Chapter 284 284. CLEARED

Silence filled the entirety of the expanse, as the other serpents seemed to stall in utter shock. Around ten of their subordinates had turned into frozen sculptures after being engulfed in the beam of what they considered pure frozen power.

A cough however disquieted the cave, as Noah emerged out of the dense cold mist that had formed after the attack dispersed.

Before the beasts could react to his figure, he turned into a deep-yellow streak of crackling energy as he smashed into the frozen figures of the serpents.

Noah looked desperate since he didn't care what he did as long as he managed to crumble whole chunks of the beasts.

He had not received any prompt containing the news of leveling up which meant the serpents were still alive even if they were frozen. To not risk their thawing and causing problems, Noah made sure to shatter good chunks of their figure.

Only at that point did he receive level-up notifications. And from killing exactly 12 beasts, Noah gained seven levels, placing him at level 70.

This, needless to say, brought a wave of power that managed to almost completely heal his damaged body. However, he still featured a few.

His chest and some other parts of his upper body still had burnt patches of skin that were already healing up, only at a far slower rate. A rate that Noah had never experienced before.

For the first time since he arrived on Cregar, Noah understood what normal cultivators experienced. The need to always wait for a long period before your injuries healed was something he had forgotten.

Spitting bloodied saliva from his mouth, Noah felt his broken teeth regrow. That planet had to be the weirdest he had ever been to.

The hisses and shrieks soon began, but Noah barely cared about the noise his opponents made. He had to find a way to kill them. The easy way. The icicle beam had been enough to keep them in place, and he planned to utilize it again.

However, before that, a series of evasive maneuvers occurred as he moved to dodge the multiple fiery attacks thrown at him. The attacks were mostly in the basic shape of a sphere shooting toward him.

The attacks contained enough power to hurt him even if by stats the serpents were lower-stage beasts. They didn't even possess mana cores.

A wild explosion that shook the entire expanse barreled out in all directions, as shock waves spread cracks on the ground and walls of the underground expanse.

Noah for one felt a dense wave of power wash over him, but no injuries appeared on his armored figure.

Reducing the amount of essence going into his empowerment, Noah called upon the power of the Icicle beam.

[Icicle Beam[Active]: When activated, a beam of highly condensed ice particles gets launched at your target.

Costs: 450SE, Duration: 3 seconds, Cool-down: 0.6 Seconds]

A magical circle appeared in front of his figure and a large whitish-blue beam shot out of the circle in an ear-rending explosion, The beam of cold essence arrived at the other end of the expanse in an instant; immediately turning a huge chunk of its wall into pure ice.

Although he ignored it, Noah had turned that expanse into an icy terrain for most parts. Only due to the fiery explosions had the place not turned into a completely frozen environment, and the attack he had unleashed further caused the temperature to drop.

A series of frozen figures appeared in the wake of the beam, and Noah didn't hesitate to shoot forward. He noticed the multiple fiery barriers that had been erected by the surviving serpents, but he focused only on turning the 15 frozen figures into uneven chunks of ice and still fresh flesh.

Deep-yellow particles rushed into his figure in waves, ad he felt his entire being increase in power. Unfortunately, the levels he gained were only three, putting his level at 73.

Scanning his environment for any clustered serpents, Noah unleashed icicle beams on such groups, and soon the serpents stopped banding together in an attempt to adapt to his offensive.

Only after the numbers of the serpents had dropped to 12 did the beasts stop forming clusters. And tried to spread out to attack a never stationed Noah.

Noah utilized his speed to its best while casually going around ending the beasts with his energy blades. Killing all twelve beasts only managed to increase his level once, bringing him to level 75.

At this point, Noah figured killing one of the serpents would not bring him anything. Even ten of them would not increase his strength.

In one hour, Noah was done with the first floor. However, he didn't have to worry about time since apparently, a day within the dungeon would only be two hours on the outside world.

[You have successfully cleared the first floor]

[You may move to the next floor]

Noah read, watching a door similarly looking to the one that led into the first-floor open.

Sweeping his gaze on the expanse before him, he shook his head at the multiple craters littering the place. Shifting his gaze to the high ceiling, Noah wondered if he could snag a few mana stones for himself.

However, a second look at them allowed him notice a difference in the stones  compared to mana stones. And he didn't hesitate to run along the walls to arrive on the ceiling and inspect them up close.

A hiss escaped Noah's mouth when he saw that the stones were simply producing light, but they didn't contain any energy whatsoever. The dungeon itself powered them, without it they would simply be transparent rocks.

Before beginning his move to the second floor, Noah spent an hour resting and allowing his body fully heal. Thanks to the constant leveling up that healed a bit of his injuries every time, he could spend only a short while recuperating.

Crossing the massive door and watching it shut behind him, Noah focused his eyes on the spiral stairway leading deeper into that environment. The walls of the stairway featured stone bricks. A truly weird sight.

Similar rocks powered by the dungeon illuminated the normally dark stairway, and Noah had to go down more than seventy meters before he could finally arrive at a smooth surface.

Walking past the round space opened in the cave-like structure before him, Noah laid eyes on an expanse no less bigger than the first floor, only that it featured a lesser amount of serpents standing at around twenty in number.

However, the real detail that caught his sight apart from the level 65 serpents, was the clearly larger one sitting at the exit of the expanse.

[Grand serpent of flames]

[Level: 75]

[Affinity: Fire]

[Title: Mini-boss of the Dishonored Serpent]

[Danger level: N/A]

[You have arrived at the second floor]

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