Chapter 168 168. CHASE

Noah could immediately tell that only death awaited him if they actually attacked.

He noticed all this in mere instants, as his figure seemed to pause in the moment of exiting the river.

He felt a tinge of fear spread in his mind at the sight, as the serpents remained large creatures, filling the rocky ground and even the walls around him with their greenish-black scales.

[You have come in contact with poison][Your body is battling the foreign substance.....]

[Your body has successfully neutralized the poison]

The prompt left him surprised, as it him wondering when he had come in contact with poison.

The scene before him seemed to receive a powerful blow as an immense crack literally spread in the reality before him. And it immediately shattered like glass.

Suddenly his Instincts didn't sense hundreds of snake's, and the disgusting swarm before him had magically vanished into nothingness.

His feet landed on the small piece of land beside the river, and powerful bursting sounds resounded behind him, followed by water spreading everywhere.

Noah laid eyes on the tier 3 snake's. Their repitilian eyes held a tinge of intelligence, as their large figures stayed afloat without moving towards him.

They seemed to communicate with their hisses and Noah tried to grasp the topic of their conversation.

His instincts seemed to tune into their frequency at that desire, as he became able to understand them, though vaguely.

Their communicative abilities weren't as advanced as the black panthers', which made for his difficulty in understanding them.

Muliix exited his body to wrap around his figure, but he left his head uncovered.

The beasts noticed this, but remained in their various positions. Noah felt ready to kill them, their bodies were valuable commodities to him. But his instincts stopped him in from moving.

They eventually stopped with the hissing, and he felt their reptilian eyeballs completely focus on his figure.

Noah sensed immense danger at that sight, and he clearly felt his Instincts tell him to run. But curiosity delayed that movement for a few instants, and he got to lay eyes on the source of that mind wracking danger.

A large object burst out of the river, as the tier 3 snake's present moved backwards to give way for that large beast.

An aura so dense that the area immediately got filled with fog followed that event, and Noah felt his body move on its own.

Just before he left that area, he managed to inspect the beast, and his heart almost stopped.

[Mutated Serpent]

[Tier: 3(Peak)]

[Affinity: >Deviant< Posion]

[Level of danger: Unknown]

His feet struck the rivers surface, and Noah found himself sprinting on water, ignoring the loud high-pitched roar the serpent released.

He travelled like this till he arrived at the end of the valley, this journey taking him a whole day of running and resting, as the distance was great.




Gazing at the sheer size of the last obstacle before the city, Noah wondered how the body of water wasn't called an ocean, as its size proved to be crazy.

And after that was an immense wall. It seemed like a smooth mountain had been constructed, as the view of the world ended at the beginning of that white wall.

But firstly, he had to cross the lake which served as a demarcation between the two masses of land.

The lake being almost completely linear wasn't that far across, but it's overall size easily surpassed 10,000sq miles.

As a result of this reality Noah expected the wall before him to be mind more blowing in size that it looked from that distance.

With the valley being behind him, and a small forest separating him even more from it, Noah decided to rest here.

The sun looked close to setting and he could feel his energy core become less durable than before.

He had utilized over twenty potions after all, and hadn't cultivated that vessel of power much to begin with.

Noah stayed a safe distance from the shore. Although he would be able to escape, he desired not to get attacked by something at the peak of tier 3.

He currently understood why no clear path was made on this side of the country. It being a wild area probably only traversed by stronger existences.

As this surely wasn't a place for anyone weaker than the peak of tier 3. Because to his abnormal power he could easily kill a few tier 3 beasts, but for the average human at his level, that was basically courting death, not to mention the higher levelled danger lurking around him.

"Let's get out of this place quick," He muttered waving his hand, and a large tree appeared before him.

He had stored such naturally occurring supplies for situations like this, and he didn't mind using them even if there were tons of trees behind him.

His mind diced up the tree into multiple sizeable chunks, suitable for a campfire.

Cultivating his mind had proved very useful, as tasks like this became easy to carry out, even allowing him multitask.

Sparks exited his finger and quickly lit the stacked woods. Noah didn't hesitate to unfold his consciousness at that point, before retrieving the inscription manual from his inventory.

He had started a few days ago, but hadn't made any real progress.

Most of the books pages contained diagrams on how beginners were to perform, but he never managed to conjure a shining line since he began, which was the bear minimum to start the full journey of becoming an inscription master.

According to the books explanation, the first step an individual had to take into learning inscriptions, was to listen to the energy around them.

Then when they learned that to a moderate level, they would need to condense the energy around them into an ink of sorts.

But the condensed energy would need to bear the Individual's will in order for it to function as they desired.

That was all that the first book spoke about, and Noah understood it fine, but had never managed to actually learn to listen like the book had explained.

There were even instructions on what thought process the conjurer had to lead at that point, and a breathing pattern which they had to practice in order to calm themselves long enough to be capable of listening.

Noah did all this, but nothing ever managed to happen. He found console in the writers words about some spending decades to achieve it that seemingly simple requirements, but still tried nonetheless.

A few hours passed and the sun eventually set, but he made no progress, causing for his disappointment.

He stored the book and returned Into his cultivation room to cultivate his core, which only lasted a few hours.

'I wonder why i even made a fire,' Noah thought after returning to the outside world.

By this point the sky had turned pitch black, and the 'moon' as Noah called it, wasn't present, nor were the stars. The night featured a totally black sky.

Noah feasted on the supplies in his inventory, and soon found himself gazing at the black sky.

The soft wind blowing on his skin at that view, made him feel nostalgic. He recalled multiple nights like this on Earth, and inevitably gave a reminiscing smile.

Noah felt himself begin to doze off at some point, but just before the darkness of sleep enveloped a significant portion of his mind; his unfolded consciousness Informed him of a foreign presence entering the small space it covered.

Noah immediately sat up to lay his eyes on the entity that had strayed into his domain, and he remained utterly stunned.

His eyes landed on a tall figure around 6ft3. The entity looked pale as even in the dark sky he could see their body seemingly shimmer, probably due to his fire.

The facial features of the existence looked masculine, and Noah felt surprised to find a beauty that closely neared his.

The entity had no upper clothes on, which allowed Noah gaze at a ripped body in a state of nigh-perfection, coupled with the long grey hair the entity sported, he almost wanted to worship them.

The last detail that told this strange existence to clearly not be human, was his pointy ears.

They resembled knives attached to his stunning face. Though for some reason Noah found them quite alluring

The duo stared at each other for a few seconds, as the entity looked clearly stunned, so did Noah.

"Shit!!," The entity exclamained in a language Noah didn't understand, before turning and dashing into the trees obscuring the valley behind them, and Noah quickly sprang up to give chase.

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