Chapter 213 213. EXCEPTION

'Why are they so damn big!' Noah frowned, getting up.

Just like him, the others were also on alert. As stern expressions appeared on their faces.

Exchanging meaningful glances with themselves, each one of them prepared for a battle, one that could prove to be very tough if things weren't handled efficiently.

Inspecting the oversized beasts by listening to his Instincts. Noah felt mildly astonished to find that the beasts were also in the middle-stage, albeit seemingly at their peak.

This of course would prove troublesome since none of them held such power.

"What do you think we should do?" Noah voiced a question to a serious Ariana.

Her gaze landed on him and she immediately went into deep thought.

However, her experienced mind quickly provided her with multiple ideas and her mouth immediately opened to voice them.

"From the looks of things the whole region would probably experience a battle. We can utilize that commotion to find somewhere safe. But we'll have to remain close to each other," she explained, her words receiving nods.

"What about that," the other water mage pointed at the hole in the sky, "It's getting bigger, and it might become a problem at some point."

"There's really nothing we can do about it; except hope, it gets fixed or something," Ariana shrugged.

"I guess we'll need to head that way if we want to have a chance at safety" Noah suddenly announced gazing at the lands behind them.

There remained a small forest, although most of it was gone, it would provide some type of shelter since its distance from their position was a bit lengthy.

"That should do for now, but we'll have to be fast," Ariana nodded a sword appearing in her grip. "Don't forget to stick together, there are surely going to be packs of roaming beasts still out for our skin," she added seeing her group prepare themselves.

A series of weapons appeared in the hands of the cultivators, as they all got ready to escape the soon-to-be battlefield.

A pair of black daggers shimmering with a dark-purplish color at its sharp edges appeared in Noah's hands. And its sight couldn't help but catch the attention of the others.

However, no one said anything. Only limiting themselves to stare at it before focusing their gaze on the task ahead.

The height of the piece of rock they stood on remained around 500 meters, but its base was crawling with the worms and was also wrapped by the long length of one of the massive horned worms.

The worms were mostly golden-brown but featured patches of dark brown skin.

From the distance, they would almost completely blend with that terrain since it had been a desert of some sort, but the water had dealt with that issue.

The over 70m long horns held the ability to stir up dirt and rocks, hence giving them some sort of affinity. They were the only beasts in that realm to hold such an ability.

Electrical currents crackled around Noah's figure as strands of his white hair floated due to that event. His body immediately began to emit a soft yellow glow, and the earth beneath his feet soon turned black.

He poured around 50SE into empowering his body, and that was the mildest effect he could reach.

Noah felt ready to take off but needed to wait for the others to prepare whatever technique they wanted.

'Do movement techniques count as spells,' Noah thought seeing different colored techniques light-up their almost dark environment.

"That's some pretty cool stuff," Ariana spoke, while tendrils of azure glowing liquid exited her legs to clad them in a boot of sorts.

Her expression went cold at that point, as the others were also ready. Lifting her right hand, she quickly brought it down signaling their movements.

The top of that vertically erected rock crumbled; as a loud bang carrying the force of multiple tier 3's, ravaged its structural integrity.

Seven different colored streaks appeared to speed past the sky, only to form an arc heading towards the ground.

Although the realm was currently in a mess, the various creatures present still held their primary goal within them, which caused over thirty creatures of different species to begin their wild dash towards the seven.

Feeling his feet touch solid ground again; Noah watched as his surroundings experienced terrible cracks at the arrival of the experts.

Although they looked weak beside monsters like tier 4's, tier 3 experts remained capable of dealing significant damage to their environment by simply moving about with their power on full display.

Rapidly sweeping his gaze on the six Individuals around him, Noah saw Ariana nod, and they all dashed towards the forest a few ten kilometers up ahead.

Noah quickly turned out to be the fastest, but he didn't let himself stray away too much.

He could probably take care of himself just fine, but since he currently was present in a group, he had to stick with them.

Not even ten seconds after their landing; roars and explosions rose from various positions around them.

They weren't totally out of the range of the worms but were far enough to not be caught in the explosion that occurred at the clash of the overly-large beasts.

The ground resonated with the sheer amount of power those beasts were capable of unleashing, and Noah couldn't help but marvel at that event.

It seemed their buffed-up size allowed them more power even if their true strength was supposed to be in the middle-stage.  The damage they dealt seemed to belong to a far higher realm of power.

With a battle ongoing behind them, and one about to unfold before them, Noah and his group couldn't help but get riled up.

Their situation although dangerous, felt like a hunt or a game to be exact.

Suddenly everyone wanted to outdo each other, so they immediately brought their best to the fight.

Twirling his daggers in his fingers with expert proficiency, Noah utilized his dexterity to its maximum, as ideas on how to best utilize his daggers formed in his mind.

A wave of surprise swept his mind at how powerful his mind had become after the transformation, and the results inevitably wowed both he and his group.

Cutting down the wild beasts with such ease that it felt unfair, Noah barely utilized 30% of his full strength.

The ideas his mind provided him felt like proper techniques on their own, as the main objective was to maintain an all-around defense while minimizing his movements.

Flicking his wrists literally over fifty times in an Instant, Noah slashed at a two-tailed lizard almost twice the size he fought earlier that day.

Before the beast could swing its grotesque tail, Noah had dissected it into tens of fleshy chunks.

Pain ravaged the beast's mind but Noah wasn't paying attention to its agony-filled roars. He rapidly flicked his lethal wrists, cleanly separating the beast's head from the rest of its body.

Performing a side-step successfully dodging a teethed bite, Noah grabbed the head of the wolf-like beast before him, before proceeding to embed one of his two daggers in its bony jaw.

The wolf died on the spot but there were already three other beasts about to converge on him.

However, they all suddenly stopped moving after an azure light flashed behind them, soon revealing their bisected mid-sections.

Noah glanced at Ariana swiftly moving across the battlefield, slashing anything that wasn't human.

Her technique allowed her to control the pace of the battle going on around her while inflicting deadly wounds on the monsters.

'Will she ever drop that sword and utilize her martial arts,' Noah wondered, stabbing a tailed falcon trying to tear his head off his neck.

A screech escaped the large beast's beaks, but the daggers effect turned it to dust almost instantly.

The group continued to move towards the forest while killing the beasts that tried to stop them.

Things looked bright from how easy that task had, even though some received multiple non-fatal Injuries.

However, another event quickly sprang up to disrupt that smooth trend.

The sky suddenly lit up with a blinding blue light. So intense, that Noah felt himself go partially blind instantly.

With the blue light quickly came a wave of Mana. The immense amount of Mana swept the lands of that realm startling every living creature.

Noah felt shocked to find that the density of the Mana that swept the land was so off the charts that he could sense it!

Before anyone could make a move, a series of magical circles lit up the sky once again, and everyone vanished from their spots.

Everyone except Noah.

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