Chapter 265 265. OUTRAGEOUS

Playing around with the two golden stars in his palms, Noah walked out of the guild hall feeling gangsta.

His exit out of the guild hall caught the eyes of nothing less than forty experts, but the reason behind their respectful gazes was none other than because he had advanced into a rank E member.

'In merely two days,' Noah thought, storing the stars in his inventory while walking towards the place he could buy beasts. During the past two days, he had worked himself; going across the length of the entire region and even the outer one. In merely two days he already understood the layout of their region, at least most of it.

His feat, needless to say, amazed Leah and whoever had seen his constant return and leaving from the guild hall. According to Leah, there was a chart mapping how productive the new members were, and Noah stood at its top, even breaking a record of achieving rank E on the first three days of joining the guild.

It wasn't that he had been the fastest to achieve that rank in the guild, it was simply when he started that made the difference. His fame spread like wildfire and soon Noah could notice more eyes on him.

'Why can't they just keep our accomplishments a secret,' Noah pouted inwardly, taking a right into a street. He of course knew the answer to his question, which was none other than because the guild desired a competitive environment.

Only a few minutes had to pass before he arrived at his destination, and to his surprise there stood a queue. Thankfully it wasn't very long.

Noah stood at the end of the queues, and his presence seemed to alert the others who although behaved normally conversed about the new member that attained rank E on his first three days of joining the guild.

Noah on the other hand really didn't care. In honesty, he felt safe in that environment; the safest he had ever felt in Cregar. No one would suddenly attack him or try to, and even if such happened they would most likely die afterward. He wouldn't need to move a muscle.

During his time traveling the city, he gained a deeper understanding of why cultivators desired to join organizations that could have their back.

Noah eventually entered the building to lay eyes on filled seats. But he remained on the queue to have his desires tended to fast since he really didn't need much, merely 44 tier 3 beasts remained till filling in the remaining.

Noah felt certain that he wouldn't have enough funds to fill up that large reminder, but he felt content to at least cut it in half. The rest would be taken care of as he took more missions.

Unfortunately, he still had a long way to go. Missions containing tier 3 beasts were for C and B ranks. In truth, he felt excited that he would one day reach that level and be considered a top-tier member, but he needed more power.

Thankfully the guild allowed them to travel, so he could go on expeditions aimed at finding large packs of tier 3 beasts, favorably in the lower stage, since tens of middle stage beasts hinted at the existence of a higher stage one, and he knew death only awaited a clash with such beasts. That was of course if he didn't go all out and utilize his strongest skill.

"That was fast," the man Noah had met the other time spoke. Behind him were three others, all females, and they attended to the needs of the other customers.

"Your news is spreading at an incredible pace, and it seems it's true," the young man added stretching a hand towards Noah.

"I'm Elias Grey, a mere merchant's son who was lucky enough to have someone refer me to a great guild in our nation," he said smiling when he saw that Noah shook his hand.

"I'm Aiden, a practical nobody who found himself in the forests of a backwater town, but had enough talent to grow beyond it," Noah replied smiling in return.

An amused smile shone on Elias's face at the weird introduction, his mouth opening to release words. "They say we should never forget our roots no matter how bad they were. Where is this backwater town you speak of?"

"Oh just Mariwa," Noah replied not minding that he spoke most of the truth. No one would find his parents or something like that there.

"Hmmm... that really isn't a great town. The last I was there was twenty years ago, and the town's lord ruled it to poverty. Unfortunately, no one would do anything since he had strong backers," Elias explained placing his hand on his beardless chin.

"Due to the poverty my parents died as a result of searching for a good life," Noah lied, almost faking a sad emotion. "Thankfully my talent was recognized and I was nurtured by a certain someone. But I don't like talking about that," Noah explained shocking himself.

'There's no need to," Elias replied quickly changing the subject. "So how may I help you?" he asked.

"What I requested for the other time," Noah replied.

"Lower-stage tier 3 beasts. Preferably ones with most of their bodies intact but are not high quality," Elias listed, and Noah nodded his head in affirmation.

"Well now that you are an E rank you are eligible to patronize me," Elias announced. "The prices for the average bottom level tier 3 beast is four-hundred-and-fifty small silvers. But plus the five percent discount I'll be giving them to you for four-hundred-and-twenty-seven small silvers."

"However it depends on how many you are buying, I can only hold up that discount for five of them," Elias explained showing a helpless smile.

Noah on the other hand didn't care, heck he felt glad. Not because of the lack of discounts but because compared to his purse the price for the beasts was plausible.

"That should cost about twenty-thousand small silvers," Noah muttered. That sum of money of course was startling. Such a huge amount would be enough to sustain many individuals in towns such as Mariwa for years. Yet here he was reasoning spending that much in one go.

Thanks to the sum of 25 small gold coins and the coins he got from the mercenary group, Noah could albeit not comfortably, meet that unholy price tag. In total his purse contained about 28,000 worth of small silvers, meaning he'd have around 8k left for his spending.

It felt almost dumb to spend that much in one go, but compared to the thought of finally being able to level up after about a month of stagnancy, his desire to horde could only crumble.

"I'll be needing forty-four of such beasts," Noah announced after barely a second had passed since Elias stopped talking.

Needless to say, the young merchant listening intently to his request almost got blown off his feet from the wave of surprise that slammed into his mind.

"By the gods! What the fuck do you need that many for?! Necromancy?!" Elias blasted. Feeling the urge to cough blood at Noah's outrageous demand.

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