Universal Power System

Chapter 226 Fated Meeting (Part 3)

Mako and Sir Derek both stared at each other. Mako was wearing some regular clothes that he changed into before leaving, and they were one of the new ones he purchased after making money from winning in fights.

The clothes were made from a good fabric that was water-repellant so even though it was raining outside, Mako was still mostly dry.

On the other side, Sir Derek was standing in a messy apron and wearing a baker's hat. He had batter smeared all over him and patches of dough stuck in multiple areas. He had a mixing bowl in his hand and was currently whisking some egg whites.

Sir Derek was the first to break the silence as he quickly coughed and moved back to the kitchen to quickly clear up all the mess he had made before Mako could see it.

However, it was a desperate and unsuccessful attempt as Mako moved toward the kitchen to see the horror inside the kitchen.

Raw flour was spilled all over the floor, the countertops were filthy with broken eggs, spilled sugar, and syrups, Milk was boiling out of the pots on the countertops, and the smell of burnt food was very strong.

Mako had a natural response of fear after seeing the kitchen, thinking that Sir Derek was going to kill him, it took a moment for his brain to register that the whole kitchen was a mess because of Sir Derek who was trying to hide all the evidence to save himself from embarrassment.

[Dash has been activated]

Mako activated his dash skill to get a boost in agility as rushed into the kitchen. He started by turning off all the burners so that the milk would stop bubbling over; next, he shut down all the mixers that were moving too fast and were responsible for all the sticky pieces of dough stuck on different surfaces.

He put all the burnt croissants and other pieces of bread into a trash bag and properly disposed of them out back in the dumpster, and lastly, he grabbed the cleaning supplies out of the janitor's closet, and quickly mopped the floors, cleaned the counters, and put all the ingredients back into their original storage.

Sir Derek was left shocked after Mako sped around the entire kitchen fixing all the mess that he had made in around 20 minutes, leaving the kitchen squeaky clean just like it used to be after Mako worked every shift there.

"Man, Sir Derek, you really did a number on this place," Mako said as he finished putting the last of the sugar back into its container. "What were doing cooking in here all by yourself, where are all the other workers?"

For the first time in his life did he watch Sir Derek's face go red with embarrassment as he didn't know how to respond?

"Well... I... Ummm... The workers collectively took the day off without giving any kind of notice and it just left me alone to manage this whole place myself, and I... Well, I... Uhhh... You know..." Sir Derek replied in a quiet voice which Mako thought was scientifically impossible considering it was Sir Derek.

"Forget about me! How are you here? Weren't you supposed to be gone for the recruitment test? It isn't supposed to end so early. Did you get disqualified?!" Sir Derek asked in his regular heavy voice trying to change the subject.

"Calm down, Sir Derek, everything is fine. I didn't get disqualified or anything like that," Mako replied with a smile as he understood Sir Derek's cleverness. "Why don't you clean up and we can talk all about it,"

The two of them made their back to the front of the bakery and after Sir Derek had cleaned up, they both took a seat on one of the tables, and Mako proceeded to tell him everything that had happened during the recruitment and why he was back home early.

Even though the recruitment test was over, the cadets hadn't come home yet because many of them were injured and needed medical attention.

Based on which class they qualified for or didn't at all they would have to take an orientation by the military in which they would be given further instructions on how to proceed and whatnot which usually takes up to a week.

Mako was busy munching away the Danish pastries that Sir Derek had served him along with a large cup of really good dark roasted coffee which was absolutely perfect, especially in the rainy weather.

Sir Derek was blown away by the achievements and stories Mako told him about his time during the recruitment test and was subconsciously behaving like a proud father who was watching his son do something amazing.

Mako told him about all the privileges he will receive as part of the special task force and that he hadn't forgotten the promise that he had made to Sir Derek about finding out what happened to his daughter which brought real tears to Sir Derek's eyes.

"Mako, my boy, I always wanted a son but I didn't get the opportunity to raise one, but then one day the opportunity presented itself by you showing up at my shop four years ago, asking for a job." Sir Derek said as he completely dropped his bossy facade and should his true feelings and emotions.

"Even though all my instincts told me to just shoo you away, there was just something in your eyes that made me want to hire you. You were such a horrible cook in the beginning and I often times questioned my sanity about me letting you continue to worm her, but there was just something in my heart that just didn't want to let you go." Sir Derek said.

"I began seeing you as my own son and after I found out that you were living completely on your own, I wanted to be the one to raise you, teach you disciple and the importance of hard work, and be a key figure in your life so that you would never be totally alone." Sir Derek continued.

"I know I wasn't the best parental figure nor the best boss, but I really did view you as my own son and now you have grown and become a far stronger and better man than I ever could and I hope you can forgive me for all the rough times I put you through," Sir Derek finished.

At this point, Mako's eyes were also getting teary as he thought that the time when Sir Derek asked him for a favor to find his daughter was his true emotions, but seemed like he was still holding some back as the person in front of him was completely unrecognizable to Sir Derek he knew.

Mako's heart swelled with emotion as he listened to Sir Derek's heartfelt words. He had never expected such vulnerability and sincerity from the usually gruff and strict baker.

He wiped away a tear that escaped his eye and reached across the table, placing his hand on Sir Derek's trembling one.

"Sir Derek, you don't have to apologize for anything. You were more than just a boss to me. You were the father figure I never had," Mako said, his voice filled with gratitude and love.

"You took a chance on me when no one else would, and you taught me so much more than just cooking," Mako added.

Mako's voice grew softer as he continued, "You've been there for me through thick and thin, you fed me every single day and you always gave me great advice on so many things."

He paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts before he continued, "And as for finding your daughter, I want you to know that it's not just a favor to you, but a personal mission for me. I will search everywhere, and follow every lead until I find her. I promise you, Sir Derek."

Mako's eyes met Sir Derek's, conveying his determination and unwavering resolve. "You've been a shining light during my darkest time, and now it's my turn to be there for you. I'll find your daughter, and I won't stop until I do."

Sir Derek's eyes shimmered with tears as he nodded, a mix of gratitude and hope lighting up his face. "Thank you, Mako. Thank you for being the son I never had. I believe in you, and I know that you'll bring her back to me. Just promise me that you'll stay safe."

Mako smiled warmly, a flicker of determination in his eyes. "I promise, Sir Derek. I'll stay safe,"

As they sat there, their hands still intertwined, Mako felt a deep sense of purpose and renewed strength.

After some time, Mako and Sir Derek composed themselves again, and this time Mako asked about what Sir Derek was doing in the kitchen.

For as long as Mako had known Sir Derek, he had never seen him cook once. He would always explain the techniques and the recipe and would observe the cooking to ensure it was up to standard, but he had never cooked himself in front of his workers.

It turned out that all those techniques and recipes were his wife's and he just had a good enough memory watching her work that he could easily manage and teach the workers how to cook, but he really didn't have much experience cooking himself which led to the disaster that Mako walk in.

After sharing a laugh together, Mako thought that Sir Derek had suffered enough for one night and offered to work one last shift with him together before he returned back to the military base to start his new adventure.

Sir Derek was reluctant at first but after Mako persuaded him a bit, Sir Derek finally gave in and allowed him to work while thanking the gods internally for saving him.

The two spent the night in the kitchen making batches of many different kinds of bread and pastries in preparation for the morning rush.

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