reality of still having a bit more than 50k SE within his core further proved that he had simply been sent back in time, at least his consciousness had, along with his memories.

'It's a great idea,' Noah thought feeling his mind draw back from any other suggestions. Sure the forest was large and his consciousness couldn't cover it all, but he could also move from different locations to unleash destruction upon them. His feet didn't even have to touch the ground.

'I have a boss waiting for me on the next floor,' he furrowed his brows feeling his lips curve into a wry smile. 'I'm already excited,' he thought as calculations began in his mind. Noah had already made a decision. And if it didn't work; he'd simply quit. Better to live than die, he had already harvested more levels than he expected, there was always the next batch.

A series of contemplation and estimation rose and fell in Noah's head, as his mind worked to bring the best optimization of his essence while causing enough destruction, thankfully he had a skill that fit that description.

His golems.

Thanks to their low energy cost and number, Noah could spam them, and still have a lot of energy retained.

[Frozen Golem's[Active]: When activated you create 2 Golem's capable of tier 3 power.

Cost: 150SE, Duration: Until they are destroyed, Cool-down: N/A]

Taking a step on the platform of air he had built, Noah floated downwards, until he reached a height he felt sure his golems would survive if they fell from.

Stretching his right hand forward, while he placed his left arm on his back, Noah activated his frozen golem skill ten times.

A magical circle expanded on his palm, and ten other circles similar in color but larger flew out of the main magical circle to take a position in the air while being spread out across that area.

Two golems a bit over 12ft in height emerged from each magical circle and began their descent. Noah gave them a very basic order. 'Destroy everything that isn't one of you.'

Immediately he saw that all of them had arrived o the ground successfully, Noah searched for a spot he knew they wouldn't be able to cover still within that area and shot downwards. This action remained very risky and went against what he initially planned, but it felt necessary.

A magical circle expanded beneath his feet to encompass the area that his fully extended consciousness covered, and a storm of erratic electrical currents exploded forth from it.

Destruction spread out at that point, but Noah had already shot back into the sky to make his movements towards the next area after giving his golems a command to not near the destructive storm.

He had divided the entire forest into five different areas, each a bit over 10 kilometers in terms of radius.

Arriving at the next area, Noah cast his golem again, and unleashed a huge lightning storm far from their position, though not too far.

On his third time, Noah struck the wet ground like a descending meteor and proceeded to cast his lightning storm spell. When suddenly the ground began to rumble, the forest was ready to take action on him.

Unfortunately for it, Noah had already returned to the sky before the rumbling could even end, and in his departure was a lightning storm a bit over three kilometers in radius.

'The forest is already retaliating,' Noah thought sprinting towards the next area. He hoped to finish fast to give his golems a proper fighting chance since they were likely to get destroyed when overwhelmed by the vines.

The environment of that forest had already lit up with mulriple deep yellow lights coming from different points that were expanding rapidly. Thanks to the heat of the storms Noah understood that it was only a matter of time till the storms set everything on fire while also expanding themselves, after all, water was present mostly in the area.

Explosions rang out in their tens, reaching Noah's ears but he barely cared about that, he moved rapidly to unleash as much as he could so that he could return to assist his golems who were already under attack.

Noah reached the fourth area and quickly did as he pleased, once again, the forest had begun to rumble, but his empowered mind allowed him work at speeds the forest couldn't dream of comprehending.

Very soon, Noah stood high in the sky, his icy blue eyes reflecting the massive storms mostly deep-yellow in color. There was fire everywhere, and a cloud of thick smoke rose to the skies of that environment, even if he wasn't allowed to see the sky.

He only spent a few seconds admiring the level of destruction only he was capable of. The sight almost assured him that he was close to transcending the levels of mortality. If only he knew how far such a goal truly was.

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