Lady Edna's words managed to sound both shocking and totally thrash at the same time.

'Is that even allowed,' Noah thought both in wonder and slight fear.

"Likewise if the environment was to experience rain; then consider it a full-blown storm able to remove most town-sized settlements from the map," she continued with her light smile.

"Simply put you will be going against the elements. Extreme ones," she paused.

"Not only that, but the changes will also be random. Which means, you could be experiencing a wind storm when suddenly everything turns into an icy tundra," she continued.

"Even we, won't know how things will turn out. This is a place built by our best experts in crafting and inscriptions. It has taken decades of pure work to complete. I hope you enjoy it," she giggled stopping the hearts of the weak males.

Thankfully Noah felt able to withstand her charm even if by a bit, and his mind couldn't help dwell on the issue at hand in return.

'Those sound bad,' he thought, 'Not even I can be confident in my ability to succeed,' he sighed, 'At least it will only last for 7 hours.'

"Ah before I leave this out. The time within that space is different. An hour out here is one whole day inside. So basically you'll be spending a week under those extreme conditions," she explained shattering whatever hopes any of them had in scaling through with ease.

A dark expression arrived on Noah's face at those words and his nervousness soon shot through the roof.

"However since it's only a test, not all of you will be able to succeed. You will be given arm-bands which will constantly scan the state of your body. If your state is really bad, then you'll be teleported out. But you can also quit yourself if you consider it too much."

"Though you'll have to wait till all the tests are completed before being taken back home," she explained waving her hand.

The whole room lit up with green lights and black armbands shimmering with the light of multiple Inscriptions floated toward everyone in the room.

Putting it on, they felt a weird light scan their figures to construct stats and the conditions of their bodies.

"They are items at the peak of the higher stage of tier 3, and most of you are middle-staged. So don't worry about their accuracy or if they'll get destroyed," she explained.

Seeing the band display his body in an illusory form, with 'Hp' and 'Condition' being the only stats present.

The band wrote all hp's as 10, the only difference would be how fast those numbers dropped.

"If health points strike 2, you will be immediately teleported out. But as I mentioned earlier, you can choose to quit by using your mental waves to interact with the band," she explained.

Letting her audiences who already looked troubled process the information they had received, she wondered if telling them the next addition was a good thing. But not telling them would also be unfair.

"Last but definitely not least. During the one week you'll have to fend off magically generated beasts whose only goal is to reduce your hp," she announced and the groans that escaped their mouths made a bit of pity appear in her head.

During her time she hadn't been required to face that many challenges. And that was only one of the three events happening that day!

'They aren't playing about this!' Noah thought nigh-experiencing a mental breakdown. Even bozolom wasn't that bad, and their rewards were going to take them to tier 4!

'If not for the function able to teleport us out. No one would survive the test,' Noah concluded.

"Are we allowed to cast spells," a man suddenly inquired, his face already dark beyond comprehension.

"Good question sir. Fortunately, you are allowed. Unfortunately, you can only cast five spells per day. Any more and you'll be immediately teleported out," she shook her head. Even she considered it too much already.

Only the best would exit that place in one piece.

Noah felt his head get dizzy for a few seconds. Replaying her terror-inducing words, Noah swallowed multiple times, his nervousness had made him feel numb to any more of it.

"Fortunately that's all for the first stage," she announced.

"I could explain the remaining two, but I don't want to vanquish your hope before you even begin," she chuckled.

Although she felt pity for the youngsters, she couldn't help but find their downcasted and pouting faces funny.

"You have one hour to prepare yourselves, while your guides provide you with the descriptions of the monsters you'll find within the different space. You are allowed to at least that," she announced before disappearing.

Just like lady, Edna had said, every one of them was given a small book housing the multiple types of monsters.

'I'd love to meet the bastards that designed this hell-hole and give them my proper thanks,' Noah cursed reading the features the beasts would have.

Due to the break, they were all allowed to mingle, and to Noah's surprise, he soon found individuals forming small groups as they went around scouting for others.

Of course, they left him out, but he didn't mind.

"Why don't we take him," Ariana's voice sounded behind a lone Noah.

Turning to glance at her, he saw that there were six Individuals behind her, four men and two ladies.

Understanding what was going on, Noah could immediately see their reluctant gaze.

"Thanks, but I don't think they'll want me to burden them," Noah scratched his head. Deep down he appreciated her for even considering him. It showed what type of person she was.

"Don't worry I'll be alright. I'm used to being alone," Noah reassured seeing her reluctant expression.

"Who said I was worrying. You better survive the stage," she harrumphed turning to leave, but not without glancing at him again.

A light smile shone on Noah's face at her reaction. He found her cute.

However, his expression soon turned dark since he had to prepare himself for the very worst.

A sense of sad loneliness permeated Noah's mind at his situation, but he quickly shook it off.

The hour eventually passed, and Lady Edna reappeared on the platform, but this time her fairy was gone.

However, Noah could still vaguely sense the fairy's presence even if his eyes failed to see her.

"It is time," lady Enda announced and a red light suddenly shone in the room.

A wide circular space twirling with red mist-like lights of different shades. The phenomenon resembled a portal in the movies Noah remembered.

"On a single file. There's no particular order," she announced gesturing at the rift.

Those who had formed groups quickly lined up in front of each other, their faces beaming with newly found confidence.

Alone; succeeding in the stage would be Incredibly hard. But with a group, things looked far brighter.

"Before you leave, I hope you all know that you'll be randomly teleported to different regions there. It's primarily a survival test after all" she stated. Her words sparked fear in the hearts of those who had formed groups.

Noah held back the urge to laugh as he stepped through the rift, his expression immediately turning stern.

Feeling his feet touch solid ground, Noah got ready to expand his consciousness, when an Incredible force lifted him from the ground, high into the weirdly dark sky.

Before proceeding to rapidly twirl his figure in the cloud of thick dust and mass of debris it circulated a center point.

Noah had arrived inside a tornado of immense portion.

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