Chapter 215 215. DISQUALIFIED

Furrowed brows appeared on the faces of many experts within that room, Noah included.

''Flying but harder,'' Noah muttered failing to properly simulate such an environment, even if it sounded easy.

"I understand your confusion about the matter; even I felt astounded by the outrageousness of such an environment. But it's actually been existing for a century or more at this point," Lady Edna explained.

"However, it remains something that cannot easily be replicated due to the vast changes needed to be made, and the immense amount of energy required to accomplish that goal."

"I wish they hadn't given you this as a test, but only the really high-ranking experts of our guild call the shots," she said, hinting at a probable political structure in the guild.

However, those who managed to grab the hidden meaning behind her words felt themselves get submerged in confusion. "If she isn't one of the really high-ranking experts, then who are?" They asked themselves in awe and perplexion.

"Without further ado, let's get going," lady Edna's voice rang out again, pulling those in deep thought out of their contemplation. Noah was also included.

A series of green magical circles expanded beneath their feet, proceeding to replicate themselves to enclose the aspirants within their multiple bright rings.

Noah watched that spectacular scene play out when his environment suddenly turned into a mess of green, black and white lights.

Space seemed to stretch around the experts, and an incredible pressure smashed into their soul realms. While some felt the need to empty their gut, through their mouths.

Some individuals felt shocked to experience intense pain during those short moments, as surprisingly, cracks had spread on their islands, forcing them to pass out.

Noah himself felt the entirety of his soul realm tremble before the might of his rapidly changing environment. However, his improved soul realm kept itself together, but a headache sprang up in return.

The rapidly stretching and changing environment eventually came to a stop, and the tier 3 experts accompanied by Lady Edna arrived at the edge of a still pond a few hundred kilometers in radius.

The liquid water of the pond shimmered with both a blue and purplish glow, however, the water itself remained green in color. Making for a great contrast.

That strange-looking pond was surrounded by a series of green hills tightly positioned beside each other in other not to allow any view of the world around. If there was any.

The sky above them remained blue, but Noah felt something strange about that sight. Of course, he could only realize this after he had recovered from his headache.

Upon arrival, the symptoms of the teleportation of sorts had shot through the roof, causing many to either puke or faint. Only a few remained standing.

Only after a few minutes had passed did the experts recover and get to take in that weirdly magical sight of the pond before them.

"This will be the site of the second test, as you all can see," lady Edna's voice suddenly rang out from above them.

"You'll all take turns in diving into it to begin. But do remember that it'll take far more force to actually dive in," she explained slowly waving her hand.

Her wave seemed to cause a reaction on the pond, since that large body of water, slowly began to spin, and soon a water vortex of sorts formed.

However to the shock of the watching experts the green water of that lake rose in a swirling mass, instead of sinking.

'An opposite water vortex,' Noah thought at that sight. It seemed gravity worked differently within the bounds of the pond since the linear vortex didn't go past a certain height.

Excitement couldn't help but wash into Noah's mind when they were given a go-ahead to dive in.

"An addition. You'll notice the change in scenery at every new depth, and each proceeding depth is far longer than the former," she explained while the experts slowly began their walk towards the grassy shore of the pond.

"Although there isn't any real need; going past the seventh depth stage will allow you to gain more recognition amongst the spectating higher-ups," she explained still casually floating. Most individuals didn't have their full attention on her due to the sight before them, and she didn't like it.

"There's also a prize at the bottom of the tenth stage," she spoke, her words sounding like an explosion in the ears of the various experts, successfully halting almost everyone's steps. As they raised their heads to gaze at her.

"To allow us to see the best amongst you all, we have planted a special reward at the bottom of the second to the last stage. Five actually," she continued a boisterous smile on her face.

"However, do note that this doesn't guarantee your entry into our guild, only something extra to force the best out of you," she carefully explained.

'A reward from one of the three great guilds. It has to be something worth my time,' Noah thought, getting serious.

"The time within the pond has also been tweaked, but even the five days of sorts available won't be enough to cover the distance required. Meaning you'll also have to be fast," lady Edna explained.

"Is there a limit to the mobility spells we are allowed to utilize!" A male expert amongst the more than a thousand five hundred Individuals voiced out. Utilizing the power he held to allow his voice to reach the insanely powerful lady above them.

"Fortunately there isn't a limit. However, I'm sure you all understand how you'll be unable to cultivate. Your reserves will be shared between keeping yourselves moving while also powering the suits you'll be given upon entry," she explained.

An eyebrow rose on Noah's face at her words, and he couldn't help but curiously glance at the roaring water behind their large numbers.

"That's all you'll need to know. We expect you to figure out the rest by yourselves," lady Edna spoke nodding her head at them.

Some cultivators immediately drank Mana potions at that go-ahead, as stern expressions appeared on their faces.

Soon each expert began jumping into the lake. However, none actually sunk! The gravity-defying feature of the pond leaving them afloat.

Instead, immediately their skins touched the pond, the armbands still present on their bodies shone with a golden radiance, and each expert found that a black skin-tight latex garment featuring a transparent helmet appeared on their figures, before the pond's weird vortex began to pull them towards its incredible mass.

Struggle immediately appeared on the faces of the experts, who found it hard to go against that force both pulling them towards the vortex, while also threatening to spit them out of the pond.

Some found themselves unlucky enough to get sucked into the vortex and were almost instantly flung out of the raging pond.

"DISQUALIFIED!" A mechanical voice androgynous in nature boomed out from their environment, and fear immediately appeared Inside their minds. They hadn't been told of such consequences.

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