Chapter 195 195. TRANSPARENT

Gritting his teeth while trying his very best to remain calm. Visibly sweating. Noah felt the beasts heavy gaze remain on his figure, while his group's guides conversed with the guides of the other groups. Three group's in total, each with two guides.

Remaining a safe distance from the beasts large figure. Noah stood in silence, his head lowered, while jolts of fear ravaged his body and mind.

His expression looked visibly dark, but the others in his group were to busy being wary of the Incredibly powerful beast.

'I can't take this anymore,' Noah thought slowly raising his head to lock gaze's with the magical beast.

With that simple action Noah felt his fear shoot through the roof, yet a calmness existed somewhere within that chaotic mass of emotions.

The beast red eyes didn't necessarily radiate any hostility, but the entirety of Noah understood that the beast seemed able to look into his very body to expose his secrets.

Their stare-off lasted for whole minutes, but they felt like days to Noah.

A tinge of anger rose inside him at some point. The speedling portion of his mind raging at the fact that a mere tier 4 magical beast could put his whole body on a lockdown.

Although he sided with that anger to calm himself, he couldn't deny the sensually deafening power of the magical beast.

He felt only capable of knowing that it stood in the fourth tier, and that it had gone below the bottom of that power-level.

And he felt positive that such evaluation was possible due to his different species.

"You will be riding this beast," one of the silver armoured men suddenly announced. Managing to pull Noah out of his daze.

"When they give you the order you are to mount it and remain within the chamber," the man continued, "For now you are to wait," he ended.

Just before walking past them. Someone from Noah's group raised their hand, and the armoured man nodded in acknowledgement.

"Why aren't we over there; where most people our level are," the mid-thirties old man enquired, and Noah immediately confirmed that he stood in the middle-stage.

Actually only he remained in the lower-stage. As all of them, even from the second and third groups held power in that level.

"You have been given special treatment due to our scouters recommending you," the same person stated.

"I'm sure you all present; were given an image box by any of our over two hundred representatives."

Seeing them nod, including those in the other groups, he continued, "That is a proof that you are relatively special. However do not delude yourselves into thinking that you will be given such special treatments during the coming trials," he explained.

"There are over twelve thousand of you. If you wish to be given merit again you need to scale through excellently. That will be all," the man concluded, quickly performing a bow seemingly to the beast, before he and three other armored men left. Only two remaining behind.

Noah assimilated those words like the others, and a bit of nervousness couldn't help but rise in his mind, even if it vanished as fast as it arrived.

'I'll definitely do exceptionally well," Noah encouraged himself.

Feeling an awkward silence fall in their midst, even if the voices of hundreds of individuals could be heard in the background. Noah felt the gazes of the experts before him, fall on his figure.

Not sure whether that was due to his looks or his confusing power, he limited himself to simply ignore them, finding a lone spot around the beast to sit.

Now that they had been merged into one group, their numbers totalled 25, each one of them a powerful cultivator in their own right.

Still ignoring the curious gaze's his temporary group members gave him, Noah found himself studying the large beast before him, that actually stood at that previously evaluated size while still lying down!

It still had its eyes on him, but also seemed busy with something. Noah had no idea what it did exactly, and he also couldn't see the beasts top from his position.

The wait lasted for multiple hours and two more groups of recommended experts arrived, increasing their numbers to 43.

No other groups were led their way after they reached that number.

Eventually taking out the inscription guides at some point, due to his growing boredom. Noah read through the books multiple times in mere seconds.

He could breeze through long books at Incredible speeds, which made him wish he had possessed such an ability during his time on earth. Exams would have proved far easier if he could revise tens of times in minutes, and hundreds in mere hours.

'I wonder if I'll be capable of returning to earth at some point,' Noah mused, but suddenly found himself hating that topic more than he expected himself to.

A change eventually happened at some point, as a loud voice spread throughout the room, everyone listening attentively.

"The time limit for the gathering has come to an end. All beast riders prepare your apportioned groups. We leave in thirty minutes!" The male voice announced.

Nervous breaths escaped the mouths of almost everyone in Noah's group, including Noah. And all of them eventually looked towards the magical beast, uncertain of the next action to take.

"Do we climb the beast ourselves?" Some began asking the two armoured men, who limited themselves to remain silent to those questions. Not even moving from their position.

Tension inevitably rose after tens minutes passed, but before any rash action could be taken on the armoured men, who's armour hid their power even from Noahs senses. A man's voice abruptly sounded from above the beast, startling the troubled experts.

"Allow them up," the voice said, followed by the appearance of a middle-aged man, whose power far exceeded the bounds of tier 3.

A metallic ladder appeared on the beasts body at the man's words, and the armoured men immediately ordered them to form a single file.

Everyone had eyes on the tier 4 existence who floated calmly above them, his eyes sweeping its gaze on their immensely weak figures.

Noah felt a wave of surprise hit him when his Instincts affirmed that the man held more power than the beast before them. But how far apart the gap in power was; remained beyond his current capabilities.

Feeling the man's soft gaze land on him, Noah couldn't help but get even more nervous.

Worry began to pile in his mind about the possibility of the expert finding out his unique status.

However most of his worries dissappeared when the man moved his gaze.


Moving up the ladder as steadily as he could, so as to not anger the beast. Noah eventually arrived on-top of the cyan feathered creature.

And to his surprise was a box over 5m in width and around 4m in height.

The box's brown surface featured a series of golden coloured platings, shimmering with the light of multiple inscriptions.

There was a rectangular space cut out In the box to allow entry into its Insides.

'How will that fit over fourty Individuals,' Noah thought, but quickly dismissed that thought as a stupid one.

Walking into the box, Noah felt space twist the second time that day, and a different environment immediately appeared in his eyes.

The Insides of the box was really spacious and featured a series of cream-coloured couches attached to box's surface.

The couches also featured what resembled seat-belts; on which multiple inscriptions were present.

Unlike the wooden look on the outside, the floor of the box was metallic; gold coloured. A color Noah had begun to dislike, even if he knew he would see more of it.

The last suprising detail of that box was its transparent nature!

From within the box, Noah could experience the view that height brought, with such clarity; he almost began doubting the reality of that place actually being enclosed.

'Do they always have to be so damn outrageously advanced!' Noah grimaced.

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