Universe Tales: Virtual Log of the Fallen One

Chapter 33: New Area

Chapter 33: New Area

Maria opened Lilah's [Status] and took a look at her updated stats.

[Lilah Lv. 8 Fallen Faerie

Rank: A

HP: 600/600

MP: 600/600

SP: 330/330

EXP: 7,500/12,000

ATK: 100 ~ 100

DEF: 450

M.ATK: 90

M.DEF: 450

STR: 50

AGI: 100

VIT: 180

INT: 180

LCK: 5

Growth Potential: 100

Satisfaction: 98/100

Favor: 100/100

Evolution: Possible

Requirements: Reach Lv. 50]

"Hmmm...That's pretty high! Looks like her stat points also get distributed by itself...how convenient~"

"Master, here's the loot."

[Acquired Direwolf Fang x1]

[Acquired Direwolf Pelt x1]

[Acquired Direwolf Claw x8]

[Acquired 20 Silver Coins]

Lilah came over to her and a dialogue box appeared in front of Maria that showed all the loot she acquired from killing the boss. Normally, she never cared to go around and touch the corpses of the monsters to pick up loot so Maria was pretty surprised to see this.

"Hey~ you could do that too? How nice~"

"Master, I could do a lot of things...you're just pretty clueless..."

"Ehehe~ let's get going then~"

Maria spread her wings and flew away.

Not far from where she was, a player popped his head out from behind a tree and glared angrily at her.

"Damn, if you were here then at least help us out!"


<Hey, Kris! You still alive? Is the boss still there? We're on our way back!>

"The boss is dead!"

<What? Whaddaya mean dead?!>

"Some bitch came swooping down from the skies and killed it in one blow! She was capitalizing on the fact we downed its HP to a quarter and just snuck in to steal the last hit!"

<What? Idiot! Did you forget?! If a boss is out of combat, its HP regens to full!>

"W-wait...you mean she"

<She insta-killed a boss level monster...>

"N-no way!"

<Kris, tail that girl! I want her! She'd be an asset to our guild when we establish it in the future!>

"B-boss...I...can't actually do that..."

<Huh?! Come again?>

"Well...she just flew off into the skies..."

<...Are you sure she was a player and not an NPC?>

"Of course I'm sure Boss! I saw the player indicator on top of her head as well as her name! I think it was...Maria or something."

<Maria huh...we need to investigate this girl, I want her in my guild! We better make a move before any of the other guilds take note of her!>

"Y-yes sir!"

<I don't care how you do it, Kris, I want you to try and tail her!>



As people were making plans on trying to rope her in, Maria was currently flying leisurely in the air alongside Lilah.

"Master, where are we going?"

"Well, since you've grown a few levels, I thought we should head in deeper into the forest! I wanna see what lies beyond this place~"


The two flew through the air and occasionally, Maria would fly down to see what kind of monsters were now inhabiting this part of the forest.

She still didn't understand the mechanics of the game so it was obvious she was going to be disappointed. The entirety of the forest was only populated by the same types of monsters she had encountered earlier on. The levels didn't range that far from the previous monsters so Maria didn't deem it worth it to engage them in battle.

Maria grew annoyed at seeing the same monsters over and over again so she just sped past the forest and quickly arrived at the other end.

What greeted her was a vast plain filled with ox-like creatures with large tusks protruding from their mouths.

[You have found the Lukor Plains! Rewarded: 10 Silver Coins and 10,000 exp]

"Woah! This is new! [Inspect]!"

[Tuskorr Lv. 30


HP: ???/???

MP: ???/???

Maria was too low leveled to gleam any significant information from using her [Inspect], but seeing the level 30 monster put her in a good mood.

"Alright! We can totally grind for levels here!" Maria cheered.

The monsters were only about double her level so it'd be a piece of cake for her. The level of all the Tuskorr in the area ranged from 30-35 depending on their ranking. Some were Common-Elite, while others were Uncommon-Elite, or just Rare ranked.

"Master, these guys look tough. So let me use my [Faerie Fire] first before you engage them, alright?"

"Sure, sure~"

'Goodness, I have such a carefree Master~ now let's see...let's go with that one!'

Lilah immediately aimed for one of the lower leveled monsters in the area. Once she debuffed one of the monsters, it turned to face her and it grunted in anger before charging.

"Oh yay, you lured one over! Nice one Lilah! Leave the rest to me!"

"Eh? Uhh, yeah, no sweat Master..."

She had unintentionally done that and didn't expect the monster to suddenly come charging at her. Lilah was even a little bit frightened, she felt an inexplicable sense of fear overwhelm her after the Tuskorr charged at her.

Lilah even froze up for a moment before her Master snapped her out of it with that carefree dialogue.

Lilah immediately understood that the fear that overwhelmed her was most likely one of the monster's skills, she was just about to inform her Master but was suddenly subjected to the awesome sight of a 3 meter large Tuskorr being catapulted into the air.

It was then she realized something very, very important.

"Ah, I see...No wonder she's like that...Master's strong..."

After the [Arc Swing] which Maria timed perfectly to interrupt the Tuskorr's charging skill, she chained it with her usual combo of [Calamity Cleave] followed up by [Gehenna's Eye] and a round of normal attacks.

Maria also took to the skies whenever she could to avoid the Tuskorr's charge and would only meet it head on when her [Arc Swing] was off cooldown.

Maria also noticed that she had somehow poisoned the monster, however she did remember about Lilah's other skill, [Enchant: Poison].

It didn't take very long until she killed the monster and earned a ton of exp for both herself and her pet.

[125,000 exp gained]

[Exp has been divided between you and your pet]

[Your pet [Lilah] has leveled up! Lv. 8 Lv. 12]

Maria looked around and saw the abundant field of monsters. She grinned happily and said, "Lilah! Lure in the next one! We're grinding all night long~"

"Yes, Master!"

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