Universal Power System

Chapter 68 Shops & Items

"Rhino," Mako said.

A smile quickly appeared on Paul's face again as he understood Mako's intention as he nodded his head as a form of saying 'yes'.

Mako and Bill were escorted back to the same rooms that they stayed in when Mako was knocked out during the Dark Raven tournament.

Bill went back to his room and Mako entered his own room. There was a neat and clean set of folded clothes placed on his bed which he very much appreciated considering he was still wearing the tight T-shirt that Jacob offered and the torn jeans from the guard uniform.

Mako quickly entered the bathroom and started to remove his bandages. Most of his injuries were healed and the remaining would be too since he could use his Recover skill to speed up the process.

After that, Mako proceeded to take a long and deserving shower. He turned on the hot water to the max, which didn't affect him so much since he was resistant to heat due to his ability.

Steam quickly filled the entire bathroom. Mako stood still under the constant stream of very hot water while his attention was elsewhere.

'Open System Interface' Mako commanded through his thoughts as the main menu of the system appeared in front of his line of sight.

The was an exclamation mark on several tabs but as usual, Mako proceeded to read the notifications first before delving into the details of the individual tabs.

[Notifications] ⓘ

[(13) Unread messages]

[10 Level 3 Opponents Have Been Defeated]

[+5000 EXP]

[15 Level 2 Opponents Have Been Defeated]

[+3000 EXP]

[Rage mode has been deactivated]

[The remaining Rage mode bar will be compensated to the user by the system]

[Since the Rage meter was completely full upon activation, the compensation reward is doubled]

[Compensation made: +20,000 EXP]

[Quest Completed!]

[Successfully execute operation jailbird and destroy the four warehouses (4/4)]

[Rewards: +25,000 EXP, 20 Bronze Tier Coins, Random Ability Skill]

[Choosing Random Skill]

[New Skill Learned: (D-Tier) Lightning Claw!] ⓘ

The boons weren't as huge as when Mako reached level 10 and the system had gone through an upgrade. Mako was at the point now that defeating level 2s and 3s wasn't giving him sufficient EXP increase and he would have to work a lot harder in order to be able to challenge higher-level ability users.

Mako checked his profile to see how far he was from going to the next level and he was just above halfway there.

'Open System Interface'

[User: Mako Grey]

[Health: 500/500] ⓘ

[Energy: 2000/2000] ⓘ

[EXP: 62200/102400] ⓘ

[Account: 20 Bronze Tier Coins] ⓘ

[Level 11] ⓘ

[Strength: 30 (+30) ] ⓘ

[Agility: 30 (+25) ] ⓘ

[Perception: 30] ⓘ

[Intelligence: 30] ⓘ

[Mentality: 30] ⓘ

[Stamina: 30 (+15) ] ⓘ

[Charisma: Locked] ⓘ

[Fortitude: 30] ⓘ

[Attribute Points: 3] ⓘ

He didn't get any attribute points from the rewards this time, so he would just have to rely on his daily tasks for a bit to stockpile attribute points, just in case he found himself in a serious pickle.

He did; however, get a new addition to his profile and that was the Account attribute. Mako focused on the information button to get more info to know exactly what this attribute had in store for him.

[Account] ⓘ

[The account attribute holds all the coins that the user owns and displays it conveniently on the profile tab. Since it has been termed an attribute, Attribute points do apply to it with a conversion rate of 1 Attribute point equal to 3 Bronze coins. (The conversion rate may change depending on different factors that the user has not discovered yet)]

Mako was expecting a simple explanation just like the rest of his attributes, but he was proven wrong yet again by the system as the system just introduced him to a way to make coins on his own just by doing daily quests.

He decided to hold off on checking the shop just yet because there was still another tab that he had not checked out.

Next, he opened his skills tab to see what the new lightning skill was all about. He was quite excited about this because this was his first D-Tier Ability-related skill and it was bound to be powerful.

(NEW!) [(D-Tier) Lightning Claw] ⓘ (Level 1)

[A decent attack from the Lightning Elemental Skill Tree, that coats the user's fist with a strong concentration of lightning and allows the user to swipe his hands like a claw and release 5 massive lightning arcs that resemble a claw mark and can travel up to 50 meters. To activate the skill, the user must continue to build up lightning on his desired hand for 10 seconds and then attack by simply swiping his hand. The lightning arcs deal massive damage and apply the 'Paralyzed' status effect for 30 seconds and the 'Stunned' status effect for 1 minute.]

[Requirements: Level 5 Lightning ability or higher]

[Attack: 100]

[Cost: 250 Energy]

"Wait, what!?" Mako shouted in anger. He just received a terrifying skill that would definitely aid him when tackling tougher opponents but his ability is not high-level enough to even cast the skill in the first place

Mako was majorly pissed at the system for this, as the system was dangling delicious treats in front of him but refusing to give him any.

After having an argument with himself about the system's weird reward, Mako felt defeated as he knew he could not change the system's mind and he just proceeded to check out the shop tab next.

The shop tab was also a salty topic for Mako because even after Mako had reached level 10 and unlocked the shop, he still couldn't access it. After all, the system told him that in order for the system to display items, he had to have some earned coins first which before the introduction to the account was not possible. After all, Mako hadn't received any high-level quest that could reward him with coins.

'Open Shop' Mako commanded the system and for the first time, Mako was going to see just what items were on display in the shop.

[Daily items] ⓘ

[Main Shop] ⓘ

[*********] (Locked) ⓘ

[*********] (Locked) ⓘ

[*********] (Locked) ⓘ

[*********] (Locked) ⓘ

[*********] (Locked) ⓘ


The shop tab was further broken down and displayed into a few different sub-tabs, but most of them were greyed out and their names were censored making it so that Mako could neither access them nor get an idea about them through their names.

Even the information button was greyed out meaning that Mako could not access any information about them at the moment.

Mako gave up trying and instead decided to focus on the two sub-tabs that weren't greyed out.

[Daily Items] ⓘ

[Daily Items restock daily at midnight and display 6 random items without considering the Shop or User Level. These items can be insanely overpowered relics or beginner tools, but it only matters if the user can purchase them while they are on display]

[Main Shop] ⓘ

[The main shop displays many different kinds of items ranging from items that the user has already come into contact with or consumed. Alongside that, the main shop also displays brand-new items that are acceptable within the Shop Level. The main shop refreshes after 14 days and include more and new items depending on the User's progression]

The two available sub-tabs of the shop were quite useful and Mako couldn't wait to see what items they had on display.

He first checked out the main shop and it had the same types of Low tier pills that Mako had consumed during his journey, each pill costing a bronze coin. Some F-Tier basic fighting skills weren't too impressive and cost 5 Bronze coins each.

There were also some weapons but none of them were Power weapons and they cost between 3-8 Bronze coins. There was only one power weapon display and it cost 30 Bronze coins.

The Power weapon was of the lowest tier and was a small blade. Mako already owned a great blade which helped him through quite a lot and he wasn't planning on replacing it anytime soon.

Nothing else really jumped out at him in the main shop and he was relieved to know that he now had an endless supply of the pills that he had consumed as long as he had coins in his account.

Mako then moved over to the Daily shop and what he saw there was quite breathtaking, to say the least.

-[Level 8 Wind Ability book] (2 Gold Coins) ⓘ

-[B Tier Fire Ability Skill book: Fire Dragon] (75 Silver Coins) ⓘ

-[High Tier Armourdrillo Armour set] (10 Silver Coins) ⓘ

-[High Tier Dwarf Elephant Mace] (2 silver Coins) ⓘ

-[2 Kg Bar of Hillorium] (25 Silver Coins) ⓘ

-[A Tier Shadow Ability Skill book: Dark Marking] (5 Gold Coins) ⓘ

Mako was about to fall in the shower from the amazing items that were on display in the Daily shop. Some of them were so high level that Mako could just forget about ever purchasing anything like that from the shop in the near future.

The more he looked at the beautiful items, the more envious he became, and he soon had to close the interface, or else he would have lost his mind. He turned off the shower and got dressed in preparation for dinner.

Mako had to keep resisting the urge of opening the Daily shop again and this was a big reminder for him that even though he had come a long way from where he began, there was still a long road ahead and he should never become too fond or overconfident of his strength.

*Knock!* *Knock!*

There was a knock on the door and Benson's voice came through," Sir, the dinner is ready to be served, please come with me to the dining area, the other guests are waiting."

Mako quickly put on the jacket that came with the outfit he was given and answered Benson, "Coming, Please wait a moment."

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